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East Timor: Victory for press freedom: Timor journalists spared from jail

Labour Start - 17 hours 45 min ago
LabourStart headline - Source: IFJ
Categories: Workplace Struggle

USA: 13 Ways the Trump Budget Hurts Working People

Labour Start - 17 hours 45 min ago
LabourStart headline - Source: AFL-CIO
Categories: Workplace Struggle

Μητσοτάκη κάθαρμα!

Anarkismo - Wed, 05/31/2017 - 06:48
Δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση. Δεν ξεχνάμε. Δεν συγχωρούμε. Δεν σεβόμαστε. Ο αγώνας για ζωή, ο αγώνας για ελευθερία, ο αγώνας για δικαιοσύνη, ο αγώνας για έναν κόσμο όπου θα δημιουργούμε αντί να πολεμάμε με τη φτώχεια, θα περάσει πάνω από την πραγματική dolce vita, όλων αυτών των καθαρμάτων που οργανώνουν την καπιταλιστική αθλιότητα με το αζημίωτο.
Κάθε αγώνας για κοινωνική απελευθέρωση, θα είναι αγώνας ενάντια σε αυτούς που σε κάθε στιγμή της ιστορίας βρέθηκαν απέναντι από την κοινωνία για λογαριασμό του Κεφαλαίου. Και κάθε σύνθημα σε κάθε έναν από αυτούς τους αγώνες, θα κάνει ηχώ με το σύνθημα του '65 και του '91: ΜΗΤΣΟΤΑΚΗ ΚΑΘΑΡΜΑ!
Categories: Anarchists

Canada: Experts decry government's back-to-work legislation

Labour Start - Tue, 05/30/2017 - 20:00
LabourStart headline - Source: The Gazette
Categories: Workplace Struggle

Korea (South): President Moon and a New Era for Korean Workers

Labour Start - Tue, 05/30/2017 - 20:00
LabourStart headline - Source: ITUC
Categories: Workplace Struggle

Korea (South): ITUC on President Moon and a New Era for Korean Workers

Labour Start - Tue, 05/30/2017 - 20:00
LabourStart headline - Source: ITUC
Categories: Workplace Struggle

Mensaje del Subcomandante Moisés y el EZLN tras creación del Concejo Indígena de Gobierno

Anarkismo - Tue, 05/30/2017 - 06:03
¡Que el autogobierno y la dignidad sean ejemplos para el mundo!
Categories: Anarchists

Κριτική Μαρξιστικής θεωρίας του Κράτους

Anarkismo - Tue, 05/30/2017 - 05:39
Το κείμενο αυτό περιλαμβάνεται στην έκδοση του έργου του Μιχαήλ Μπακούνιν «Η Παρισινή Κομμούνα και η ιδέα του Κράτους», σε μετάφραση Τζακ Λουμάλα και επιμέλεια Γ. Ξυλαγκρά, εκδόσεις «Ελεύθερος Τύπος» (σ.σ. 94-103).

Categories: Anarchists

Hueyapan decide de forma unánime conformarse como Municipio Indígena; "estamos más cerca de la autonomía"

Anarkismo - Tue, 05/30/2017 - 05:32
Este domingo 28 de mayo, la comunidad nahua de Hueyapan en Morelos, decidió de forma unánime conformarse como Municipio Indígena Autónomo.
Categories: Anarchists

East Timor: Call on Timor Leste’s PM to drop criminal defamation charges against journalists

Labour Start - Sun, 05/28/2017 - 20:00
LabourStart headline - Source: IFJ Asia-Pacific
Categories: Workplace Struggle

Καμία ανοχή σε πρακτικές τραμπουκισμού

Anarkismo - Sat, 05/27/2017 - 04:58
Τα «τσεκούρια» έξω από το κίνημα
Αν οι εκλογές πρέπει να καταργηθούν, αν οι φοιτητικοί σύλλογοι πρέπει να αλλάξουν μορφή, αν οι συλλογικές διαδικασίες θα πρέπει να γίνουν οριζόντιες πέρα από την ανάθεση και την γραφειοκρατία, είναι ζήτημα των ίδιων των φοιτητών/ριών και όχι κάποιας ομάδας τραμπούκων. Το ίδιο το φοιτητικό κίνημα θα είναι αυτό που θα αποφασίσει τα χαρακτηριστικά και τις δομές που επιθυμεί να έχει. Οι απαγορεύσεις λοιπόν είτε προέρχονται από το Κράτος, είτε από τα αφεντικά, είτε από μια αντικοινωνική ομάδα είναι αναγκαίο να βρίσκουν απέναντι κάθε συλλογικότητα που αποσκοπεί σε έναν απελευθερωτικό μετασχηματισμό της κοινωνίας για τους καταπιεσμένους/ες.
Categories: Anarchists

