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Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull brand's Trump climate withdrawal 'disappointing'

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Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has branded United States President Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Paris international climate change pact as "disappointing".

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Trump announces withdrawal from climate deal

President Trump has announced that the US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement.

"The President's announcement is not a surprise. It was a very core campaign commitment of his. It is disappointing. We would prefer the United States to remain part of the agreement," Mr Turnbull said in Singapore, where he will address a high-level security gathering on Friday night.

But Labor has called on the government to take a stronger stance and lobby the US to reconsider its exit from the Paris climate agreement.

Mr Trump's decision to pull out of the landmark accord – which seeks to limit global warming to 2 degrees celsius through emissions cuts from member nations – has been met with a swift global backlash.

Mr Turnbull reiterated the government's position that it would stick with the Paris agreement, despite a backbench push for a reconsideration. Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg has also labelled Washington's position disappointing.


BHP chief executive Andrew Mackenzie said he personally asked Mr Trump not to abandon the climate agreement earlier this year.

On Monday, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister Marise Payne will host their US counterparts in Sydney for the annual AUSMIN meeting. The group is already expected to discuss North Korea, China and the so-called Islamic State.

Opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Penny Wong Wong, a former climate change minister, said President Trump's decision was a "deep disappointment" and an international climate agreement must include the United States and China, the world's biggest emitters.

"The prime minister should be absolutely clear with the US administration about Australia's views. He should continue to press them to reconsider this decision. He should continue to press them for constructive US leadership on this point," she told ABC radio.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was said to have been a key internal advocate for staying in the Paris agreement. As head of ExxonMobil, Mr Tillerson expressed support for a carbon tax. US Secretary of Defence James Mattis has called climate change a threat to global stability that needs to be addressed.

Asked if the Australian government would directly express its disappointment with the US delegation, Mr Frydenberg told ABC radio: "I think you'll hear that from Julie Bishop, you'll hear that from the Prime Minister and you hear that from me."

He said it was "clearly preferable" to have the US at the table as the world tackles climate change.

"It's important to have all of the major emitters of the world participating in agreements like this. But Australia will do its part. We represent about 1.3 per cent or 1.4 per cent of the world's emissions and if you count up all of those countries who have emissions production under 2 per cent, that makes up 40 per cent of the total international emissions profile."

But, he insisted, the agreement remained "very meaningful" - even with the US withdrawing.

"You have more than 190 countries that signed on and in record time, 146 countries have ratified. So even without the US, around 70 per cent of the world's emissions are covered by that agreement," Mr Frydenberg said.

The US represents approximately 16 per cent of global emissions, and China approximately 30 per cent. The Chinese government reiterated its commitment to the Paris agreement overnight. 

Australia has committed to emissions cuts of 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

Mr Mackenzie, head of the Australian-based global mining giant, told ABC's 7.30 program on Thursday night that he personally told Mr Trump it was possible to be pro-coal and stay in the Paris agreement. 

"Remaining in a coalition that accepts the science of climate change and looks at a number of measures to reduce it and stay within two-degree warming is better than nothing," he said.

He described a global carbon tax as "the best way" to reduce carbon emissions by driving the market to cleaner sources of energy.

Climate change - which scientific consensus has found to be driven by human-generated greenhouse gas emissions - gradually lifts air and ocean temperatures, making weather patterns more unpredictable, intensifying natural disasters, raising sea levels and undermining critical environmental processes.

Polling released by the Lowy Institute found 54 per cent of Australians agree that global warming is a "serious and pressing" concern that should be addressed, "even if this involves significant costs". A further thirty-seven per cent said it should be addressed in a "low cost" way because it is gradual.

Fifty-seven per cent described climate change as a "critical threat" to Australia's vital interests, coming third to terrorism and North Korea's nuclear program. Cyber attacks, economic downturn, Mr Trump's presidency, China and Russia all drew less concern.

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