- published: 04 Mar 2007
- views: 11039971
Asturias (English /ɑːˈstʊəriəsˌ ə-/; Spanish: [asˈtuɾjas]; Asturian: Asturies [asˈtuɾjes]), officially the Principality of Asturias (Spanish: Principado de Asturias; Asturian: Principáu d'Asturies), is an autonomous community in north-west Spain. It is coextensive with the province of Asturias, and contains some of the territory that was part of the larger Kingdom of Asturias in the Middle Ages. Divided into eight comarcas (counties), the autonomous community of Asturias is bordered by Cantabria to the east, by Castile and León to the south, by Galicia to the west, and by the Bay of Biscay to the north.
The most important cities are the communal capital, Oviedo (Uviéu or Uvieo), the seaport and largest city Gijón (Xixón), and the industrial town of Avilés. Other municipalities in Asturias include Cangas de Onís (Cangues d'Onís), Cangas del Narcea, Gozón, Grado (Grau or Grao), Langreo (Llangréu), Llanera, Laviana (Llaviana), Lena (Ḷḷena), Llanes, Mieres, Siero, Valdés, Vegadeo (A Veiga) and Villaviciosa (see also List of municipalities and comarcas in Asturias).
Isaac Manuel Francisco Albéniz y Pascual (Spanish pronunciation: [iˈsak alˈβeniθ]; 29 May 1860–18 May 1909) was a Spanish pianist and composer best known for his piano works based on folk music idioms. Transcriptions of many of his pieces, such as Asturias (Leyenda), Granada, Sevilla, Cadiz, Cordoba, Cataluña, and the Tango in D, are important pieces for classical guitar, though he never composed for the guitar. The personal papers of Albéniz are preserved, among other institutions, in the Biblioteca de Catalunya.
Born in Camprodon, province of Girona, to Ángel Albéniz (a customs official) and his wife, Dolors Pascual, Albéniz was a child prodigy who first performed at the age of four. At age seven, after apparently taking lessons from Antoine François Marmontel, he passed the entrance examination for piano at the Paris Conservatoire, but he was refused admission because he was believed to be too young. By the time he had reached 12, he had made many attempts to run away from home.
Asturias - Isaac Albeniz
Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz
Andrés Segovia - Asturias
ISAAC ALBÉNIZ- ASTURIAS Luis Fernando Pérez, piano
Sharon Isbin - Asturias
Marcin Patrzalek - Asturias (Isaac Albeniz) - Solo Acoustic Guitar
Asturias vista por National Geographic I
10 pueblos bonitos de Asturias
Spot 45” Campaña 2017 "Vuelve al Paraíso. Ven a Asturias"
Asturias(Leyenda) - Isaac Albeniz played by John Williams
Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz. Visit us: http://www.siccasguitars.com
Music video by Sharon Isbin performing Asturias. (C) 2011 Sony Music Entertainment
"Asturias" composed by Isaac Albeniz rearranged and performed by 16yr old Marcin Patrzalek. It's a single from Marcin's debut album ‚HUSH' ➤ Guitar Tabs and Music available on: http://marcinpatrzalek.com ➤ Marcin's debut album 'HUSH' available worldwide on: http://marcinpatrzalek.com & iTunes Like Marcin Patrzalek on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatrzalekGuitar Marcin's website: http://marcinpatrzalek.com Video by 'ColorCore Video Studio’ https://www.facebook.com/colorcorevideos/ — Every like and share is much appreciated!
Recorrido por los pueblos de Asturias con mayor encanto. Más info https://www.desdeasturias.com/pueblos-bonitos-de-asturias/
La esencia natural de Asturias en 45 segundos para televisión e internet. La sociedad actual se ha desnaturalizado: jornadas interminables, estrés, atascos, comida rápida… Date un tiempo: Vuelve a lo natural, a la armonía. Vuelve a respirar, a ser libre. Vuelve a comer bien, a descubrir algo nuevo, a comenzar una aventura. Vuelve a correr, a disfrutar, a sentirte vivo. #VuelvealParaíso. ¡Ven a Asturias! https://www.turismoasturias.es
Viajar en familia y viajar con niños es genial ¿No crees? Hoy queremos viajar con niños por España, concretamente a Asturias. Asturias es un lugar maravilloso para viajar con niños. Sus playas, sus montañas, su clima fresco, su gastronomía y sus gentes son la excusa perfecta para ir de vacaciones a Asturias. Nuestro Hotel: http://www.hotelcasadecampo.es
Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TravelAndDiscover1 ------------------------------------------------ Oviedo is the capital city of the Principality of Asturias in northern Spain and the administrative and commercial centre of the region. It is also the name of the municipality that contains the city. The city lends its name to the sudarium of Oviedo a religious relic revered there since the 9th century.
While the Mediterranean coast of Spain is more popular, here you have 12 great reasons to visit the northern coast. We travelled through the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia following the northern route of El Camino de Santiago. This video was produce in collaboration with the Spain tourism board, the tourism boards of Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias, Galicia and The Travel Mob. http://www.spain.info/en_GB/ http://www.basquecountry-tourism.com http://cantabriaspain.co.uk/home https://www.turismoasturias.es http://www.turismo.gal/portada?langId=en_US http://www.thetravelmob.com Music: Spanish Summer by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://audionautix.com/ STAY CONNECTED HERE...
