• Sonic LAB: Erica Synths Pico Modular System

    We take a look at the Erica Synths Pico System, an extremely compact set of Eurorack modules which include digital Pico VCO, Pico VCA Pico VCF1 and VCF3, Pico SEQ, Pico DRUMS, Pico Trigger, Pico A MIX, Pico DSP, Pico EG, Pico Output. Subscribe to Sonicstate on YouTube for new content! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=sonicstate Watch Sonicstate's Exclusive Series: Sonic LAB: http://bit.ly/SonicLab Meet The Makers: http://bit.ly/SonicMakers Sonicstate Performances: http://bit.ly/SonicPerformances Sonic TALK Podcast: http://bit.ly/SonicTalk NAMM 2016: http://bit.ly/SonicNAMM Website: http://www.sonicstate.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/sonicstate Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wwwsonicstate Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sonicstateuk Podcast/iTunes: ht...

    published: 17 Nov 2016
  • Doepfer Modular-System A-100: Ein Sound entsteht

    Analog und modular: Erste Schritte mit dem Modular-System A-100 von Doepfer. Ein Sound entsteht unter Einsatz der wichtigsten Komponenten eines Synthesizers.

    published: 26 Jan 2013
  • Live Jam #48 - Industrial / Electro / Triphop - Eurorack modular system synced to Korg Volca Sample

    Unfold for more info! - Looking for another way to create melodic sequences without a sequencer. Here is a try with a quantizer fed by an unsynced, attenuated squarewave lfo. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/monotrailmusic/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/monotrailmusic Patch description: volca sample is the kick, konk and klang :) Modular is the hats and noise. There is one steady low drone from the Doepfer a143-4 through the wasp. The main voice is the Dixie II through uFold and MMG. MMG cutoff and Dixie II fm are modulated by two sine lfo's from Peaks. The 1v/oct comes from the Doepfer a156 dual quantizer fed by an unsynced, attenuated squarewave lfo. The pitch is controlled by opening and closing the attenuator. Stuff used: Korg Volca Sample, and Eurorack modular system with: ...

    published: 24 Aug 2016
  • Moog System 55 Modular Synth - Sweetwater Exclusive Preview

    See the Moog System 55 synthesizer here: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/System55LTD Sweetwater's Daniel Fisher fires up the awesome Moog System 55 modular synth in this exclusive preview.

    published: 23 Jan 2015
  • SlideShow Modular System - Casas Modulares


    published: 10 Dec 2015
  • Doepfer A-100 Basissystem 3 SE Analog-Synthesizer Modular-System Video-Review

    Jetzt bei session kaufen: https://www.session.de/DOEPFER-A-100-Basissystem-3-SE.html?campaign=youtube/Tasten/Doepfer-A-100-Basissystem-3-SE Das Doepfer A-100 Basissystem 3 SE ist der perfekte Einstieg in die Welt der analogen Synthesizer-Modularsysteme. Wir haben hier ein System zusammengestellt, dass sich am Basissystem 2 von Doepfer anlehnt und dabei hochwertige Module aus der A-Serie des Herstellers verwendet. Neben dem A-190 MIDI-Interface und dem passenden Netzteil kommt das System noch mit 30 Patchkabeln, damit du sofort loslegen kannst. Die Module befinden sich im A-100P9 Koffergehäuse, so dass es sehr mobil ist und zusätzlich 84 TE / 84 HP Platz für weitere Module bietet. Das Doepfer A-100 Basissystem 3 SE beinhaltet im Einzelnen folgendes: - eingebautes Netzteil - zusätzlich...

    published: 14 Sep 2016
  • CES 2017: Cooler Master Freeform Modular System

    Ever wish you could change your case after you've already bought it? Cooler Master has got you covered with its line of modular cases. Learn more about the virtually unlimited combinations you can use to really make your rig reflect your tastes. Check out other Cooler Master cases here: https://goo.gl/Phg7lj Credits: Special Guest: Kevin Piangenti Created By: Josh Ray Director of Photography:Joel Moody Editor: Kejah Murray Newegg Inc. provides the information contained herein as an educational service. Although we believe the information in this presentation to be accurate and timely, because of the rapid changes in the industry and our reliance on information provided by outside sources, we make no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content or other mate...

