I'm Brazilian, I've always loved music and since I was little I buy and I listen to rock.
During the 70's I met a magazine called Pop, which I christened German Pop, since it was of Germanic origin, I did not understand what was written in the great majority, but it was there that I met the groups that I publish here on the blog today. Rock made in Germany is one of my favorites, but my taste is very eclectic.

Sou brasileira, sempre amei música e desde muito pequena compro e ouço rock. Durante os anos 70 conheci uma revista chamada Pop, que batizei de Pop Alemã, uma vez que era de origem germânica, eu não entendia o que estava escrito na sua grande maioria, mas foi ali que conheci os grupos que hoje publico aqui no blog. O rock feito da Alemanha é um dos meus favoritos, mas meu gosto é muito eclético.

domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2015

Misthaufen (Austria-Kraut) 1975.Wer haglich ist, bleibt Üba

01. Wer haglich is, bleibt üba!
02. I haaß Latta
03. Hart, aber ungerecht
04. Bua du bist riesig
05. Party im Zwanzigerhaus
06. Isabella
07. Fucking in
08. Hütteldorf-Hacking

Klambauer, Momo
Krauliz, Alf
Lauber, Arthur
Siderits, Pete


sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2015

Seedog (Germany-Kraut) 1974.We Hope To See You

An obscure Berlin supergroup featuring ex-Agitation Free and Lied Des Teufels members, though playing a rather uncharacteristic music for a German band, notably influenced by American West Coast bands like the Grateful Dead and Quicksilver Messenger Service, with multiple guitars and a slight jazzy bent. A really nice album that's in a world of its own.

Out Of The City / Seerock / Scizoid Games / Black Snails / Expresso Brasil

Michael Sauber (tenor/soprano saxophones, flute), Bernie Schumacher (tenor saxophone), Jörg Hahnfeld (bass, acoustic guitar), Dietmar Burmeister (drums, percussion), Lothar Muschinski (vocals, guitar), Klaus Pankau (guitars, vocals)

Jurgen Karg (Germany-Kraut) 1977.Elektronische Mythen

A surprising diversion from the former Wolfgang Dauner bassist, that's not jazz in any sense of the word! What Jürgen came up with on ELEKTRONISCHE MYTHEN had more in common with early Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream's ZEIT, or more atmospheric electronic Karlheinz Stockhausen, typically Teutonic Kosmische electronic. Performed on four EMS synthesizers and other (unnamed) devices, the range of tonalities is quite remarkable. It's a fascinating record, atmospheric yet very dark and mysterious, both marginally melodic and purely amelodic, and well worth checking out.

Die Versunkene Stadt - Atlantis / Vollmond-Selene

Jürgen Karg (synthesizers, sequencer, electronics)


Holger Czukay, Jah Wobble, Jaki Liebezeit 1981.Full Circle (CAN)

Holger Czukay (guitar, vocals, piano, organ, percussion, French horn)
Jah Wobble (bass, vocals, synthesizer)
Jaki Liebezeit (drums, percussion, trumpet, vocals)
+ Uwe Jahnke (guitar)


Jessica (Germany-Kraut) 1973.Bearbeitung Von Reger Op. 89-27

Sensacional álbum!
An obscure classical rock band, largely centred around Henner Herdick's noodly Jürgen Fritz like piano work (with occasional harpsichord styled and synthesizer embellishments), feeling somewhat like a slightly jazzy instrumental Triumvirat, with nods to The Nice or Ekseption, with a wealth of diverse classical references all knitted together into an ambitious and complex four part suite.
Note: Although this is generally listed as an eponymous album, this often also gets listed under the subtitle "Bearbeitung Von Reger Op.89/27" in the Cosmic Price Guide.
Allegreto Grazioso / Andantino / Vivace / Allegro Con Spirito

Peter Büchler (guitar), Lothar Piechottka (bass), Klaus T. Talges (drums), Henner Herdick (keyboards, synthesizer)


Changes (Germany-Fusion) 1979.Home Again

An obscure Berlin jazz-rock band (formed 1979) that we first encountered long ago via their tracks on BERLIN FUSION. They are of historical note for featuring Joachim Litty and Niko Schäuble (both later of Die Elefanten). Only very recently did we learn of an LP by them. The extracts heard from HOME AGAIN amount to a light fusion with a bossa/samba feel. 1981 line-up: Matthias Loose (bass), Joachim Litty (reeds), Joachim Seidel (guitar), Klaus Walter (drums), Dietmar Peetz (keyboards).