Visits the Spanish provinces of Asturias and Cantabria, and displays some of the 19,000-year-old paintings in the Cave of Altamira. The segment also exhibits the mountains, seafood industry, and architecture of the city of San Vicente.
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Santa Maria del Naranco church, which was originally a royal palace of the Asturian kings. Built in 848 AD, this shrine was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of Oviedo's most important heritage sites. Our tour continued back in the city where we had a look at the brand new convention centre that is currently being built according to designs by famous Spanish architect Santia...
All of Asturias in one contemporary minute
This video contains the following topics: Exuberant Nature: sea and mountains. Varied landscape Great historical legacy:rich monumental heritage. Tasty northern gastronomy. Modern cities of medium and small size. Friendly people. Traditions, ethnographic heritage, folklore and own language, mythology.... University with tradition and prestige. Landmarks: Covadonga Cultural elements: Symbols, Language, Rituales, Values, Artifacts. Sociocultural aspects: History, History, Art, Heritage, Geography, Leisure, Tourism, Gastronomy.
After my brief early morning photo safari around the old downtown of Oviedo on May 25, 2010, I met my local expert tour guide, Liliana Ausin, who started to introduce me to the capital of Asturias. Liliana is an expert on Asturian history and culture. We first drove up a picturesque mountain to see two of Oviedo's famous pre-Romanesque churches: San Miguel del Lillo and the even more well-known Santa Maria del Naranco church, which was originally a royal palace of the Asturian kings. Built in 848 AD, this shrine was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of Oviedo's most important heritage sites. Our tour continued back in the city where we had a look at the brand new convention centre that is currently being built according to designs by famous Spanish architect Santia...
http://www.twitter.com/grahunt with another video in our 100 Reasons to Live In Spain series. This time we look at the natural paradise that is Asturias. Very different to the rest of Spain and totally spectacular in terms of food and drink, landscape, lifestyle and entertainment. Spain may be different but Asturias is even more different and well worth a visit. Background music by Kevin McLoed
Asturias - España • GoPro 100% material de archivo • 2016 • Viajes • HD SUSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/EqJ3e4 *SOCIAL MEDIA: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/theworldrider INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/albertogarciark/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AlbertoGarciark CONTACT ME: Albertogarciadlf@gmail.com *INFO: En 2016 llevamos nuestra GoPro de viaje para recorrer las ciudades, pueblos y paisajes de la comunidad Asturiana durante cuatro días. Entre las localidades visitadas destacan Covadonga, Cangas de Onís y Oviedo. Además de visitar los monumentos y paisajes de esta maravilla natural, probamos el Queso de Cabrales, la Sidra y sus cachopos. Nos ubicamos en un hotel céntrico Husa Santo Domingo de Vigo. Entre las actividades deportivas, nos animamos a practicar senderismo por los lagos ...
Un caballo paso por su cuenca minera
borracho y vino a mi vera
tiñiendo de marron la roja sangre
de su puro corazon
y hoy te dedico este canto
que asi entre dolor y llanto
a la gente que cayo
Mis 24 primaveras, mucho viaje por el mundo
y si el comparar no es justo
dire que no hay comparacion
pues no hay mejor sensacion
que respirar bien profundo
cuando pasas el Negron
Contemplar sus verdes prados
resguardarme en sus tejados de su orbayo agotador
y hacer caso a Don Pelayo
luchando con pundonor
pues mientras nos queden piedras
lo que nos sobra es valor
Porque Asturias es mi patria
y sincera es su bandera
Covadonga la santina
mas bonita de la tierra
Yo bajaba en piragua el descenso del Sella
Donde encontre una botella
y al abrir el tapon salio un mensaje
escrito en negro carbon
era el mapa de un tesoro
justo encima habia un mar
justo abajo habia un Leon
Y no es por tirarnos flores
señoritas y señores
pero to buen asturiano
no sabe de rendicion
pues tenemos los cojones
de un tamaño que va a corde
al de nuestro corazon
Contemplar sus verdes prados
resguardarme en sus tejados de su orbayo agotador
y hacer caso a Don Pelayo
luchando con pundonor
pues mientras nos queden piedras
lo ke nos sobra es valor
Porque Asturias es mi patria y sincera es su bandera,
Covadonga es la santina que en mi piel yo tatue
porque Asturias es mi patria y sincera es su bandera,
Covadonga la santina mas bonita ..
De la tierra de los sueños del trabajador minero
si provaste su manzana te enganchara su veneno
de los golfos como yo de los cielos como tu
el jardin de Adan y Eva staba en territorio Astur
Y esque tengo un sntimiento, esos que llevas tan adentro
cuanto mas lejos estoy mas asturiano me siento
Fernando Alonso primero coronado rey del viento cuando se sube en el buga tiene el mismo sentimiento