    published: 13 Jan 2017
  • Unit3 (cubed) Modular Building System by Matthias Kaeding, Bond. New York

    Unit3 (cubed) Modular Building System Modern life requires different building concepts. Never before have people been moving so often in one lifetime, making living spaces more temporary than permanent. Additionally, that space needs to be able to adjust quickly to new circumstances, like economic cycles, the environment, work or personal needs. Whether it is for a city nomad or for student housing, for a school or for a hospital, a modular building system can be the answer to permanent building design. A modular architecture system unlike typical housing concepts, Unit3 is prefab-ricated and not necessarily attached to one single location. Unit3 is based on one single module shape that allows variety in the rooms and structures that can be created. The system is scalable, from very...

    published: 19 May 2009
  • Make Noise Black and Gold Shared System

    Dealer Links: Analogue Haven (US/CA) http://www.analoguehaven.com/makenoise/sharedsystemblackandgold/ Control (US/NYC) http://www.ctrl-mod.com/Make-Noise-Black-and-Gold-Shared-System-p/make-noise-blk-gld-shared-sys.htm Control Voltage (US/OR) http://controlvoltage.net/make-noise-black-and-gold-shared-system-w-cv-bus/dp/1930 Detroit Modular (US/MI)http://www.detroitmodular.com/eurorack/make-noise-black-gold-shared-system.html Foxtone Music (US/MN) http://foxtonemusic.com/shop/1500/black-and-gold-shared-system-pre-order/ House of Sound (Switzerland) http://www.houseofsound.ch/make-noise-shared-system-limited-black.html London Modular (UK) http://www.londonmodular.co.uk/shop/limited-edition-black-gold-shared-system-with-cv-bus/ ModularSynth.NL (Netherlands) http://www.modularsynthesizers.nl/a...

    published: 10 Jun 2015
  • Fixed Room Partition. 4 in 1 modular system.

    published: 03 Jun 2015
  • Complex Systems Design: 13 Modular Design

    In this video we give an introduction to the architectural pattern of modular design and its application in designing complex systems For full courses, transcriptions & downloads please see: http://www.complexityacademy.io Twitter: https://goo.gl/Nu6Qap Facebook: https://goo.gl/ggxGMT LinkedIn:https://goo.gl/3v1vwF

    published: 03 May 2015
  • Minecraft Mod Spotlight: Modular Systems

    Today I look at a mod called modular systems and its pretty cool!! Remember to Like and subscribe!! Find my social hub here: https://player.me/theseapenguin Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/TheSeaPenguin Get the mod here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1291862-modular-systems-formally-modular-furnace Intro & Outro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlzRuOzfD4A

    published: 25 Sep 2015
  • Domain - Inscape's innovative modular system

    Domain is one of Inscape's most innovative products. Its center rail design allows for almost unlimited customization and multiple work settings in the same system.

    published: 25 Feb 2016
  • Modular Assembly Automation / System GEMOTEC

    The comprehensive line of pneumatic and electric modules opens an unforeseen variety of combination possibilities. All actuators are compatible with each other. Where other companies still have to conduct design work, the GEMOTEC system is already assembled. Fast and straightforward. For more info go to www.schunk.com

    published: 14 Mar 2012
  • Modular Wall Systems - Post and Wall construction. www.modularwalls.com.au

    http://:www.modularwalls.com.au Modular Wall Systems is Australia's leading supplier of exterior walling and fencing systems. Choose from the widest range of modular boundary walls, garden walls, acoustic walls, barrier walls, temporary and custom walls available for residential, commercial and industrial applications.

    published: 13 Nov 2008
  • Mitchell Sigman's Synthesizers.com Modular System!

    http://www.celebusite.com http://www.analogsuicide.com http://www.synthesizers.com Filmed by Maf Lewis in December 2007, Mitchell Sigman takes us for a divine tour of his beloved synthesizers.com modular system from his North Hollywood studio.