Home Again / Trees / Little Waltz / Samba Du Commerce / Some Days Of My Life / Blues For Ed

LP Ego Records 4015 (1979)
Não sei o que houve de errado, mas a última faixa não esta no arquivo que upei, então estou disponibilizando a mesma a parte, só pra não ter upar de novo o arquivo todo, já que a minha internet tem um limite de dados de apenas 12 gbs mês.

Yandex álbum com as 5 primeiras faixas
+Faixa 6 Blues For Ed

quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2015

Chameleon (Germany-Jazz/Fusion) 1979.Chameleon

A jazz-rock group from the Mannheim region, Chameleon played a richly textured and melodic fusion strongly featuring (ex-Night Sun) Knut Rössler as soloist on a variety of winds. Often akin to later Release Music Orchestra, and with some notable Return To Forever type stylisms, Chameleon chose an apt name considering the wide range of influences and moods their sole album contained. After their demise Knut Rössler went on to various other projects.

Grubnello / Grass / Berufsverbot / Die 3 Phasen / Transaction / Spass Im Fass / Die Konsequenz / Die Gewalt

LP Blubber Lips bl 807 (1979)

Knut Rössler (tenor/soprano saxophones, flute, lyricon), Joachim Essig (pianos, synthesizers, string ensemble), Roland Herbe (basses, piccolo), Ralph Dietze (drums), + Walter Helbig (percussion)


Sand (Germany-Kraut) 1975.Sylph Ballet

Sand is cosmic/psychedelic 'Krautrock' style and influenced David Tibet of Current 93. Still living in the mythical landscapes SAND not only created Golem who was a being of the earth. Something else pulsated with a different energy of oscillation. The invisible beings of the air performed their dances. The Golem was large, mighty and of compact matter. He needed an external spirit to be navigated. Sylph creatures moved with the clouds and the wind - from gentle breezes to violent storms, always sensitive to the chimes of the motions. The sylphs are the children of the moonlight as well as the elves with broken wings. The sylph ballet is riding upon ethereal horses and its airy spirit comes true in dawn levitation. 

1 Coastal Nightwalk Bass – Ulrich PapenbergGuitar – Ludwig PapenbergHarmonium – Johannes Vester 2:52
2 Amelith/Room Audio Generator – Ulrich PapenbergSynthesizer [VCS3] – Ludwig Papenberg 3:34
3 Dawn Levitation Bass – Ulrich PapenbergGuitar – Ludwig Papenber 4:52
4 The Morning Has Blown You Away Guitar, Synthesizer [VCS3], Vocals – Johannes Vester 5:24
5 Giving Golem Respiration Guitar, Drums – Ludwig PapenbergVocals – Johannes Vester 3:25
6 Her Broken Wing – Passing My Window Grand Piano – Jörg WelzPiano [Collateral] – Johannes Vester, Ludwig Papenberg 3:29
7 Upon Eleven Black Horses Guitar, Synthesizer [VCS3], Vocals – Johannes Vester 6:34
8 A Cosy Trance Of Hibernation Guitar, Synthesizer [VCS3], Flute – Johannes Vester 7:25
9 Water Sounds [Natural Brooklet] – Johannes VesterSynthesizer [VCS3 Bubbling Brook] – Ludwig Papenberg 1:18

Bass, Audio Generator – Ulrich Papenberg
Grand Piano – Jörg Welz
Guitar, Drums, Piano [Collateral], Synthesizer [VCS3] – Ludwig Papenberg
Lyrics By, Vocals, Guitar, Synthesizer [VCS3], Harmonium, Piano [Collateral] – Johannes Vester


quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2015

Jurgen Fritz (Germany-Kraut) 1989.Es Ist Nicht Leicht Ein Gott Zu Sein (Soundtrack)

Though sometimes quoted nonchalantly as the German Keith Emerson or Rick Wakeman, the former Triumvirat leader Jürgen Fritz may indeed have been a phenomenal keyboardist in his early days, yet he has been nowhere near as prolific as his British counterparts.
He has done some production work (nothing notable), and featured as a guest with Satin Whale, Tanned Leather, Helmut Koellen, Gänsehaut (two albums), Trude Herr (a German pop singer), Hollywood, and even with Eric Burdon, but not much as a soloist.
Apart from some film and TV soundtrack work (which seems to be unreleased), we only know of the one actual solo album, which is also a film soundtrack, a computer music opera, totally overblown conceptually, intriguing for the very pompous title "Hard To Be A God" it reminds of some early Rick Wakeman instrumental works, but with a more modern instrumentation. After this, he worked in the duo Millenium.

