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House Rules 2017: Troy and Bec's walk out ranks among TV's biggest meltdowns

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All the dramas, complete with tears, tantrums, break ups and make ups, has helped prop House Rules up after buckling ratings pressure.

It has been a slow build, similar to the contestants' talents at interior design, but House Rules has clawed its way back into the ratings after several lacklustre seasons, thanks largely to all its newfound blow ups.

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So a storm out of the Seven studios by House Rules contestants Troy and Bec will surely rope in even more metro viewers (and possibly win the night against Nine's The Voice in some cities) as the show begins a ratings ascent towards its grand finale.

"I just want to get out of this hole," said an angry Troy on Monday night's episode and his words were probably what House Rules producers once thought.

The show dropped its prize for the winners this season down to $200,000 from the cost of their mortgage, valued up to $520,000. It was still a significant sum of money but clearly a sign that Seven was nervous about the costly renovation show.

Producers have thrown everything at House Rules; contracting a highly watchable international design name like Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen (LLB for short, but whose cheque was probably almost as long as his name), recruiting some of the most vicious and ungrateful women on reality TV at the moment (such as Fiona and Nicole) and deploying plenty of inflammatory one-liners like grenades into any potentially dull critiques.


And it has slowly worked, with House Rules cracking the all-important 1 million metro-viewer mark twice last week. The show has boasted a 26,000-44,000 viewer growth week-on-week with a noticeable pick up in the ratings from May 10, when Troy and Bec briefly broke up and Fiona continued to make good on her promise not to make any friends on the show.

While Fiona and Nicole's catty comments and tantrums sometimes made for unbearable viewing, it has been car crash TV at its best. But the surprise villains have been Troy and Bec, whose pigheaded belief that they know design when everyone begs to differ has isolated them from the group.

So when they committed "The Judgement Day showstopper", as Seven liked to call it, with the signature My Kitchen Rules 'flashing a dark look' sound effect, you could hear producers rubbing their hands with glee.

Troy's early confidence about beating Nicole and Fiona in this week's all important scoring by home owners Sean and Ella clearly was a mistake and it wasn't "too easy. No competition" after all.

Ella's voiceover as they approached the house addressed what most of the contestants' complaints have been, so far, about the judging, "we're so lucky to be in this position and I think we are going to be grateful for anything we are given."

Viewers got reminded of Troy's promise to Bec during the dressing of their bonus room, which was meant to be a "Nordic" spare bedroom: "Babe if we get a fail on this I'll be filthy, I won't be able to contain myself."

"Our styling is just phenomenal – just everything we did this week," Troy told the cameras. This quickly deteriorated into cursing at Sean and Ella's critique of their bathroom. "Are they for real? Seriously? Wow."

But it wasn't harsh as far as judgements go, with Sean and Ella quickly toning it down with compliments about a big bath and shower and being "so lucky" compared to what they had.

Still the damage was done and it only got worse as the NSW battlers' study fitout, minus an animal hide chair, missed the mark with Sean and Ella.

It did not bode well for the all-important bonus room, "whoever has done this, I feel like we have their fate in our hands a little bit."

"They definitely know that we've done that room. For sure," Troy lamented since he and Bec gave dire scores to the couple (two points – "one per room" – from memory) for their home's renovation only one week before.

"We are feeling like crap," said Troy. "Massive, massive kick in the guts," agreed Bec.

"Troy you look like you're steaming, what did you think about the comments?" host Joh Griggs prodded for television's sake.

"I seem to think that they know we've done that zone, personally," Troy responded. But Aaron and Daniella jumped to the young couple's defense telling viewers their friends wouldn't have known and it was just Troy being "desperate".

So when the scores came in, with Fiona and Nicole tying with Troy and Bec on four points each, Troy laid it on heavy to the cameras: "A measly four, blow it out your arsehole and shove it where the sun don't shine."

When confronted with Sean and Ella, only to learn they failed their bonus room, Troy and Bec get into a bitter debate about the meaning of Nordic.

The feedback was swift and brutal – only it wasn't from Ella and Sean.

"They can dish it but they can't take it," said Nicole as Fiona called for "rapid set" cement. "So he hardens up pretty quick."

"I know you might think it tactical but five points is not that tactical to give to you anyway ... so it had nothing to do with that," Ella implored a disbelieving Troy.

The easy-going twins Jono and Andrew believed her. "Strategy didn't come into play with this one, I think that they didn't like it."

And with a "let's go babe" Troy stalked off leaving Griggs utterly perplexed and Aaron and Daniella having to explain to viewers what just happened: "Troy and Bec have stormed out, this is not the norm.

"Everyone has had their turn of being the homeowners and delivering the news, Troy and Bec need to understand what they delivered last week a lot of people didn't like what they had to say so now the tables have turned and they've stormed off so this is really weird."

"I just had to get out of the building," Troy earlier said in a clear indication that they do return later. We also know from the promos that Griggs tells everyone to "stand down" while producers go after the furious couple.

But if you thought Channel Seven wasn't going to milk this for all it's worth then guess again as viewers were left with the parting words of Nicole: "Troy has gone off like a frog in a sock."

The House Rules storm out resonated with viewers of My Kitchen Rules, when Courts and Duncan looked set to leave the show after a particularly brutal critique of their instant restaurant or Amy's walk out on Josh, or even Nine's Married At First Sight, when several of the brides ran off, leaving dinner parties, their weddings or sometimes film crews in their apartments to seek some refuge from the onslaught of cameras recording their every move.

It seems "walk out" is the reality fodder du jour (even Google is picking it up as a highly searched term). It helped Married At First Sight turn the tables in the ratings on My Kitchen Rules, and it certainly looks set to help House Rules continue to turn the tables on MasterChef at the very least.