    published: 11 Feb 2008
Sonic LAB: Erica Synths Pico Modular System

Sonic LAB: Erica Synths Pico Modular System

  • Order:
  • Duration: 33:54
  • Updated: 17 Nov 2016
  • views: 15614
We take a look at the Erica Synths Pico System, an extremely compact set of Eurorack modules which include digital Pico VCO, Pico VCA Pico VCF1 and VCF3, Pico SEQ, Pico DRUMS, Pico Trigger, Pico A MIX, Pico DSP, Pico EG, Pico Output. Subscribe to Sonicstate on YouTube for new content! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=sonicstate Watch Sonicstate's Exclusive Series: Sonic LAB: http://bit.ly/SonicLab Meet The Makers: http://bit.ly/SonicMakers Sonicstate Performances: http://bit.ly/SonicPerformances Sonic TALK Podcast: http://bit.ly/SonicTalk NAMM 2016: http://bit.ly/SonicNAMM Website: http://www.sonicstate.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/sonicstate Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wwwsonicstate Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sonicstateuk Podcast/iTunes: https://goo.gl/4uOFA5
Doepfer Modular-System A-100: Ein Sound entsteht

Doepfer Modular-System A-100: Ein Sound entsteht

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:37
  • Updated: 26 Jan 2013
  • views: 39580
Analog und modular: Erste Schritte mit dem Modular-System A-100 von Doepfer. Ein Sound entsteht unter Einsatz der wichtigsten Komponenten eines Synthesizers.
Live Jam #48 - Industrial / Electro / Triphop - Eurorack modular system synced to Korg Volca Sample

Live Jam #48 - Industrial / Electro / Triphop - Eurorack modular system synced to Korg Volca Sample

  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:35
  • Updated: 24 Aug 2016
  • views: 8805
Unfold for more info! - Looking for another way to create melodic sequences without a sequencer. Here is a try with a quantizer fed by an unsynced, attenuated squarewave lfo. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/monotrailmusic/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/monotrailmusic Patch description: volca sample is the kick, konk and klang :) Modular is the hats and noise. There is one steady low drone from the Doepfer a143-4 through the wasp. The main voice is the Dixie II through uFold and MMG. MMG cutoff and Dixie II fm are modulated by two sine lfo's from Peaks. The 1v/oct comes from the Doepfer a156 dual quantizer fed by an unsynced, attenuated squarewave lfo. The pitch is controlled by opening and closing the attenuator. Stuff used: Korg Volca Sample, and Eurorack modular system with: Doepfer: a-118, a-119, a-124, a-143-4, a-148, a-156, a-160-2, a-199 Intellijel: Dixie II, uFold, Quadra, 2xTriat , Linux, mult Make noise: MMG, Lxd Mutable instruments: Clouds, Peaks MFB: Dual LFO Synthrotek: Echo, Deluxe power Diy: Quad attenuator Audio via the Behringer mixer to a Moto Ultralite MK3 hybrid. External effects: T.C electronics M350 for delay and reverb
Moog System 55 Modular Synth - Sweetwater Exclusive Preview

Moog System 55 Modular Synth - Sweetwater Exclusive Preview

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:53
  • Updated: 23 Jan 2015
  • views: 316479
See the Moog System 55 synthesizer here: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/System55LTD Sweetwater's Daniel Fisher fires up the awesome Moog System 55 modular synth in this exclusive preview.
SlideShow Modular System - Casas Modulares

SlideShow Modular System - Casas Modulares

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:09
  • Updated: 10 Dec 2015
  • views: 4167
Doepfer A-100 Basissystem 3 SE Analog-Synthesizer Modular-System Video-Review