Ouverture / The Eyes Of Anka / Rumata's Arrival (opening titles) / Surens's Escape / Kyra's Theme / Anticipation / The Valley Of The Swords / Rumata & Pampa (The Ride) / Love Theme / The Shadow Of Death (Reba's Theme) / The Battle / The City Of Arkaner / Rumata & Pampa (reprise) / Finale & Epilogue / Hard To Be A God

CD CBS 466250 2 (1989)

Jürgen Fritz, + Grant Stevens (vocals)


Dschinn Fizz - There Is a Playne Difference (1981)

Hans-Jürgen Ley bass, vocals
Gerald Bernhard guitar, vocals
Steve Nixon guitar
Stefan Kaiser drums, lead vocals

Long Road (5:28)
Escaped (5:17)
Don't Look Back (5:34)
Spanish Fly (4:14)
Is There Any Difference (4:43)
Old Man (6:03)
Chasing a Dream (7:09)


Franz K. - Rock in Deutsch (8-9/1973)

Schieß Und Marschier / Cabora Bassa / Peterlied / Peterlied (coda) / Räder / Big Boss / Mackie Messer / Rita B.
LP Zebra 2949 014 (1973)

Stefan Josefus (drums)
Peter Josefus (bass, vocals)
Mick Hannes (guitar)
+ Werner Becker (piano, organ)


terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2015

Fritz Muller Rock (Germany-Kraut) 1977.Same

Meu presente de Natal é este álbum que foi mega dificil de conseguir, espero que gostem! Enjoy! Feliz Natal

Fritz Müller Rock. Fritz Müller e a sua banda. Fritz Müller está a chegar. Mas o que significa Fritz Müller? Fritz Muller é tudo! Símbolo para o comum e o singular. Sexo e arte, quotidiano e cliché. Fritz Muller é comparável à quinta geração de computadores (e de facto é como uma organização informática), que se repara a si mesma. Fritz Muller é o símbolo universal para o Produto em geral! Fritz Muller está científica e divinamente certificado. Fritz Müller faz da irrealidade a consciência da realidade! Fritz Müller chegou. Veio em 1977, no formato deste álbum de rock conceptual, produzido por Conny Plank e apresentava-se assim nas notas de programa de uma das performances multimedia que vinha realizando desde 1974, com o próprio Conrad Plank e com Christa Fast. Fritz Müller foi, na verdade, o nome do projecto rock de Eberhard Kranemann, o artista plástico nascido em Wismar, uma pequena cidade da liga hanseática, no norte da Alemanha, e que cresceu em Dortmund, estudando música e contrabaixo no conservatório dessa cidade e que, mais tarde, teve formação académica no campo das artes plásticas em Düsseldorf. Nestes anos de estudante conheceu Joseph Beuys que leccionava na Academia de Artes de Düsseldorf e com ele participou em 1968 numa performance que incluía ainda o grupo Pissoff. Também nessa época conheceu Ralf Hütter e Florian Schneider, os fundadores dos Kraftwerk, para os quais contribuíu com algumas prestações ao vivo no baixo. E mais tarde haveria de servir do mesmo modo os Neu!, estando registada a sua prestação no disco Neu!’72 Live in Düsseldorf, editado apenas em meados da década de 90 pela Captain Trip. Hoje em dia, Kranemann dedica-se sobretudo à arte contemporânea, realizando performances multimedia e muitos trabalhos de pintura. O LP “Fritz Müller Rock”, também conhecido como “Fritz Müller Kommt”, é principalmente um disco de rock satírico, com as afecções caricaturais do rock’n’roll que inequivocamente sublinham o humor de Eberhard Kranemann em “Ich Kauf Mir’Ne Guitare” ou “Bratkartoffel Rock’n’Roll”: nele não faltam os solos de guitarra ou piano-jazz, as distorções, os feedbacks, os coros de fundo, a arrogância rebelde e a euforia electrizante. O subtil trabalho de Conny Plank sustenta electronicamente o delírio psicadélico de Eberhard epitomizado em “Schulwand” e em “Yes, we can” ou, de modo mais contemplativo, na deriva onírica de “Fritz Müller Traum”. É, aliás, este tema que temos estado a ouvir, ao qual se seguirá o Rock’n’roll das Batatas Assadas, isto é, “Bratkartoffel Rock’n’Roll”, e, logo depois, “Schulwand”. As referências musicais de Fritz Müller são, como não poderia deixar de ser, as da cena rock de Düsseldorf e não será estranho reconhecer a influência de Kraftwerk, Neu! ou Harmonia.

