Authors Posts by SubVersiones


SubVersiones is a Spanish-language independent media outlet in Mexico. We position ourselves against capitalism, electoral politics, racism and patriarchy. We prefer to walk towards horizons of autonomy, freedom and dignity, as laid out by many peoples throughout this country and world.

A Constellation of Struggles in Zapatista Lands

The following is a "chronicle and reflection after the First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle" organized by Zapatista women and held in Chiapas, Mexico from March 8-10....

Mexico: We are the Cracks, They are the Collapse

In exceptional times, phenomena that are normally considered marginal become essential and delineate the common of an epoch. We are living in one of those times. — Insurrectionary Fragments, Marcello Tari It is enough just...

Mexico: From North to South, the Obstacles and Harassment of the Prison System

Celia Zambrano and Ana María Castillo, the mothers of prisoners Luis Fernando Sotelo Zambrano and Fernando Bárcenas Castillo, as well as the "Free Luis Fernando" campaign held a press conference on July 28 to...

Mexico: Indigenous Community Rejects Imposition of Ballots and Police

On Tuesday, May 16, 2017, residents of Amilcingo, Morelos held a press conference to denounce interference in the elections for auxiliary municipal authorities by electoral authorities and the local government, controlled by the Institutional...