Doepfer A-100 Basissystem 3 SE Analog-Synthesizer Modular-System Video-Review

  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:35
  • Updated: 14 Sep 2016
  • views: 2882
Jetzt bei session kaufen: https://www.session.de/DOEPFER-A-100-Basissystem-3-SE.html?campaign=youtube/Tasten/Doepfer-A-100-Basissystem-3-SE Das Doepfer A-100 Basissystem 3 SE ist der perfekte Einstieg in die Welt der analogen Synthesizer-Modularsysteme. Wir haben hier ein System zusammengestellt, dass sich am Basissystem 2 von Doepfer anlehnt und dabei hochwertige Module aus der A-Serie des Herstellers verwendet. Neben dem A-190 MIDI-Interface und dem passenden Netzteil kommt das System noch mit 30 Patchkabeln, damit du sofort loslegen kannst. Die Module befinden sich im A-100P9 Koffergehäuse, so dass es sehr mobil ist und zusätzlich 84 TE / 84 HP Platz für weitere Module bietet. Das Doepfer A-100 Basissystem 3 SE beinhaltet im Einzelnen folgendes: - eingebautes Netzteil - zusätzlich 84 TE für A-100 Module - 1 x A-190 MIDI Interface - 2 x A-110Standard-VCO - 1 x A-114 Ringmodulator, 1 x A-115 Audio-Divider, 1 x A-116VC Waveform-Processor - 1 x Noise/Random A-118 - 1 x VCF1 A-120 (24dB Tiefpass 1) - 1 x A-106-6 XP Filter - 1 x A-130 linearer VCA, 1 x A-131 logarithmischer VCA - 1 x A-138a linearer Mixer, 1 x A-138b logarithmischer Mixer - 2 x A-140 ADSR - 1 x A-145 LFO, 1 x A-146 LFO - 1 x A-148 Dual-S&H; - 1 x A-160 Trigger-Teiler, 1 x A-161 Trigger-Sequencer - 1 x A-170 Dual Slew Limiter - 1 x A-180 Multiple I
CES 2017: Cooler Master Freeform Modular System

CES 2017: Cooler Master Freeform Modular System

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:43
  • Updated: 13 Jan 2017
  • views: 1318
Ever wish you could change your case after you've already bought it? Cooler Master has got you covered with its line of modular cases. Learn more about the virtually unlimited combinations you can use to really make your rig reflect your tastes. Check out other Cooler Master cases here: https://goo.gl/Phg7lj Credits: Special Guest: Kevin Piangenti Created By: Josh Ray Director of Photography:Joel Moody Editor: Kejah Murray Newegg Inc. provides the information contained herein as an educational service. Although we believe the information in this presentation to be accurate and timely, because of the rapid changes in the industry and our reliance on information provided by outside sources, we make no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content or other material which we may reference. This presentation is provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title, non-infringement or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This video/audio file is the property of Newegg Inc. Newegg Inc. grants permission to distribute, rebroadcast or copy this file, provided that (1) the below copyright notice appears in all copies (2) is for non-commercial use only and (3) is not modified in any way. Copyright © 2017 Newegg Inc. All rights reserved.
Unit3 (cubed) Modular Building System by Matthias Kaeding, Bond. New York

Unit3 (cubed) Modular Building System by Matthias Kaeding, Bond. New York

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:21
  • Updated: 19 May 2009
  • views: 46276
Unit3 (cubed) Modular Building System Modern life requires different building concepts. Never before have people been moving so often in one lifetime, making living spaces more temporary than permanent. Additionally, that space needs to be able to adjust quickly to new circumstances, like economic cycles, the environment, work or personal needs. Whether it is for a city nomad or for student housing, for a school or for a hospital, a modular building system can be the answer to permanent building design. A modular architecture system unlike typical housing concepts, Unit3 is prefab-ricated and not necessarily attached to one single location. Unit3 is based on one single module shape that allows variety in the rooms and structures that can be created. The system is scalable, from very small buildings to very large structures, so whether you suddenly need a carport or airport, Unit3 can be moved, reconfigured, extended and affixed to combine buildings with each other. Designer . Matthias Kaeding Compant . Bond.
Make Noise Black and Gold Shared System