A1 Ich Kauf Mir 'Ne Gitarre (2:50)
A2 Bratkartoffel Rock'N'Roll (2:14)
A3 Raketenlied (2:55)
A4 Gisela (3:22)
A5 Schulwand (3:20)
A6 I'm Sittin' By The Seaside (3:40)
A7 Yes, We Can (4:02)
B1 Postmann (3:50)
B2 Ich Stehe Morgens Um Sieben Auf (3:55)
B3 Fritz Müller Traum (8:40)
B4 I Dont Understand It


Paul Vincent - Sternreiter


Estou procurando este disco também! Se alguém souber de algo, por gentileza me avise! Thanks

sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2015

Steve Robinson (Germany-Kraut) 1978.It's a lie

Steve Robinson (his name is said to be an Englishified pseudonym) is a highly reputable musician of the Mannheim scene. Best-known as the wild electronics/keyboards wizard with Twenty Sixty Six And Then, he's also worked quite a lot in numerous projects with follow Mannheim multi-instrumentalist Michael Bundt.
Until very recently, IT'S A LIE was merely the missing unknown number from the Blubber Lips catalogue, which according to one source was a "interesting Krautish progressive artrock that reminds a little of early Genesis", however it turned out to be disappointingly mediocre really, very song based (proving Steve to be German, with his accent and slightly dodgy English), but with elements as diverse as Van der Graaf Generator, Supertramp, and pretty straight ballad pop-rock towards Elton John and David Bowie!


Malina / 6 a.m. Till 6 p.m. / When You Leave Me / It's A Lie / Where Are You / What Strange Fate / Interaction / Rock 'n' Roll Dancer

LP Blubber Lips bl 808 (1978)

Steve Robinson (vocals, keyboards, guitar), + John Bedson (drums), Brian Henderson (bass), Muck Groh (guitar), Klaus Kreuzeder (flute, saxophone, lyricon), Hubert Stütz (guitar), Michael Bundt (synthesizers, sequencer)


terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2015

Nautilus (Swiss-Kraut) 1978.20000 Miles Under The Sea

20,000 Miles Under The Sea / Sleeping In The Wind / Like A Bird / Deep Inside Of Me / Lady / Lost In Time / To The Sky / Opus For Ghosts, Crocodiles And Four Living Persons
LP Turicaphon NLP 7801 (1978)
Christian Bauer (guitars, vocals), Ralph Stucki (organ, piano, clavinet, synthesizers), Thomas Eichenberger (drums, percussion), Urs Lerch (bass, vocals)


sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2015

Boas Festas

Estou elaborando um novo método de arquivamento de dos meus discos (ate o momento apenas os de krautrock) , padronizando as pastas de maneira que fique mais fácil a busca e o acesso, com isso estou também fazendo o up de todos os álbuns em contas Mega, que no momento me parece o melhor provedor nuvem da rede, isso demanda tempo, muito tempo, mas em breve estarei disponibilizando os arquivos já postados e outros muitos ainda não publicados com links mega e nova nomenclatura padronizada, assim acredito que facilite a vida de todos. Por enquanto devido as festividades de final de ano devo fazer poucas ou ate quem sabe nenhuma publicação, então deixo um abraço um beijo e muitos discos bacanas com os mais sinceros votos de um mundo melhor pra todos nos.

