No War But The Class War

Anarchist contingent begins to gather at Boston's 35,000+ person anti-war demonstration on March 29, 2003

"No Blood for Oil. No war between nations, no peace between classes!" From the NEFAC Montreal & Comites Sans Emploi contingent at the anti-war march on January 18, 2003

Common Struggle statements

  • END THE WAR! END THE STATE! Open City (Common Struggle NYC), March 20, 2005
  • OBJECT! DESERT! MUTINY! STRIKE! REVOLT! Common Struggle, March 20, 2004 | Objectez desertez mutinez-vous faites la greve revoltez-vous !
  • Anarchists Against The WarOpen City (Common Struggle NYC), February 15, 2003
  • When War Starts The World Stops!Common Struggle, Call out for Feb. 15 2003
  • No War But Class WarRoundhouse collective (Common Struggle), January 18, 2003 | Pas de guerre entre les nations, pas de paix entre les classes!
  • We Don't Want Your Bloody Wars! Common Struggle, September 28 2001 | Nous Refusons Vos Guerres Sanglantes : À Bas Tous Les Terrorismes, Incluant Celui De l’État!
  • The First Gulf War

    • Do You Remember The First Time? Resistance To The 1991 Gulf Massacre, No War But The Class War-London
    • No War But The Class War: Remembering And Reflecting Ten Years After, No War But The Class War-London
    • Lessons From The Struggle Against The Gulf War, K.E., Aufheben, no.1, Autumn 1992
    • Workers Solidarity Movement's Position Paper On The Gulf War (1991) WSM
    • Gulf War or Class War regarding the Iraq-Iran War, Info-tech Corridor Uncontrollables (Antagonism)
    • Ten Days that Shook Iraq: Inside Information from an Uprising, Wildcat
    • The Kurdistan Shoras Resistance, AF-Ireland
    • The Destruction of Iraq: Why?, Ideas and Action, #16, Fall 1991, WSA
    • Resistance to Imperialist Occupation of Iraq

    • Statement of the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq on adopting the Islamic Shari a by Governing Council in Iraq
    • Irak: Résistance ouvrière et féministe 1/2
    • Irak: Résistance ouvrière et féministe 2/2
    • Qui défend les ouvriers irakiens ?,Houzan Mahmoud, Représentante de l’Organisation pour la Liberté des Femmes en Irak, militante pour l’UUI et la FWCTUI.
    • Iraq: SOC Workers Win Their Fight For Higher Wages! Bremer's Orders Defied! Ewa Jasiewicz, Occupation Watch, Occupied Basra
    • Occupation Watch speech to Iraqi Workers in Occupied Basra and a lovely suprise! Ewa Jasiewicz, Occupation Watch, Occupied Basra
    • Occupied Basra Electricity Workers Strike - Update Ewa Jasiewicz, Occupation Watch, Occupied Basra
    • Riots in Occupied Basra and Amara - at least 7 killed, Protestors Speak Out - report Ewa Jasiewicz, Occupation Watch, Occupied Basra
    • Basra Electricity Workers Prepare for Strike - report from occupied Iraq Ewa Jasiewicz, Occupation Watch, Occupied Basra
    • Iraqi Oil Workers Throw Out KBR, Reconstruct Their Own Workplaces Autonomously Ewa Jasiewicz, Occupation Watch, Occupied Basra
    • Strikes, Bosses Attacked and Fistfighting with British Soldiers - Workers struggle in Basra Ewa Jasiewicz, Occupation Watch, Occupied Basra
    • The Most Powerful Men In The World, The Peroxide Spook And The 25c Armed Picket Line Ewa Jasiewicz, Occupation Watch, Occupied Basra
    • Class War in Iraq, AF-Ireland
    • Anarchy in Iraq?, Anarcho
    • Iraqi Workers' Movement

