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Federal budget 2017: The people (mostly women) the NDIS forgot

It always takes a while for the budget's real victims to emerge. We are so dazzled by the flashes – drug-testing welfare recipients, freezing foreign aid, increasing university fees – that it takes a while to focus on the detail.

It's the same this year. National Foundation of Australian Women analysis shows the combined effects of the Turnbull government's budget measures may hit women earning below-average wages with an effective marginal tax rate of 100 per cent. That's the combination of increasing the Medicare levy, freezing family-tax-benefit rates and earlier repayment requirements for student loans.

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NDIS levy gives 'guaranteed certainty': Treasurer

The National Disability Insurance Scheme will be fully funded with tops ups coming from an increase in the Medicare levy, says Treasurer Scott Morrison.

But there's another, more excluded group of Australians who will be further punished by this budget if all the measures get through.

Foundation member Sue Salthouse, who is also chairwoman of Women With Disabilities ACT, is terrified that these changes will really punish women and men with a disability. Partly because they are invisible. "Of ongoing concern, the allocation of services for women with disabilities continues to be at odds with their numbers or proportion in the population," she says.

The focus on the national disability insurance scheme is clearly important for those who receive funding through the scheme – but that's not everyone. And the mere mention of the NDIS makes everyone think that all issues around disability are sorted.

"However, the 90 per cent of people with disabilities who will not be eligible for the NDIS have been largely ignored," Salthouse says.


The Australian Bureau of Statistics says women make up more than half of people with "profound and severe core activity limitations", but the National Foundation of Australian Women reports that these same women make up only 36 per cent of approved participants in the NDIS this year.

"Women with disability themselves are hopeful that, once the NIDS is fully rolled out, that the proportion of women assisted will mirror that of their demographic representation. But to date this is not being seen in NDIS figures," Salthouse says.

She describes this effect as a policy squeeze: most of the attention goes to middle Australia. It's the people on the margins who are ignored and who have less ability to make their voices heard. In particular, it's women with children. The decision not to index the family-tax benefit will hit carers hard.

The statistics on carers are devastating , 2.7 million Australians were identified as carers in 2015, and 856,000 of those were the primary carers. The average age of a primary carer is 55.

More strikingly, primary carers were much more likely to live with disability themselves – nearly 38 per cent compared to nearly 16 per cent for non-carers. And of those primary carers, about 8 per cent had a profound or severe limitation, making it even harder to do the job of caring.

Salthouse says that although the numbers of men and women who are primary carers are more or less equal, men tend to be responsible for those who are older. The Women tend to take care of the kids – and that's precisely where the family-tax-benefit cuts will hit hardest. Female primary carers with a disability are just in the income group that would receive these benefits – and therefore most likely to be hit harder by the changes.

"When you look at the disability tables, women are more grouped in the lowest quintile than men. The men in those caring categories will be looking after partners or older people, whereas women will be looking after children," Salthouse says.

"If there are earning at all, they are in the low-income group. If they got to university, they will be hit by the earlier payback of HECS."

How could governments do better?

Salthouse says the Commonwealth must reintroduce what she describes as a system of gendered budgeting. "The government must reinstate the women's budget statement it abolished in 2014 ... specific issues facing women with disabilities could be more highlighted in such a budget and a women's budget would focus on women in excluded groups."

But Salthouse says there are some positives in the budget; the NDIS bilateral agreement will include measures to ensure there is interim funding for people over 65 who wouldn't be eligible for the NDIS and where services may be eroded as state governments put money into the scheme.

She also welcomes the NDIS funding certainty through the new Medicare levy and the establishment of a national regulatory body. "It will go a long way to protecting those who are NDIS recipients – but it will leave the unprotected out in the cold," she says.

Jenna Price is a columnist for The Canberra Times and Daily Life and an academic at the University of Technology Sydney.

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