Porque o Mega? Pelo fato de ser rápido e sem frescura e ter um espaço bem bom na conta free, 50 gbs por conta, já no Yandex que ainda é o meu favorito e continuarei a usar pela simplicidade, mas cada conta só dá direito a 10gbs e isso não é nada quando falamos em abastecer 4 blogs tenho mais de 11 contas Yandex, ai fica complicado administrar. Estou na tentativa de  colocar todos os meus álbuns de kraut em apenas poucas contas Mega (talvez umas 8 se conseguir fazer o que pretendo) de preferência em ordem alfabética, nas contas do Yandex esta tudo uma zona, nem eu me acho mais naquela confusão e acabo fazendo up repetido é uma zona total, vamos ver se dá certo! Vou tentar organizar a minha discografia! Acho difícil mas vou tentar.

quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2015

Siloah - Siloah (1970)


- Tiny (Heinrich Stricker) - vocals, Shinai
- Manuela (Manuela Freifrau Von Perfall) - percussion, tambourine
- Thom (Thom Argauer) - acoustic guitar, 12-string guitar, vocals
- Wolfgang (Wolfgang Görner) - bass
- Klaus Bartl - acoustic guitar (01,03,06)
- Bernd Beier - drums (02)
- Ali Schollenbruch - guitar (02)
- Mao - flute (05)

01. Yellow Puppets Hanging In The Sky - 0:54
02. Krishna's Golden Dope Shop - 6:12
03. Road To Laramy - 6:27
04. Acid Eagle - 2:39
05. Aluminum Wind - 18:21
06. Pink Puppets Hanging In The Sky - 0:45
07. Mit Tiny nach Tanger - 7:26
08. Lady Jane - Lord X - 3:14


Checkpoint Charlie - Frühling der Krüppel (1978)

Bräutigam, Jürgen (bass, vocals)       
Krebs, Joachim         
Sahm, Wilfried         
Stahl, Lothar  (drums, percussion)       
Trotha, Uwe von  (vocals)

01. Haben Rock
02. Die Geschichte vom Fritzle
03. Frühling der Krüppel


Checkpoint Charlie - Grüß Gott mit hellem Klang (1970)

Bremner, Malte (guitar)       
Heß, Werner (drums)       
Krebs, Joachim (organ)       
Linder, Harald (vocals, bass)       
Trotha, Uwe von (vocals)       
Walten, Werner (guitar)

01. Jesus
02. Geschichte von Herrn Müller
03. Geschichte von Herrn Müller
04. Das arme Waisenkind


terça-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2015

Firma 33 - Se Först (1979)

Hanselmann, Matthias (guitar, vocals)       
Heck, Jürgen (horns, flute)       
Selle, Rüdiger  (vocals, drums)       
Wanzlick, Achim (bass, choir)       
Wester, Richard (horns, flute)       
Witting, Matthias (keyboards, choir)

01. Nimm Fünf
02. Der Herr im Haus
03. Stille Nacht?
04. An sich bin ich ganz friedlich
05. Flugversuch
06. Alleine
07. Agrippa, das Schwein
08. Liebes Lied
09. Abschied

Association PC - Ear Wax (1970)

Blanke, Toto
Busch, Siggi        
Courbois, Pierre   
Hof, Jasper van't
Krijen, Peter

01. Voorkant
02. Spider
03. Hit the P. Tit
04. Elsen
05. Achterkant
06. Earwax
07. Round A'Bout Nine
08. Jazzper
(Above, standing, left to right)Toto Blanke; somebody in a poster; Jeremy Steig.
(Above, sitting, left to right) Joachim Kühn; Pierre Courbois; Siggi Busch.


Association PC - Erna Morena (1972)

Blanke, Toto
Busch, Siggi          
Courbois, Pierre          
Hof, Jasper van't

01. Frau Theunissen's Kegel
02. Erna Morena part 1:
(a) Space Erna
(b) Erna in India (van 't Hof)
03. Erna Morena part 2:
(c) Erna Audi Maxima!
(d) Only Grass in my Stomach
(e) Schnoor 8


Association PC - Sun rotation (1972)

Blanke, Toto    
Busch, Siggi         
Courbois, Pierre     
Hof, Jasper van't

01. Idee A
    (a) Scorpion
    (b) Neuteboom
    (c) Scorcussion
02. Silence
03. Don Paul
04. Totemism
05. Frau Theunissen


Association PC - Rock around the cock (1973)

Blanke, Toto
Busch, Siggi         
Courbois, Pierre         
Wiberny, Karl Heinz

01. Phenis
02. Polar Anna
03. Mirrored Dimensions
04. Shirocco
05. Rock Around The Cock
06. Autumn In March
07. Cap Carneval


Association PC - Mama Kuku (1974)

Blanke, Toto  (guitar)   
Busch, Siggi  (bass)        
Courbois, Pierre (drums, percussion)        
Kühn, Joachim  (Fender piano)   
Steig, Jeremy (flute, piccolo flute, bassflute)