    • Union of Unemployed in Iraq (UUI)
    • Iraqi Federation of Workers' Trade Unions (IFTU)
    • Labor Rights in Iraq, US Labor Against The War
    • Interview with Iraqi trade union leaders imprisoned by US troops., Iraqi Federation of Workers' Trade Unions
    • In a Heroic Action: Workers of Leather Industries expelled the General Manager, Union of Unemployed in Iraq
    • An Interview with Khasraw Saya and Aso Jabbar on the Network of Representatives of the Union of Unemployed, Union of Unemployed in Iraq
    • The Occupation Troops Crack Down on Unemployed Protests, Union of Unemployed in Iraq
    • The Union of the Unemployed, and its Role in the Shaping of Iraq's Political Milieu, by Issam Shukri
    • Update on raid on IFTU HQ - still closed after a month, Iraqi Federation of Workers' Trade Unions
    • IFTU participates in Amman meeting called by ICFTU and ILO, Iraqi Federation of Workers' Trade Unions
    • US occupation forces raid Iraqi union headquarters, Iraqi Federation of Workers' Trade Unions
    • Iraq: Unions in Basra organize march, Iraqi Federation of Workers' Trade Unions
    • The Conference of the Workers' Councils and Unions in Iraq (WCUI) has Successfully Concluded in Baghdad, Congress of the WorkersCouncils and Unions in Iraq - WCU
    • Ba athist Yellow Unions are not allowed to represent Trade Unions in Iraq!, Worker-Communist Party of Iraq
    • Public Sector Worker Struggle And Trade Unionism In Occupied Basra - Full Research Report
    • Solidarity Message from Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Federation (ZACF) of southern Africa to FWCUI conference in Baghdad on 02.April 2005

    • 9-11 and the War on Afghanistan

      • We Don't Want Your Bloody Wars!, NEFAC
      • The Tragedy Of Afghanistan, Chekov Feeney (WSM)
      • Supporting The Revolutionary Women Of Afghanistan, Red Sonja and Flint (NEFAC) | Supporter de façon critique les femmes révolutionnaires d'Afghanistan
      • Statement On The Sept.11 Attacks And Struggle In Ontario, Freyheyt

      • The War on Palestine

        • Statement on the Murder of Rachel Corrie by Israeli Occupation Forces, 16 March 2003, Open City Anarchist Collective (NEFAC)
        • No Palestinian Ever Called Me a Nigger!, Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
        • Anarchists Against the Wall in Israel, Uri Ayalon - a talk given in Manchester on June 7th, 2004
        • We are all Anarchists against the Wall! PDF booklet
        • Israeli Anarchism - Being Young, Queer, and Radical in the Promised Land! Yossi, Interviewed by Aaron Lakoff
        • Anarchists Against The Wall email list
        • Anarchists Against The Wall on the ainfos newswire
        • International Solidarity Movement
        • Haiti

          • Occupied Haiti Resource Page Autonomy & Solidarity

          • Protest of Bush visit in Philadelphia

            Against Militarism, Against Imperialism

            • Blood Money: The Human-Capital Equation of the U.S. Occupation of Iraq, Stephen "Flint" Arthur (NEFAC)
            • The U.S. Deserves to Lose in Iraq but Should We "Support the Iraqi Resistance"?, Wayne Price (NEFAC)
            • The Poverty Draft: Recruiting The Working Class To The Frontlines, Class Against Class (NEFAC)
            • La Conscription Des Pauvres : L'Arme Recrute La Classe Ouvrie Pour Le Front, Traduction: Phebus (NEFAC)
            • "Why Do They Hate Us?", Wayne Price (NEFAC)
            • Why Anarchists Oppose Militarism And Nationalism, Boston Anarchists Aganist Militarism (BAAM) and NEFAC
            • Is Uncle Sam About To Get Caught - BETWEEN IRAQ AND A HARD PLACE?, Angyal Istvan
            • Class Struggle Against The Work / War Machine!, No War But Class War! (Toronto)
            • Mythes et réalités de la résistance irakienne Nicolas Dessaux
            • Italy: FdCA Statement On The War! Federazione Dei Comunisti Anarchici (Italy)
            • Why Iraq? Why Now?, AF Ireland
            • Towards A History Of Anarchist Anti-Imperialism, Lucien van der Walt (Bikisha Media Collective)
            • Pour une histoire de l'anti-impérialisme anarchiste, Lucien van der Walt (Bikisha Media Collective)
            • An Open Letter To Activists Concerning Racism In The Anti-War Movement , NYC Peace & Justice Activists
            • No To Capitalist War, Yes To Anarchist Revolution!, Federation of Revolutionary Anarchist Collectives (FRAC)
            • Direct Action Working In Ireland: Three Troop Transport Companies Driven Out!, Andrew Flood (Workers Solidarity Movement, Ireland)
            • Resistance To War, Andrew Flood (WSM)
            • War Against War, Anarchist Federation (UK)
            • Peace Is Patriotic, And That's The Problem, by anonymous
            • Social War By Other Means, Willful Disobedience