Iran: Urgent action needed to help free education unionist on hunger strike

Labour Start - Fri, 05/26/2017 - 20:00
LabourStart headline - Source: Education International
Categories: Workplace Struggle

Qatar: World Cup 2018: Fifa admits workers have suffered human rights abuses

Labour Start - Fri, 05/26/2017 - 20:00
LabourStart headline - Source: Guardian
Categories: Workplace Struggle

Portland May Day 2017 — Official Response

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) - Thu, 05/25/2017 - 20:05

By the Portland IWW - Portland IWW, May 4, 2017

This was originally sent to KOIN 6 as a response to the events that took place on May Day in Portland.

The Industrial Workers of the World is proud that we were able to celebrate International Workers Day and march in solidarity with so many organizations which are essential and vibrant to the community of Portland and at large. International Workers Day is an important holiday that showcases the struggle of all workers against the wholesale societal systemic oppression brought about by corporations, CEOs, and the mega-rich capitalist class. The fact that there was such a strong contingent of marchers from all walks of life is representative of the American working class.

The Portland Police Bureau’s use of violence against workers and their families – as well as the children who were in the crowd celebrating the holiday with their parents – is a travesty and a violation of both human rights, as well as the right to peaceful assembly. We condemn their efforts in restricting accessibility to fellow workers with disabilities, and their blatant disregard for the health and well-being of the people they have sworn to protect. By direct contrast, they assisted visible white supremacists and white nationalists at the “March for Free Speech 82nd Ave,” specifically a non-permitted march by pro-Trump supporters on April 29th by chartering Tri-Met buses and public transportation to get these people, some of whom were making Nazi salutes during their protest, back to their vehicles.

Our goal is and has always been to support and assist the workers of the world, and we will continue to fight for the needs of all in the face of police and capitalist oppression, and stand by our watchword that an injury to one is an injury to all. As such, the Portland Police Bureau inflicted shameful injury against the workers, their families, and their children during the May Day march; we will stand against that in solidarity with our fellow workers.

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Categories: Workplace Struggle

Israel: Nissenkorn easily retains leadership of Histadrut

Labour Start - Thu, 05/25/2017 - 20:00
LabourStart headline - Source: Times of Israel
Categories: Workplace Struggle

Report Back from DC: Standing in Solidarity with Fellow Worker Julia Flores

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) - Thu, 05/25/2017 - 19:59

By Anonymous Contributor - It's Going Down, May 20, 2017

On April 30th, the DC Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) staged a picket in support of fellow worker Julia Flores, a member of the IWW and the Comité de Apoyo Laboral y Poder Obrero (the Comité), who was wrongfully terminated by Whole Foods in September 2016. After 15 years of service, Whole Foods retaliated against Julia for collectively organizing to win back a fellow worker’s job. Since Julia’s wrongful termination, she has made several appeals to the company’s local and regional leadership only to be dismissed without justice. In December 2016, the manager who terminated Julia, Victor Vazquez,  was fired along with eight other managers, for ‘stealing bonuses’. Our picket was not only in support of Julia’s Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) claim but to demand her reinstatement as well as restitution.  Our message to Whole Foods and the surrounding employers was clear: We, the workers of the District of Columbia, will not tolerate repression of fellow workers, retaliation for organizing our workplaces, or wage theft. An injury to one is an injury to all!

Our coalition was comprised of around sixty comrades including members of Many Languages One Voice (MLOV), the Comité, the IWW and its General Defense Committee (GDC), the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Socialist Alternative, Future is Feminist, DC Stampede, DC Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ), and the Socialist Snack Squad. We assembled at 10:30 am to review our overall strategy, our contingency escalation plan, and individual roles. The fulcrum of the action was a delegation of five comrades that accompanied Julia to Whole Foods to present her demands to the store manager in advance of the picket. Unsurprisingly, Whole Foods refused to negotiate and demanded the delegation leave the store. While we had no illusion that the bosses had any intention of conceding, workers organizing an effective picket should clearly articulate their demands to both the bosses as well as to the wider community.  The delegation relayed the details of their meeting to the picket and then proceeded to canvas nearby businesses to put pressure on Whole Foods. At each stop the delegation explained the circumstances of Julia’s wrongful termination, Whole Food’s history of worker repression, and the delegation’s recent treatment by the store manager.

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Categories: Workplace Struggle
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