Donald Trump's climate decision won't stop shift to clean energy in Australia

Telstra's head of Energy, Ben Burge, says the cost of building renewable energy projects is coming down
Telstra's head of Energy, Ben Burge, says the cost of building renewable energy projects is coming down Supplied

Just as president Donald Trump was announcing a US withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate on climate change, two Melbourne energy executives were preparing to announce the boldest renewable energy proposal Australia has yet seen.

Andy Evans and Terry Kallis formed Offshore Energy to embark on a three year feasibility study into building an $8 billion, 2000 megawatt wind farm in Bass Strait, off the coast of Gippsland, Victoria.

Of course, they have a log way to go, and it is possible the giant wind farm - which would be Australia's first offshore - will never be built.

Yet the proposal is one more piece of evidence that the energy revolution that is transforming Australia's power grid from a centralised, coal power dependant electricity market into a decentralised network that exploits a variety of low emissions energy sources is unstoppable - by Donald Trump, One Nation's Malcolm Roberts or anyone else.

The speed of the transformation and its unintended consequences - higher and more volatile power prices, supply squeezes and blackouts - have sent policymakers into overdrive. Next Friday Chief Scientist Alan Finkel delivers a report on energy stability to the governments.

On Friday the Climate Change Authority and Australian Energy Markets Corporation released their own input into the Finkel report, including a finding that stop-start government policy uncertainty has added $27-$40 per megawatt hour to the price of power.

The Authority makes a recommendation - not supported by the AEMC - that the Renewable Energy Target be expanded into a Low Emissions Target to allow other low emissions technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) of emissions from coal and gas power or heavy industry to be subsidised by the scheme. On Tuesday the Turnbull government expanded the remit of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to include CCS.

Whether any of this can save heavy industry is another question. This week executives from Glencore's top executive responsible fo the Mt Isa copper smelter, the boss of Rio Tinto's Tomago smelter and other energy intensive industrialists bemoaned the loss of their main competitive advantage apart from proximity to ore bodies - access to cheap, subsidised coal power.

The lure that brought their footloose capital to Australia in the nation building 1960s, 1970s and 1980s is gone, and likely won't return. New smelter investment is migrating to cheap, low carbon energy, such as hydro in the Congo, or geothermal in Iceland, to reduce carbon risk, says Bruce Mountain, principal of energy consultants CME.

The planned site for Offshore Energy's proposed 2000 megawatt offshore wind farm, off the coast of Gippsland, Victoria
The planned site for Offshore Energy's proposed 2000 megawatt offshore wind farm, off the coast of Gippsland, Victoria Offshore Energy

One day, when the developed world has moved to low carbon energy, Australia will regain its competitive edge in energy, says economist and energy expert Ross Garnaut, because of our abundance of wind, sun and land.


Meanwhile, smelters and other energy intensive industries look sunk, and governments will have to try and ease the local communities trough the transition to clean energy world or new industries.

Still, energy policy is in flux with the Finkel review of energy stability due next Friday. They might get a reprieve from the Turnbull government's expansion of the Clean Energy Council's mandate to include carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects for power stations and carbon heavy plants, and from a likely recommendation of the Finkel review - conversion of the Renewable Energy Target to a Low Emissions Energy Target.

Energy policy is in flux with the Finkel review of energy stability due next Friday.
Energy policy is in flux with the Finkel review of energy stability due next Friday. Alex Ellinghausen

A LEET would make clean energy certificates - renewable energy certificates are currently $78/MWh - available to CCS projects, making it easier to invest. But clean coal technologies haven't attracted much investment in Australia because they are costly, and time is running out for them to prove their viability.

Meanwhile, evidence that Australia's energy transition is gathering pace continues to pile up.

Telstra agreed to bankroll a $100 million, 70MW solar farm in northern Queensland with RS Group of the US and buy the energy produced by the panels at an undisclosed price. Telstra also said it would enter the National Electricity Market as a supplier of peak demand response services - making available surplus energy in batteries and diesel generators in its exchanges - to help avoid blackouts, as well as a power purchaser.

Investment in renewable energy reached record levels in 2016, and the pace has continued to accelerate this year. A slew of ever larger - and ever cheaper MW for MW - wind and solar projects have been unveiled. The standout has been Origin Energy's sale of the Stockyard Hill wind farm to China's Goldwind last month with a deal to buy back the power for less than $55 per megawatt hour - or about half the wholesale price in the NEM.

When the developed world has moved to low carbon energy, Australia will regain its competitive edge in energy, says ...
When the developed world has moved to low carbon energy, Australia will regain its competitive edge in energy, says economist and energy expert Ross Garnaut, because of our abundance of wind, sun and land. Vince Caligiuri

The Stockyard Hill deal shows how rapidly prices for renewable energy are falling. Not long ago they were $70-80/MWh for wind, and more for solar.

