
¡Justicia por Johany! Manifestación y Marcha

Viernes, 16 de Noviembre
12:00 PM
Holyoke Center
1350 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
Facebook Event

En marzo y abril, una empleada de Harvard que trabajaba hace mucho tiempo, Johany Pilar informó que era acosada sexualmente en el trabajo. En mayo ella fue amenazada con “grandes, grandes problemas” por un administrador. En septiembre, le dijeron verbalmente y por escrito que la podrían despedir, la primera medida disciplinaria que recibió desde que empezó a trabajar en Harvard en 1998! Luego del piquete de octubre, donde dos compañeros de trabajo de Johany hablaron en su nombre, los tres fueron informados que desde entonces son “personal esencial,” implicando que tienen que trabajar durante las emergencias, como el reciente huracán, cuando casi todos los demás empleados tienen el día libre. Estos trabajadores jamás se consideraban “esenciales” hasta que ayudaron a pasar la voz sobre el tratamiento de Johany. Este es otro ejemplo de las represalias “tal para cual” que ha recurrido la administración desde que Johany empezó a resistir la cultura de violación en el trabajo.

Justice for Johany! Rally and March

Friday, November 16th
12:00 PM
Holyoke Center
1350 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
Facebook Event

In March and April, long-term Harvard employee Johany Pilar reported being sexually harassed at work. In May she was threatened with "big, big problems," by a manager. In September she was told verbally and in writing she could be fired, the first discipline she received since she started at Harvard in 1998! Shortly after a picket in October, at which two of Johany's co-workers spoke up for her in public, all three were informed they are now considered "essential staff," meaning they have to work during emergencies, like during the recent hurricane, when almost everyone else gets the day off. These workers were never considered "essential" until they helped publicize Johany's treatment. This is another example of the tit-for-tat retaliation which management has sunk to ever since Johany stood up against rape culture in the workplace.

Counterculture/Counterpower: The role of cultural work in building resistance movements

Simmons College
300 Fenway, Boston, MA
Facebook Event

A forum on the intersections of direct action and cultural resistance. Panelists will lead a discussion on the importance of cultural intervention in building movements for radical change.

Contracultura/Contrapoder: Construyendo movimientos a través de la intervención cultural

Domingo, 11 de Noviembre
1:15pm - 2:30pm
Feria del Libro Anarquista
Simmons College
300 Fenway, Boston, MA
Evento de Facebook

Un foro sobre las intersecciones de la acción directa y la resistencia cultural lxs panelistas facilitarán un dialogo sobre la importancia del trabajo cultural en construir movimientos populares por el cambio radical.

The Illusion of Choice

by Lorsen (Common Struggle - New York Metro)

The 2012 presidential election is fast approaching and Americans will participate in this ritual of voting for a member of the Democratic Party or Republican Party. This is almost the same as deciding to have Coca-Cola or Pepsi. Democrats and Republicans are constantly arguing and promoting their liberal and conservative views (just different sides of the same corrupt coin). This is merely a show this two party system is owed by the same corporatist elites and funded by the same internationally bankers. They may have different tone, but over all they are both practically the same one comes in a blue can and the other one in a red can, but when those cans are open they both contain the same substance.

We're Not Voting, We're Fighting!

Originally posted on Ideas and Action --

We’re not voting, we’re fighting!
Anarchists and the 2012 US Elections

By Adam Quinn

It’s always been easy for anarchists to demonstrate the absurdity of the US elections since the two major parties have had very few actual differences. Though each party has been using more heated and divisive rhetoric in recent months, Obama’s continuation of many Bush-era policies indicates our essentially one-party system remains intact.

Island Retreat

A view from our retreat on the Boston Harbor Islands.

May 1st: After The Blossoms of Spring, a Hot Summer

By our friends in Miami Autonomy & Solidarity

Global Crisis; American Nightmare

A global economic crisis has brought a new Great Depression to the doorsteps of working class families. While the corporations, government officials, and bureaucracies are experiencing record profits and compensation, those who are least able to pay are expected to shoulder the majority of the burden [1,2]. This collapse is placed upon the backs of workers, and even more to the most oppressed in working class communities, for example: working class women, immigrants, blacks, and latinos [3,4]. Despite the promises of a Democratic congress and presidency, deportations of undocumented immigrants have dramatically increased since Obama took office, tearing communities apart and criminalizing whole populations. If we don’t fight back, the crisis may drive a permanent decline in our standard of living, deepen the domination over the oppressed, and widen the gaps in American society.

Freedom / Libertad #7

Miami Builds Power for May 1st
The 1886 General Strike
General Strike Shuts Down the Port of Oaklnad

En este número
Miami Construye el Poder para el 1 de Mayo
La Huelga General de 1886
La Huelga General Cierra el Puerto de Oakland


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