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Deferred royalties on Adani could hold back $253m from government

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The Queensland government's agreement to defer royalties for the Adani coal mine could cost it $253 million over the next five years, new analysis reveals.

Analysis by the Australian Greens, checked by the Parliamentary Library, shows the deal would cost Queensland taxpayers $253.3 million in net present value terms and almost $370 in nominal terms for the next five years.

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You would think Adani would have given up on Australia's biggest coal mine by now. Artist: Matt Davidson

The Greens' analysis was based on reports in The Australian that the deal would include Adani paying a flat rate of $5 million in coal royalties a year for five years, with interest to be paid on any royalties deferred.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has insisted there would be no royalty holiday and the company would be required to pay all their royalties on the Carmichael mine in the Galilee Basin.

"Every cent of royalties will be paid and any deferred royalties will be paid with interest," Ms Palaszczuk said.

But if the numbers stack up, that would still be $253 million less for the Queensland government to spend in the near future.


The Greens are also concerned the interest rate, which has not been publicly released, will be too low, and have questioned whether all the royalties will eventually be paid.

RMIT University Professor of Institutional Economics Sinclair Davidson - contacted by Fairfax Media to independently review the Greens analysis - said the numbers and calculations were more or less correct at face value.

But Professor Davidson said he would question some of the assumptions that drove the numbers, such as the Greens' analysis assuming a constant coal price after 2020, and a price below $100 giving rise to a low royalty rate of 7 per cent - if the coal price were to rise above $100, then a higher royalty would apply.

He suspected the Greens were assuming a new source of supply would drive down coal prices.

Professor Davidson said whether the loan rate was too high or low was a commercial decision but in the mean time, the Queensland government would have some royalty revenue they would not otherwise have, and there would be economic activity in the north that would otherwise not occur.

Professor Davidson said the amount of deferred royalties could be higher, as the estimate appeared to be conservative. 

"The biggest driver there is the assumption around coal prices going forward. I'm not able to forecast coal prices but if they rise then the deferred royalties could be a lot larger," he said.

Greens Senator Larissa Waters said the deal meant it would be $253 million not going to schools, hospitals or green energy in the short term.

"This is still a 'dig now, pay later' freebie for a mining billionaire at the expense of schools, hospitals and Queenslanders struggling to make ends meet," she said.

Senator Waters said the interest rate on repayments had not been made public and she questioned what would happen if Adani went bust.

A spokesman for Treasurer Curtis Pitt said there would be no lost royalties.

"The framework ensures every cent of royalties will be paid in full," the spokesman said.

"The Greens can't pretend to be concerned about lost revenue when their aim is to stop the mine and stop any royalties being earned.

"The Greens would allow Queensland taxpayers to miss out on royalties, jobs and massive investments in health, education and critical infrastructure."

Adani Australia was contacted but declined to comment on "political - or media - speculation" on the royalties agreement.

Ms Palaszczuk has declined to publicly release the specific details of the royalties deal, citing commercial in confidence.

Adani has previously stated: "We will pay every cent of the royalties and, indeed, every cent of all state and Commonwealth taxes and charges."

An internal factional fight in the Labor cabinet over the structure of the royalties deal with Adani lead to the mining company postponing its final investment decision on the Carmichael mine.

On Tuesday night, Adani confirmed it had reached an agreement with the Queensland government on royalties.

There is yet to be a date for the next board meeting when the final investment decision is set to be considered.