

US President Donald Trump's statement on Saudi Arabia not a surprise

For a moment I was perplexed when I heard that US President Donald Trump had told Saudi King Salman that the United States and Saudi Arabia shared the same values.

Then it dawned on me: both support capital punishment, although the Saudis prefer head chopping and the Americans offer a choice of lethal injection or the electric chair; the Saudis are misogynist and Donald Trump likes to "pussy-grab" women; the Saudis don't have a democracy and Donald Trump is in power with the support of only one quarter of the US electorate; and the Saudis and Trump oppose immigration but want poor people to employ, exploit and if necessary execute.

With a little more thought I came up with other things in common.

A large number of people in both countries have a fanatical belief in God or Allah.

(I've always thought it a blessing that in the white settlement of North America and Australia we got the convicts and they got the pilgrims.)

But the deepest shared value of the Trump and Salman regimes must surely be hypocrisy.


Trump put on a virtuoso performance of this when he said in his major speech in Saudi Arabia: "Our vision is one of peace, security, and prosperity—in this region, and in the world."

This was only hours after he had announced a $US110 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

The weapons will of course be put to good use.

First there are the neighbours in Yemen to deal with.

According to a March 2017 assessment by the BBC, in the Yemen civil war more than 7600 people have been killed and 42,000 injured since March 2015. The majority of these casualties were due to air strikes by the Saudi-led multinational coalition.

The preferred weapons of choice for Saudi peace missions are purchased from the United States and Britain. Thankfully no bad barrel bombs - like those employed by the Syrians - are used in the operations.

But hospitals are fair game, as in the August 15, 2016 incident where the Saudis bombed a Medecins Sans Frontieres hospital despite it having a huge identification sign on the roof and the Saudis having been given the GPS co-ordinates repeatedly.

Nineteen people were killed.

Such humanitarian actions have brought famine and cholera to Yemen's 28 million people.

Trump, I'm sure, would enjoy a good locker room chat with King Salman about this and other matters.

Wives would surely be on the agenda with the pros and cons of sequential or concurrent relationships of interest.

Trump has had three, one after another, while King Salman reportedly has had the same number, possibly all at one time.

The benefits of being born with a silver spoon in your mouth, or the trouble one has with domestics and foreigner workers, are also of common interest.

Trump's advisors could provide some useful background briefing on executions, lest the president be unaware of the detail in this shared experience.

For example, after the beheading of 24-year-old Sri Lankan domestic worker Rizana Nafee in Saudi Arabia in 2013, human rights organisations revealed that 45 foreign maids were on death row in the Kingdom.

In 2015 at least 157 people were executed while on the single day of 2nd January last year 47 were beheaded including Shia religious leader, Nimr al-Nimr , who was convicted of sedition, disobedience and bearing arms.

Nimr did not deny the political charges against him, but said he never carried weapons or called for violence.

Still, in the brave new Trump/Salman world, all Shia are Iranian-backed terrorists.

The United States is not as efficient as the Saudis in executing people and has only managed to kill 11 people by lethal injection so far this year.

As of October 2016, 2902 people were waiting their turn.

But I'm confused about President Trump's attitude towards those who decapitate people.

In the presidential campaign debates candidate Trump referred to "these people, these animals over in the Middle East, that chop off heads."

Did he tell the King that he thought he was an animal?

And what about his claims about the wives of the 9/11 terrorists during the 2015 and 2016 debates?

Trump said that friends and family of the hijackers "were put into planes and they were sent back, for the most part, to Saudi Arabia. They knew what was going on. They went home and they wanted to watch their boyfriends on television."

Like so many of the things he says, this statement was false.

But in an interview with the New York Times, Saudi Ambassador Bandar bin Sultan revealed that after the attack, with the help of the FBI, his government arranged for relatives of Osama bin Laden, who were in high school or college, to assemble in Washington to be flown back to Saudi Arabia. (No members of bin Laden's immediate family - wives or children - were in this group.)

Let's now recall that 15 of the 19 al-Qaeda terrorists were Saudi Arabian citizens, that Saudi Arabia is the major sponsor of the intolerant, extremist Sunni form of Islam – Wahhabism -- that ISIS terrorists follow and that the King is an adherent of this brand of Islam.

But now it seems that Saudi Arabia has a clean bill of health on terrorism and Trump wants only an anti-Iranian crusade.

This at the very moment that Iran has re-elected a moderate leader, Hassan Rouhani, who wants re-engagement with the world.

Rather than build on the significant progress of the deal negotiated to curtail Iran's nuclear arms program, Trump has joined the Saudi and Israeli campaign to destroy the deal.

Thankfully, because this deal was negotiated by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -China, France, United Kingdom, United State and Russia - and Germany and the European Union, he will face strong opposition.

In 2011 Trump ranted that "our President [Obama] will start a war with Iran because he has absolutely no ability to negotiate."

Today it is Trump with his provocative Iranian-threat statements and his loose talk about North Korea who endangers the world.