Make Noise Black and Gold Shared System

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:17
  • Updated: 10 Jun 2015
  • views: 68960
Dealer Links: Analogue Haven (US/CA) http://www.analoguehaven.com/makenoise/sharedsystemblackandgold/ Control (US/NYC) http://www.ctrl-mod.com/Make-Noise-Black-and-Gold-Shared-System-p/make-noise-blk-gld-shared-sys.htm Control Voltage (US/OR) http://controlvoltage.net/make-noise-black-and-gold-shared-system-w-cv-bus/dp/1930 Detroit Modular (US/MI)http://www.detroitmodular.com/eurorack/make-noise-black-gold-shared-system.html Foxtone Music (US/MN) http://foxtonemusic.com/shop/1500/black-and-gold-shared-system-pre-order/ House of Sound (Switzerland) http://www.houseofsound.ch/make-noise-shared-system-limited-black.html London Modular (UK) http://www.londonmodular.co.uk/shop/limited-edition-black-gold-shared-system-with-cv-bus/ ModularSynth.NL (Netherlands) http://www.modularsynthesizers.nl/a-40172565/make-noise/make-noise-cv-bus-shared-system-black-gold-ltd-edition/ SchneidersLaden (Germany) http://www.schneidersladen.de/de/hersteller/make-noise.html The Shared System re-made in Black and Gold w/ the Erbe-Verb and CV Bus added. The personal favorite system of Make Noise founder Tony Rolando, this collection of modules is utilized by all artists for the Make Noise Records Shared System Series. It was also utilized by both Alessandro Cortini and Richard Devine for their performances at the 2012 Make Noise Opening party. The Shared System is the deepest and most complex of our systems bringing together all of our synthesis techniques into one system. From analog FM to voltage controlled granularization, the Shared System will go to more sound destinations than most folks have time to travel to in a single lifetime. http://www.makenoisemusic.com/blackgoldsharedsystem.shtml
Fixed Room Partition. 4 in 1 modular system.

Fixed Room Partition. 4 in 1 modular system.

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:20
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2015
  • views: 14258
Complex Systems Design: 13 Modular Design

Complex Systems Design: 13 Modular Design

  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:41
  • Updated: 03 May 2015
  • views: 3845
In this video we give an introduction to the architectural pattern of modular design and its application in designing complex systems For full courses, transcriptions & downloads please see: http://www.complexityacademy.io Twitter: https://goo.gl/Nu6Qap Facebook: https://goo.gl/ggxGMT LinkedIn:https://goo.gl/3v1vwF
Minecraft Mod Spotlight: Modular Systems

Minecraft Mod Spotlight: Modular Systems

  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:05
  • Updated: 25 Sep 2015
  • views: 7425
Today I look at a mod called modular systems and its pretty cool!! Remember to Like and subscribe!! Find my social hub here: https://player.me/theseapenguin Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/TheSeaPenguin Get the mod here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1291862-modular-systems-formally-modular-furnace Intro & Outro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlzRuOzfD4A
Domain - Inscape's innovative modular system

Domain - Inscape's innovative modular system

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:27
  • Updated: 25 Feb 2016
  • views: 814
Domain is one of Inscape's most innovative products. Its center rail design allows for almost unlimited customization and multiple work settings in the same system.
Modular Assembly Automation / System GEMOTEC

Modular Assembly Automation / System GEMOTEC

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:14
  • Updated: 14 Mar 2012
  • views: 105109
The comprehensive line of pneumatic and electric modules opens an unforeseen variety of combination possibilities. All actuators are compatible with each other. Where other companies still have to conduct design work, the GEMOTEC system is already assembled. Fast and straightforward. For more info go to www.schunk.com
Modular Wall Systems - Post and Wall construction. www.modularwalls.com.au

Modular Wall Systems - Post and Wall construction. www.modularwalls.com.au

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:18
  • Updated: 13 Nov 2008
  • views: 137841
http://:www.modularwalls.com.au Modular Wall Systems is Australia's leading supplier of exterior walling and fencing systems. Choose from the widest range of modular boundary walls, garden walls, acoustic walls, barrier walls, temporary and custom walls available for residential, commercial and industrial applications.
Mitchell Sigman's Synthesizers.com Modular System!

Mitchell Sigman's Synthesizers.com Modular System!

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:30
  • Updated: 11 Feb 2008
  • views: 31273
http://www.celebusite.com http://www.analogsuicide.com http://www.synthesizers.com Filmed by Maf Lewis in December 2007, Mitchell Sigman takes us for a divine tour of his beloved synthesizers.com modular system from his North Hollywood studio.