What’s at Stake in the Health Care Debate?

Our #healthseries was conceived and collected throughout 2016 at time when the Obama administration was winding down, and before the ascent of Trump or the more recent rumblings of the right in Europe. For workers...

Interview on Gender Strike ICE Action in SF

On March 8th, revolutionary anti-capitalist feminists and anarchists organized an autonomous action that drew hundreds of people together in San Francisco, CA. While groups and organizations tied to the Democratic Party held passive rallies,...

Portland, OR: Anarchists Are Fixing Potholes On City Streets

Anarchists in Portland, Oregon have taken to the streets - to fix the roads! Proclaiming that "We Will Fix the Roads," anarchists are fixing potholes on city streets and reporting on it on social...

Total War on Liberal Nationalism and its Tacky-Ass Yard Signs

While self-organized groups of oppressed folks and militants have been hitting the streets against deportations, the travel ban, and the alt-right since day one of the Trump Regime (and long before that, obviously), liberal...

Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer gets Another Home Demo

On the 11th of March, DC area antifacists assembled at Market Square in Alexandria, VA before marching on the King St home of neo-Nazi leader Richard Spencer. He runs a headquarters for area neo-Nazis...

Wells Fargo Executive’s Virginia Beach Mansion Visited

In the witching hour of March 11th, we crept from the shade across the street from the Virginia Beach oceanfront mansion of Elizabeth Duke, Vice Chair of Wells Fargo. As we all know, Wells...

The Savage Peace: Democracy’s 2500 Years of Failure and the Legacy of Global Civil...

Introduction “I might compare myself to a person who, on beholding beautiful animals either created by the painter’s art, or, better still, alive but at rest, is seized with a desire to see them in...

Sacramento, CA: “CHP= Nazi Sympathizers” Graffiti

Spotted on Highway 80 in Sacramento close to Cal Expo. CHP, shame shame, we know your name. Only several miles away from the capitol where you protected neo-Nazis, a mosque was attacked and vandalized. For...

Call for Submissions for “Learning From Standing Rock” Project

Hey! This is a call for submissions of texts about strategic lessons that can be learned from the resistance at Standing Rock. As one phase of the resistance has ended and another has begun,...

Anathema Volume 3 Issue 2

Volume 3 Issue 2 (PDF for printing 11 x 17) Volume 3 Issue 2 (PDF for reading 8.5 x 11) In this issue: On the Women’s Strike Prison Update Point-Counterpoint: $$$ Spring Ahead, Bounce Back, Fall...