Now the price of energy generated by large solar projects is chasing the price of wind energy downwards and even threatening to cross over, says the head of Telstra's energy division, Ben Burge. He hinted that the price at which Telstra will buy energy from the RES solar farm is not far above the new benchmark set by Stockyard Hill.


In a little noticed turn of events, the futures curve for wholesale electricity in the eastern states of Victoria, NSW and Queensland has turned down in the month from the eyewatering levels struck during February's heatwave through to the scheduled closure of Victoria's Hazelwood brown coal power station in late March.

Power for delivery in NSW in June 2018 was priced at about $117/MWh on May 2, and about $107/MWh on June 2. In Victoria it declined from about $128/MWh to about $123/MWh, and in Queensland from about $108 to about $103. Prices for later delivery fall steadily from there, converging around $60-80/MWh by 2021.

These are still uncomfortably high prices - next year's prices are double their levels of only a couple of years ago. But the declines are telling us there could be some light at the end of the tunnel. Burge reckons it's the market taking its cue from the lower prices at which virtually each successive major wind or solar power project is able to supply power.

"The cost of building these projects is coming down. We are now seeing capital being released on these projects and the RES project is one of them," Burge tells AFR Weekend.

As well, more non-energy corporates like Telstra are writing long term power purchase agreements but also exploiting changes in the electricity market to unlock value from their own idle energy assets. Telstra has "100s of megawatts" of diesel generators and batteries in its exchanges. Their first job is to ensure Telstra's energy supply but once that is assured, they can be offered to the market at times of extreme demand to curb prices and avoid blackouts, Burge says.

The Clean Energy Council reported that almost $7 billion worth of clean energy projects were progressed last year and started construction in 2017. This represents 3150 megawatts in new generation - about half of what's needed to meet the large-scale Renewable Energy Target, Clean Energy Council chief Kane Thornton said.

Already this year more than $3 billion in new investment has been unlocked.


"It's boom time for large-scale renewable energy. With only a few years remaining to meet the large-scale part of the RET, 2017 is set to be the biggest year for the industry since the iconic Snowy Hydro Scheme was finished more than half a century ago," says Thornton.

"We are now seeing capital being released on these projects and the RES project is one of them," Burge tells AFR Weekend.
"We are now seeing capital being released on these projects and the RES project is one of them," Burge tells AFR Weekend. Supplied

"The business case is helped by Bloomberg New Energy Finance analysis which confirms renewable energy is now the cheapest type of new power generation that can be built in Australia, undercutting the skyrocketing price of gas and well below new coal - and that's if it's possible to find investors willing to take a high-stakes punt on a new coal plant, which seemed unlikely at the beginning of 2017."

One of the biggest drivers of growth in renewable energy investment was the plunging cost of large-scale solar which contributed to a 25 per cent increase in solar power production. Battery storage is expected to play a big role in the future, according to Thornton, but it's not quite there yet.

The Clean Energy Council report found about 17,500 gigawatt hours of renewable energy was generated in 2016 - about half-way towards achieving the 2020 RET of 23.5 per cent or 33,000 gigawatts hours.

Department of Environment and Energy figures show fossil fuels were still the dominant form of electricity in Australia, accounting for 84 per cent of all generation in 2016, a decrease of just 1.5 per cent from 2015.

Coal accounted for 63 per cent of total generation last year while renewable sources contributed 16 per cent, an increase of 17 per cent. The largest source of renewable generation was hydro (7 per cent), followed by wind (5 per cent) and solar (3 per cent).

Mineral Council of Australia chief executive Brendan Pearson says the figures confirmed coal remained the "undisputed, low-cost mainstay of Australian power generation".

"It also underlines why, as some aging coal generation retires, we need to replace that plant with the new super-efficient coal generation with a much lower carbon footprint," he said.


"It's boom time for large-scale renewable energy," says Clean Energy Council chief Kane Thornton.
"It's boom time for large-scale renewable energy," says Clean Energy Council chief Kane Thornton. Wayne Taylor

But Bloomberg New Energy Finance's Australian head Kobad Bhavnagri says the march towards renewable investment was inevitable in both Australia and across the world, regardless of the US President Donald Trump's decision to pull the world's biggest emitter out of the Paris climate accord.

"Trump cannot change energy economics. The simple explanation is renewables are a compelling economic proposition," he says. "They are cheaper than new-built fossils in many parts of the world, including Australia. It's the cheapest source of new electricity generation so you're going to try and build new renewables first and they are also future proof."

Bloomberg New Energy Finance has predicted renewable energy will rise to 39 per cent of Australia's energy mix by 2030, while fossil fuels will slip to 61 per cent, irrespective of any new policy that may come of out of the Finkel Review. Bhavnagi says there has been $1.61 billion invested in large-scale renewable projects in Australia so far in 2017, not including small projects, against total clean energy investment of $4.6 billion last year.

"The direction of technology is very clear. The direction of politics is always volatile and shaky, but in the long-term any rationale person would think the politics has to gravitate towards where science and economics is heading as well. Anything Trump does is really fiddle at the margins."

David Rowe