01. Mama Kuku
02. Bold 'n Steig
03. Dr. Hofmann
04. Ecnelis
05. Bassamagic
06. Lausanne


segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2015

Marcel (Germany-Kraut)1971.Dreams Consumed

An obscure project of whom little is known. This was singer songwriter Marcel Schaar with help from (ex-Die City Preachers, later Brave New World member) John O'Brien-Docker. The LP amounted to a pleasant, if lightweight, mixture of rock ballads, with some folky and symphonic touches, but was largely pretty mainstream stuff.
By far the finest Marcel track is the excellent and imaginative arrangement of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" featured on HEAVY CHRISTMAS, which is presented with such refined and powerful majesty, that it's nothing less than awe inspiring.

Marcel Schaar (vocals)
Jay (guitar)
John O'Brien-Docker (orchestral arrangements/conductor)
01. Ballad of a happy man
02. Amy
03. Tonight, that's the night
04. Out of sight out of mind
05. Dreams consumed
06. She's alright
07. Kinky
08. Friendship
09. I wanna be with you
10. Gale warning
11. Trains

Art Boys Collection - Stoned Wall 1972 (Austria)


- Gerhard Egger - vocals (02,05), acoustic guitar
- Gerhard Bauer - vocals (01,03,07,09,12), acoustic guitar
- Hans Joachim Holz - vocals (04,06,08,10,11), drums, piano
- Hubert Perfahl - lead guitar
- Walter Holz - organ
- Johann Aigner - bass
- Rebecca, Maria, Margit - backing vocals

 All tracks written by Gerhard Egger except where noted.
01. Freedom, Voice Of My Soul - 3:08
02. Stoned Wall - 4:35
03. Roll Engine Roll - 3:52
04. Flying Machine - 4:09
05. Love - 3:44
06. All My Life (Hans Joachim Holz) - 2:04
07. I'm Riding On An Arrow - 3:12
08. Wait For The Days - 3:31
09. Happy Woman - 3:18
10. Station Nowhere - 4:29
11. In A Foreign Country (Hans Joachim Holz) - 2:28
12. Jesus Said - 3:04
13. Lemon Tree (single A-side,1970) - 2:34
14. A Walk In The Rain (single B-side,1970) - 3:03
15. Life Is A Dream (single A-side,1969) - 3:07
16. United Blues Generation (single B-side,1969) - 3:22


domingo, 6 de dezembro de 2015

M.L. Bongers Project ‎– Pacific Prison (1978)

Acoustic Guitar – Jacques Thysen
Bass – Jacques Thysen
Cover [Artwork] – Michel Verdbois
Cover [Design] – Marcel L. Bongers
Drums – Günter Heinz (2)
Engineer [Remixed, Completed And Supervised] – Ansgar Ballhorn
Flute – Georg Michels
Guitar – Joe Grande
Keyboards – J. Georg Kobeck
Percussion – Günter Heinz (2)
Producer – Marcel L. Bongers
Vocals – Marcel L. Bongers
A1 Look Into The Future    
A2 Isle Of Patience & Faith    
A3 Diedown    
A4 Time Goes By    
A5 First Despair    
B1 Daybreak    
B2 The Night    
B3 Escape On A Lightbeam    
B4 A Deadly Smile    


Gurnemanz - Fair Margaret And Sweet William (1972)

- Wolfgang Riedel - acoustic & electric guitar, sitar
- Manuela Schmitz - female vocals, flute, acoustic guitar
- Wolfgang Scheel - vocals, lute
- Siegfried Bushuven - bass, zither
- John Cremer - producer

01. Fair Margaret And Sweet William - 7:34
02. Schäfertanz - 1:42
03. The Riddling Knight - 5:33
04. Allemande - 0:35
05. Ghost Lover - 2:17
06. Improvisation 1 - 1:05
07. Upon A Summer's Time - 5:41
08. To His Love - 4:50
09. Complain My Lute - 7:44
Bonuses (Live January 1973):
10. Fair Margaret And Sweet William - 8:22
11. Upon A Summer's Time - 6:19
12. Complain My Lute - 7:43


Guildenstern - Compilation (1978-1979) (2011)

