Bloc Party

Bloc Party is an ongoing column that looks at State repression, counter-insurgency, prisons, political prisoners, as well as what people are doing to resist them.

Bloc Party: May All Your Punches Hit Nazis

There is no denying that we are in perilous times. The reality that is developing around us looks much more like a resistance than a social club. Potlucks and kickball games that taunt the...

Bloc Party: We’re Going to Need Our Ghosts

This last year was just long. We lost friends, lovers and comrades. We saw how beautifully connected and interdependent our relationships to one another actually are, for better and for worse. Our friends are...

Bloc Party: Out in the Cold

Originally published to It's Going Down As the cold weather rolls in, we are left this week thinking of folks up in North Dakota, where there are an estimated 7,000 people camping out in the cold....

Bloc Party: The Road Ahead

Originally published to It's Going Down Well friends, it finally fucking happened right? That same thing so many have been saying was impossible. We don't need to go into the back and forth about who is to...

Bloc Party: From Pipelines to Prison Cells

Originally published to It's Going Down Last week things greatly intensified in North Dakota at the #NoDAPL encampments at Standing Rock, with state violence escalating and resistance as resilient as ever. There are calls for more...

Bloc Party: Interview with Feminist Skate Crew BRUJAS

Originally posted to It’s Going Down We have been dropping not so subtle hints in our column over the last couple of months that we would be adding new types of content through Bloc Party. We...

Bloc Party: Whether Together or Alone

Originally published to It's Going Down This past weekend we had the opportunity to sit in the woods with about 50 folks, mostly anarchists, engaged in prison organizing across North America. This is the 6th year...

Bloc Party: Interview with Firehawk of Unstoppable

Originally posted to It's Going Down We've been busy, as it seems many of you have. At the end of the Summer we mentioned that we were working on new kinds of content for Bloc Party...

Bloc Party: From All Sides

Originally posted to It's Going Down As of tonight, the prison strike has entered into its second week. All of the news is pouring in like a tidal wave. The amount of solidarity actions across the...

Bloc Party: Riots, Strikes, and Occupations

Originally posted to It's Going Down Word is starting to trickle in as the nationally coordinated prison strike kicked off on Friday. From Holman prison in Alabama this word was received: 12:01 Sept 9th, all inmates at...