            • Banner dropped in Baltimore, Maryland. March 5, 2003

              Bring The Class War Home!

              • Striking Against The Work/War Machine, PJ Lilley & Jeff Shantz (NEFAC)
              • What Do Workers Think About The War?, Wayne Price (NEFAC)
              • Bushfires on the Docks: The Police Assault on Labor and Anti-War Protesters in Oakland, Jack Heyman (ILWU)
              • International Direct Actions Against the War, WSM
              • One Million Participate In Italian General Strike Against The War, Nestor McNabb
              • European Anarcho-Syndicalists Support Anti-War Strike, CGT
              • Boycott The Profiteers of War, SAC
              • Thousands Down Tools Over Iraq War, corporate media
              • UK Train Drivers Refuse To Haul War Freight, Industrial Worker
              • Stop That Train!: Italians Take Action Against Movement Of War Materials, ZNet
              • Italian Workers Will Not Be Used For Arms Transport!, LaborNet
              • Austrailian Industial Action To Protest War, Industrial Worker
              • Unions Meet in Chicago to Form Anti-War Coalition, USLAW
              • European Workers to Strike Against War, corporate media
              • Pre-Emptive Attack: Arson Attack At San Jose Recruitment Center, corporate media
              • Direct Action Working In Ireland: Three Troop Transport Companies Driven Out!, Andrew Flood (WSM)
              • Irish Anarchists Defend Direct Action, AF-Ireland
              • Two Thousand Anarchists Go On Rampage In San Francisco, B
              • Carlos Delgado on Deck: Blue Jays Slugger Stands Up Against War,Dave Zirin

              • Anti-War banner from 3/15 San Francisco breakaway march

                Objection, Desertion and Mutiny

                Overturned barricade in New York City, NY. February 15, 2003

                Anti-War Links

                • Union of Unemployed in Iraq (UUI)
                • Iraqi Federation of Workers' Trade Unions (IFTU)
                • Stop The War
                • Infoshop's Anti-War Page
                • Anarchist Anti-War Resources
                • No War but the Class War, London
                • LaborNet's Anti-War Page
                • U.S. Labor Against War
                • Occupation Watch
                • Direct Action to Stop The War
                • Independent Media Center
                • Electronic Iraq
                • NoToWar
                • ZNet's Iraq Watch
                • Military Families Speak Out
                • Bring them home now!
                • Iraq Veterans Against the War

                • Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors

                • The GI Rights Hotline (800) 394-9544

                • Citizen-Solldier

                • Veterans Against the Iraq War

                • Veterans for Common Sense

                • Veterans for Peace

                • Vietnam Veterans Against the War

                • Veterans for Justice

                • Refusing To Kill

                • September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows

                • Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft

                • Yesh Gvul

                • Refuser Solidarity Network

                • Refusnik Watch

                • War Resisters Support Campaign (Canada)
                • Additional NEFAC Anti-War Resources

                  • The Northeastern Anarchist: Anti-War Supplementary Out Now!