
Solidarity with the Seattle Anarchists!

Solidarity with the Seattle Anarchists! At least one member of Seattle Solidarity Network has been arrested after police crashed an anarchist party arresting 7. More after the jump!

The Great Divide: Towards Bridging the Gap Between Anarchist- and Community-Based Organizing

This article is a few years old now but I still find its' message relevant to the tension between anarchist activism and day to day community organizing. Also check out: For Effective Organizing & Activism 2 Organizing

AWSM! An Introduction to Anarchist-Communism

So our friends in the Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement ( gave a presentation to their comrades in the anarcho-syndicalist group Beyond Resistance (

It is an intro to anarchist communism, and it is pretty AWESOME if I do say so myself!

Freedom #8

Download it.

Previous issues: #6, #5, #4, #3, #2, #1

American Renaissance conference smashed- Again!

The weekend of February 4th-6th 2011, the white nationalists of American Renaissance tried to resurrect their destroyed conference of 2010, this time trying Charlotte NC instead of their usual metro DC conference. NEFAC joined on to a coalition spearheaded by One People's Project and the Southern Anti-Racism Network to make sure that the AmRen conference didn't happen smoothly. And it didn't. AmRen 2011 was cancelled. And in its place, Charlotte had a forum on combatting white supremacy.

Urgent Need for Legal Funds for Sarah- Pittsburgh Pro-Choice Activist

Sarah - a pro-choice activist and feminist is in urgent need of legal funds surrounding politically charged criminal proceedings she'll be facing in the coming months.

Queer Is Many Things

Queer is many things. It’s a critique of identity– critiquing/questioning the boxes and categories we are given to cage ourselves with. Example, we can be gay, straight, or bi. These are the choices we have. But they don’t describe reality and they do more to contain us than to liberate us. (Although, I have to note that people do find empowerment and community within these identities and I don’t mean to downplay that.) It’s a critique of the construction of sexuality– formed by the ideas we have to conceive of it. If who you fuck is what you are (i.e., “gay”) — then that’s a sexual identity. Or we can do sexuality differently– it’s not who we are but what we do– our acts.


Calling Labor and Community Supporters:


11:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON

5 Greenwood Street, Hartford
(off Park St. Parking on Amity, Madison, Grace, and nearby streets)

Stop the Raids! Discussion on Immigration Reform in Hartford.

*Please forward widely!*

STOP THE RAIDS! Students of Trinity College present:

Let's Discuss Immigration Reform

Tuesday, April 20th
Terrace Rooms A, B & C
Mather Hall, Trinity College
300 Summit Street
Hartford CT

Nursing Home Workers Begin Second Day of Unfair Labor Practice Strike at Spectrum Homes

Friday, April 16, 2010 -- Nurses, nursing assistants and elder-care support staff at skilled nursing homes operated by Spectrum Healthcare are hitting the picket lines again this morning in four Connecticut towns.

Almost 400 caregivers at the four facilities - Birmingham Health Center in Derby, Hilltop Health Center in Ansonia, Laurel Hill Health Center in Winsted and Park Place in Hartford went on strike over Unfair Labor Practices on the part of their corporate operator, Spectrum. Caregivers at the four striking homes have been working under the terms of their previous contracts, which expired more than a year ago (March 15, 2009).

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