South China Sea patrols are an option, with or without Trump

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This was published 7 years ago

South China Sea patrols are an option, with or without Trump

By Andrew Chubb

In a thunderous op-ed last week, former foreign affairs minister Bob Carr declared Australia would have been "hung out to dry" if it had conducted patrols asserting international navigation rights in the South China Sea.

US media reports had suggested the Trump administration had ceased the practice.

Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop meets Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing in February.

Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop meets Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing in February.Credit: AP

But two days later Carr's argument was left stranded when the USS Dewey carried out just this kind of operation near China's artificial island on Mischief Reef last Thursday.

I agree Australia's decision not to patrol – so far – has been the right one. But to imply that if the US doesn't patrol, then Australia shouldn't, is misleading.

Ironically, the same assumption drives the policy "hawks" Carr sets himself against, those who would oppose any daylight between Washington and Canberra on security matters.

This is not an academic quibble: the faulty premise shuts off consideration of the very questions we need to ask in order to pursue a more independent foreign policy.

How do the costs and benefits of sending Australian ships through the South China Sea stack up?

Would they be welcomed by other states in the region as a contribution to stability, or would they be an unnecessary provocation? Which other countries might be willing to do the same, and who would strongly oppose it?

What exactly would such patrols seek to achieve, and what are the alternative ways toward the same goals? What are the consequences of inaction?


Asking and re-asking these kinds of questions is more important than ever in the Trump era, when the risks of American missteps, credibility loss, or even withdrawal from the region have all dramatically increased.

For Australia, many factors weigh against South China Sea patrols – but a lack of US patrols isn't necessarily even one of them. US absence on the issue might actually increase the incentives for regional states, including Australia, to step up.

One of Canberra's calculations must be the likelihood of Beijing responding with some form of economic retaliation. This year China has imposed informal sanctions on some South Korean businesses and the tourism industry over the deployment of the THAAD missile defence system.

But THAAD affects more vital Chinese security interests than patrols in remote disputed waters would, and the Australia-China trade profile is different, so the likely scale and impact of any Chinese sanctions would need focused analysis.

Another consideration is the likely impact of South China Sea patrols on the bilateral political relationship, which successive governments have worked hard to build up and institutionalise.

We would also hope Canberra thoroughly canvasses the views of other states in the neighbourhood on this type of issue. In different circumstances, Australian patrols could be seen as unnecessary and destabilising, or a helpful demonstration of commitment to regional order.

And of course, there is the risk – however remote – of China responding with direct military escalation against Australian ships on patrol. Given open seas and stability in Asia affect the vital interests of the overwhelming majority of the world's states, it's unlikely China would respond with brazen aggression. But the risk that an accident or miscalculation may occur during a patrol is a disincentive that the prospective gains would need to outweigh.

In early 2016, when the idea of Australian patrols was first raised, China had been pursuing an assertive policy in the South China Sea for several years, rapidly building up its maritime law enforcement presence in the disputed area, and regularly harassing neighbouring claimants' activities.

It was also unclear just where China's island-building activities would end.

In that context, the Turnbull government was smart to allow its consideration of issue of joining the US's patrols to become public (though it is important to note that any follow-through ought to be implemented without fanfare, as a routine military operation). Labor's then-shadow defence minister Stephen Conroy also did the government a strategic service with his hawkish public stance on the issue.

The suggestion evidently got Beijing's attention, generating a degree of leverage for Canberra over the issue. From a coldly strategic perspective, that is worth holding on to.

Since mid-2016, China has scaled back its assertive conduct and improved relations with its neighbours, and tensions have eased significantly as a result.

But the prospect of Australian ships in the South China Sea – potentially in coordination with other interested players like Indonesia, France and the UK – remains a powerful latent response that China's leaders are evidently keen to avoid.

Our choices about sailing in the South China Sea should not hinge on the US doing the same. Open waterways and the law of the sea did not become less important to Australia, or to other states in the region, simply because the US Navy was not asserting them as forcefully.

Andrew Chubb is a postdoctoral fellow in the Princeton-Harvard China and the World Program researching maritime disputes in East Asia.

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