
Don't Vote - Prepare the Resistance

For years the world capitalist system has been in economic crisis. No matter what policies various governments have tried (from increased spending, to privatisation and letting the banks speculate on anything and everything) this crisis has not gone away. It got worse in 2007-8 when the speculative bubble fuelled by the banks burst. We have been paying the consequences ever since. Despite talk of a recent recovery, real incomes of the majority have continued to fall.

Against Exploitation, Crisis and War - No War But the Class War!

May Day Statement of the Internationalist Communist Tendency on the current international situation and the challenges facing the working class a century after the Russian Revolution offered so much hope and brought so much despair.

The show must go on: a modest attempt to explain a world that has gone mad - Argelaga

An editorial published in November 2016 on the website of the journal, Argelaga, on the state of the “spectacle” after Trump’s election, claiming, among other things, that although recent trends indicate that “the spectacle of decomposition is not the decomposition of the spectacle”, in part because “the masses … only want to follow the person who assures them that their addiction to abundant consumption and security can continue”, “the end of the industrial cycle that began after the Second World War” nevertheless entails “constant outbreaks of resistance [that] indicate that, without too much memory and, therefore, with little lucidity, the struggle for emancipation continues”.

Obamaniaco- dépressif (réflexions d’un…) – Bernard Lyon

November 2008 article by Bernard Lyon on the election of Barack Obama.

The breakdown of a relationship? Reflections on the crisis - Endnotes

October 2008 text from Endnotes, not published in any of their issues.

Where are we in the crisis? - Théorie Communiste

2014 Théorie Communiste article on the continuing (post-2007) crisis, and its broader implications.

On the Line Vol. 3, No. 2 (May-June 1980)

The Vol. 3, No. 2 (May-June 1980) issue of On the Line, the monthly newsletter of the New York based Libertarian Workers Group.

Migrants: welcome to the class struggle

An article from the Internationalist Communist Tendency about the recent 'migrant crisis' in Europe.