- Michael Lippert - Shergold bass (01,02,04-06,08-11), 12-string Doubleneck guitar (01,02,04-06,08-11), vocals (03,07), Ibanez guitar (03,07), Yamaha 12-string acoustic guitar (03,07)
- Bernd Scholl - Hammond M3 organ (01,04,08-11), Wasp synthesizer (01,02,04,06,08-11), Solina strings (01,02,06,08-11), Eko e-piano (02,08-11)
- Claus Lange - Sattler drums (01,02,04-06,08-11)
- Kai Crone - Solina strings (03,07), bass pedals (03,07)
- Reinhard Olschanski - Ovation 6-string acoustic guitar (05)
- Harald Pohl - classical guitar (08)
- Gerd Holfelder - vocals (10,11)
- Michael Kuplien - Gibson Les Paul guitar (09-11), classical guitar (09-11), violin (09-11)

01. Murder Of Gonzago (Part 1) (1978) (Michael Lippert) - 4:49
02. Morning Dew (1978) (Bernd Scholl) - 4:02
03. After The Inquisition (1978) (Michael Lippert) - 4:50
04. Away (1978) (Bernd Scholl) - 4:03
05. Hamlet And Ophelia (1978) (Michael Lippert, Reinhard Olschanski) - 4:13
06. Thoughts (instrumental) (1978) (Michael Lippert) - 4:13
07. Murder Of Gonzago (Part 2) (1978) (Michael Lippert) - 2:53
08. The End (1978) (Michael Lippert) - 6:59
09. Day By Day (live,1979) (Bernd Scholl) - 8:15
10. Thoughts (live,1979) (Michael Lippert) - 4:24
11. Mask Of The Red Death (live,1979) (Bernd Scholl, Michael Lippert) - 10:14


Ax Genrich (Germany-Kraut) 1975.Highdelberg Supersession

Genrich, Ax (11) (guitar, vocals, percussion, bass, banjo, harmonica)
Fride, Jan (20) (drums)        
Hattler, Hellmut (24) (bass, choir)        
Moebius, Dieter (15) (synthesizer)        
Neumeier, Mani (30) (drums, congas)        
Roedelius, Achim (17) (organ)        
Wolbrandt, Peter (22) (guitar, vocals, congas)

01. Der Platzhirsch
02. Odenwaldpolka
03. Wapitis Rückkehr
04. Kosmische Phyrze
05. Super Normal Rider
06. A national affair
07. No matter No. 769
08. Saure Drops & süßer Wein


Maggie's Madness (Germany-Heavy) 1981.Same

Michael Dudek - Vocals, Guitars
Frank Zellner - Guitars
Joe Bleicher - Guitars
Peter C. Toballa - Bass
Hans Georg Von Schuh - Drums, Synthesizer

01 - Lady Starlight
02 - Devil Is a Woman
03 - Rock On
04 - One More Time
05 - Space Base
06 - Footstompin' Music
07 - Life Today
08 - Shadows


sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2015

Touch (Germany-Kraut by Hans-Jürgen Pütz) 1981.Same (MP4)

Supergroup project fronted by Hans-Jürgen Pütz, with Zeus B. Held from Birth Control, Thomas Schmitt from Pell Mell, Dieter Bornschlegel from Atlantis, Guru Guru, etc., and others.

Hans-Jürgen has a very Peter Gabriel like vocal style, but they're not quite the "Genesis inspired symphonic band" they were reputed to be, as a lot more influences are at play, with many nods back to Krautrock in what is almost a neo-prog mixture. A couple of dodgy pop pastiche moments do let the album down somewhat, but over-all it's not a bad one.

Gimme Your Touch / High In The Sky / Nervous Circus / Ibiza Sound / Can't Get You Out Of My Mind / In The Centre Of The Universe / Checkmade In Hollywood / 7 To 7 / Dawn Of Fantasy

LP Cain CL 5816 (1981)

Peter Schmitz (drums), Hans-Jürgen Pütz (vocals), Jochen Brezia (guitar), Zeus B. Held (keyboards), Leo Schaaf (bass), Thomas Schmitt (violin), Henry Staroste (keyboards), Dieter Bornschlegel (guitar)


Contact Trio (Germany-Fusion) 1975.Double Face

Rumplestilzschen - Double Face / Engelstanz - Sonate
LP Calig Records CAL 30614 (1975)
Evert Brettschneider (guitars), Aloys Kott (bass), Michael Jüllich (drums, tabla, flute, marimba)
