The Housing Monster Study Group (Part Two)

Join Common Struggle in Boston for to study and build together around the Housing Monster, a new book from

Saturday, November 3rd
Encuentro 5, 9 Hamilton Place, Boston, MA
Facebook Event

This will be our second session. We will be discussing the second half of the book, including the following sections:

The Illusion of Choice

by Lorsen (Common Struggle - New York Metro)

The 2012 presidential election is fast approaching and Americans will participate in this ritual of voting for a member of the Democratic Party or Republican Party. This is almost the same as deciding to have Coca-Cola or Pepsi. Democrats and Republicans are constantly arguing and promoting their liberal and conservative views (just different sides of the same corrupt coin). This is merely a show this two party system is owed by the same corporatist elites and funded by the same internationally bankers. They may have different tone, but over all they are both practically the same one comes in a blue can and the other one in a red can, but when those cans are open they both contain the same substance.

We're Not Voting, We're Fighting!

Originally posted on Ideas and Action --

We’re not voting, we’re fighting!
Anarchists and the 2012 US Elections

By Adam Quinn

It’s always been easy for anarchists to demonstrate the absurdity of the US elections since the two major parties have had very few actual differences. Though each party has been using more heated and divisive rhetoric in recent months, Obama’s continuation of many Bush-era policies indicates our essentially one-party system remains intact.

Boston - "The Housing Monster" Study Group

Join Common Struggle in Boston to discuss The Housing Monster

Saturday, October 6th
Encuentro 5, 9 Hamilton Place, Boston, MA
Facebook Event

Read up to Page 77(from "The Foreword" through "Development and Decay").

Saturday, November 3rd
Location TBA

Finish the book.

Email for a flyer.

Open City Issue 4 Now Out!

The newest issue of Open City from New York City is now out. Please find it attached below.

Common Struggle Events in Providence

Solidarity With Domino's Workers
Saturday, September 15, 2012
5:00pm until 7:00pm
526 Broad St, Providence, RI

Join radical workers to demonstrate in support of Domino's workers in Australia who have had their wages slashed by 19%. Come out to picket Domino's on Broad St in Providence in Solidarity with Domino's workers on the other side of the world.

The Global Influence of Anarchism? A Fall/Winter Reading Group

Anarchism is often portrayed as an isolated group of angsty teens smashing a Starbucks window. However, Anarchism historically has been a vibrant movement active in nearly every corner of the world. In this reading group we will discover the movement that is Anarchism, its history and culture, as a force for total liberation. This is a great opportunity to explore your curiosity about a widely misunderstood ideology and to learn its fundamental beliefs. For this reading group we'll be reading Black Flam e: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism by Michael Schmidt and Lucien Van Der Walt.

Common Struggle Events in Boston

Upcoming Common Struggle events -

1. Sacco and Vanzetti March - August 26th
2. Common Struggle Reading Group - The Housing Monster, September 15th and October 6th
3. Ongoing Boston Fare Strike meetings and actions.

Island Retreat

A view from our retreat on the Boston Harbor Islands.

Boston Common Struggle Events This Summer:

-Anti-Austerity Thursday, May 24th.
Join Common Struggle members as we stand up against measures that put the cost of the recession on the shoulders of the working class. Make the rich pay for their own crisis!

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