Social media is more than a trend—it’s an increasingly popular and powerful tool for generating referrals to your dental practice. That’s why, at Officite, we design and implement dental social media marketing plans that take the power of networks like Facebook, Twitter and blogging and use it to increase the impact of your online presence.

Our dental social media marketing plans can improve your reputation, boost referrals and lead to better patient service and higher search rankings. Our social media services include:

  • Designing and managing Facebook, Twitter and blogging pages
  • Adding social media buttons to your website
  • Seamlessly Integrating social media efforts with website and blog

Blog Marketing for Your Dental Practice

When you’re busy running your practice, you don’t have time to devote to blogging and social media—that’s why Officite is here to do it for you. We’ll handle all the details of managing your blog, from posting regular search optimized content to integrating it with your website and social media profiles. We’ll add value for users through interesting articles and helpful tips that not only draw them in but encourage them to tell their friends, leading to viral growth and increased patients.

A New, Turnkey Social Media Solution for Dentists

For the dentist who doesn’t have time to manage social media, Officite’s new Social Media 2.0 will help you every step of the way.

  • Personalized Facebook Page with customized Welcome Page
  • Oral health stories featuring top celebrities, such as Carrie Underwood & Jillian Michaels automatically populate your blog and Facebook Page
  • Display sign for your office to help promote your social presence
  • Monthly training for your practice with tips and how-to’s for maximizing your social network
  • Plus More!

Reasons Dental Social Media Marketing Works

  • A quality blog sets your practice up as a leader in your field, giving new and existing patients confidence in your expertise
  • Posting on blogs, twitter, Facebook and other social platforms lifts your search engine rankings
  • Positive patient reviews in the world of social media create trusted, highly effective press about your practice, reaching friends of friends of patients, leading to very powerful referrals

Technical Insights: Find out more about how blogs and social media work