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House Rules 2017: Troy and Bec battle Fiona and Nicole for biggest villains title

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It would have almost been a relief if Fiona and Nicole had left House Rules as promised at the start of the episode.

"Yeah we're walking away from $200,000 but our integrity, everything about us as people is at stake," a teary Fiona told cameras only part way into Wednesday night's show. "So I've had it, I'm out of here and Nic's right behind me."

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In a charged episode of House Rules Troy appears to call Nicole a pig.

But I'll hand it to them, even though they've spent the entire series being hated outcasts (and for good reason), they continued on in order to "deliver an amazing home for Aaron and Dee" – and also because Nicole would get nothing out of all her hard labour while Fiona kicked back in a new house.

So when does the stress of a renovation reality show become too much? Channel Seven says stay tuned.

As a viewer watching Fiona's constant stream of tears, tantrums and nasty fights, I feel exhausted. But that doesn't mean I'll look away and neither will the rest of Australia, for the ratings (as predicted) have never been higher.

In fact, House Rules delivered its highest audience in three years (including Grand Finals) on Monday night when Troy and Bec stormed out. Even loyal Voice and MasterChef viewers took time out of their beloved shows to watch the couple's hissy fit (despite most of it being in the promos), with House Rules peaking at 2.43 million viewers across all Australia, including regions.


So what about Fiona and Nicole's stress levels? Clearly they are way up with their showstopper piece, Brooklyn's newly named star ("Aaron and Daniella were blown away with the gesture that someone would actually name a star after their son").

And all because they haven't figured out, even as renovators, that the more stubborn the wall, the more sledge hammers come at it.

"We absolutely cannot show any mercy this week," Fiona explained at the outset. "We've got to get through to the next round of renovations."

I'm no psychologist but I understand that how you talk to people will greatly affect the outcome. So it should have come as no surprise to them that their lies, bullish behaviour and greedy measurements would eventually tip Troy and Bec over the edge.

But that is where my sympathies for Troy and Bec stop.

Describing Nicole as "looking like lipstick stuck to a pig" (to be fair Troy has been branded the "village idiot" by Fiona but it was not about his looks), and then proceeding to make an ugly scene even uglier by building what felt like the Berlin Wall for all the anguish and animosity it was causing, meant Troy and Bec had sunk to a new low.

It was the seige of Troy, as Fiona and Nicole staged a protest that stopped short of chaining themselves to the floor and dwindled into Fiona trying to use a hammer to sabotage the wall. And it was embarrassing to watch.

The poor tradesmen were caught between a rock-headed Troy and a hard-placed Fiona. "As far as I'm concerned it's their zone. I can't stop them from putting up a wall in their zone. They can put it in the middle of the room if they wanted to," the site foreman told Fiona and Nicole. 

Worse still (and while I understood the other contestants' desire to stay well out of the firing line) no one stepped in to calm the situation.

So off stalked Nicole and Fiona.

"We can unload the car, I'm going home," said Fiona as she started pulling furnishings out of her car. "We just don't do it, we'll fail, we'll go home. Just leave everything we've bought. I'm done."

"For people to carry on like village idiots, absolute knobs and then to walk away acting like they're all wonderful and we're the crazy (bleep) ones, they can all get stuffed," she added in what looked to be her final teary showdown. "I'm sick of them."

"The girls spat the dummy, who cares, I hope they're flying home to VIC right now to tell the truth," an unrelenting Troy told viewers.

But nothing in House Rules has stayed permanent, except the builds and the looming elimination.

"We're back, we had all last night to think about it, we've spoken about it at length," began Fiona.

"We're not quitters, we're not going to let the bullies win," finished Nicole.

"And we're certainly in this competition to win the competition and deliver an amazing home for Aaron and Dee."

And it was at this point, when Harry counsels and comforts Nicole about "compromise both ways, and you've got to remember you want the best for Aaron and Dee", a new side of the women began to emerge. One that was not so tough. "They're not just destroying our zone, they're destroying Aaron and Daniella's house."

But their (admittedly poor) effort at negotiating a compromise with Troy and Bec over their five-star master suite, fell on deaf ears. "All youse do is pass the buck on everything and lie about everything. Youse wouldn't have a clue," Troy berated them after dismissing the women's demands for a new ensuite door. "Youse haven't got a half a brain between the both of youse, or design sense. So deal with it, work around it."

And it was their failure to win the statement piece round, which would have helped them make up for lost time on renovating their rooms, that pushed an emotional Fiona to breaking point.

"We will get it done, don't give up yet. Seriously don't give up," Harry told Fiona, as he and Kate rallied around the Victorian besties ("I feel for them, I really do").

"It's just so overwhelming. They've deliberately set out to destroy us," Fiona tearfully accused Troy and Bec. "They're nasty, they're outright nasty."

"Yet again I have let us down," a distraught Fiona told Nicole. "I'm the one who's failed in the picture framing, I'm the one who's let you down again; out of this entire competition, I'm the one that walks away with a house. Nic walks away with nothing. 

"Those arseholes go in there and sabotage our zone and make our lives so much harder, walk around cocky as all shit. I'm just over it."

"They're carrying on, they're sooking. They only have themselves to blame," Troy told cameras.

So much for Bec's sentiment (when Andrew injured himself) that "we may fight and curse each other as a group but we're a weird, weird family and we're going to protect each other like no tomorrow."

Given the direction that Bec and Troy's attitude has headed, their only win against Fiona and Nicole will be for the title of biggest villains.