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The A-Infos Project is coordinated by an international collective of revolutionary anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist activists, involved with class struggle and who regard it as a total social struggle.

These are people who conceive themselves as revolutionary class struggle social anarchists, anarcho-communists, libertarian communists, syndicalists and others who hold similar opinions but use other labels.

A-Infos is organized by people who feel anarchism is a social theory, and that a revolution is necessary to bring about the new class-less social order, and that this revolution can only be made by the vast majority of the working people.

The specific kind of anarchism we talk about and promote is the anarchism of the Haymarket martyrs and those expelled by Karl Marx from the First International for criticizing his authoritarianism and the elitist, vanguardist degradation of the masses of the working class...

We do not support the kind of anarchism proposed by some pseudo-modernists and pseudo-"revolutionaries" who regard symbolic activity as substitute to mass struggle, or the kind of anarchism of "humanists" who hold other tasks as equal or more important than the revolutionary struggle for abolishing the capitalist system.

A-Infos work is not inspired by egoistic and egocentric individualism, primitivism, "free capitalism without a state" or even a state without free capitalism - who oppose the present capitalist order but do not offer instead a viable model of modern social order of freedom, equality, and solidarity.

It is not enough for individuals and groups to use an anarchist label for their texts to be distributed by A-Infos.

In the struggle for a free society, we distribute news and articles in several languages, covering a wide range of areas of struggle. These include workplace and environmental struggles as well as the fight against racism, sexism and homophobia. A-Infos also distributes news on indigenous peoples anti-colonialist fight against settlers, occupation and marginalization, as well as anti-nationalist and anti-regional separatist struggles, because workers have no country but the world as a whole....

A-Infos is specialized press agency, in the service (as we see it best) of the movement of revolutionary anti-capitalist activists who are involved in the various social struggles against the capitalist class and its social system.

A-Infos is not an open "liberal" service that distributes anything "we" are sympathetic to -- it is not Indymedia. It is first of all a free distribution tool for information from and about collectives of anarchist (and other anti authoritarian revolutionaries) involved in the struggle.

A-Infos workers do not think we are the ones who should decide who, on the social anarchist camp, is a "real" anarchist or not. However, as resources are limited, we have the right and duty to (autonomously) choose what we distribute what we feel is best among the contributions and contributors. The freedom of association the A-Infos collective is based on means nothing without the freedom not to associate, if workers so choose.

A-Infos has a role to play in the world anarchist movement. Information is strength. A-Infos helps to build a sense of an international movement. A-Infos is, to a certain extent, one of the few international organizational tools of the movement. But to keep this role it must stay a tool in the service of the movement and not a free-for-all information service.

A-Infos is not just an internal movement tool. Like the Anarchist FAQ, it's also a means to present the movement to the wider audience and to a new generation, and acquaint them with international aspects of the movement.

A-Infos is an autonomous anarchist press agency that is not the bullhorn of any "social" movement. Even when self-proclaimed anarchists (or even if real ones) are involved is not a guarantee A-Infos will distribute contributions. Even if we ourselves sympathize with given movements is no guarantee articles will be posted.

Thus, A-Infos distributes the news and analysis its workers want to share with the world non-authoritarian activists community -- mainly posts from anti-authoritarian revolutionary collectives and reports about direct action of social struggle both of activists and of common people in their daily life.

Anyone who is not satisfied with the services we provide, is welcome to use other services or build her/his own.

A-infos is both an organizational tool, a propaganda tool, and an information tool of the movement -- and is not merely "news by, about and of interest to anarchists."

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Greece, Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative: CONCENTRATION IN SOLIDARITY TOTAL NEGATIVE STRATEFSIS DIMITRI D. | 8/6, 12: 00 | COURTS OF THESSALONIKI (gr) [machine translation]
Sun Jun 11 13:05:08 GMT 2017

On Monday, June 5, comrade Dimitris D. Went to give programmed "present" in the Police Department of the Dodecanese, as had been imposed by previous cases. ---- Comrade Dimitris D., As indicated with the public version of the 02.10.2016, has chosen the path of total refusal of military service, refusing to join any national army, anyone armed defender of capital and the state. ----During the process, then, after the partner kept two hours, he was informed of being arrested for "insubordination" and that Tuesday June 6 will be passed by a military prosecutor, did. The military prosecutor released him for the offense, postponing the trial in a regular court session, the date of which has not yet been set. ----In the absence of a partner to pass the marking process against him and recited the charge of disobedience. For this category was led, after completion of the ...

(en) [Kurdistan] Video: Jinwar, the birth of the first village of free women of Rojava By ANA [machine translation]
Sun Jun 11 13:04:53 GMT 2017

The paradigm of women's liberation in the revolution of Rojava is one of the main objectives in which Kurdish society and organizations have been fighting since the first day of the revolt. The advances achieved were vast, women were strengthened in all aspects of life: self-organization, self-defense, culture and language, education, economics, media, etc ... ---- To continue this work, Rojava's comrades have launched the Jinwar project. The construction of a village of free and ecological women, where women can develop independently and put into practice the community life they desire. A space of convergence and development for a sustainable and free life for women, which will also serve as a meeting point and reflection for all women who wish to know the project. ---- You can contact the partners through this email: womensvillage.jinwar@gmail.com ...

(en) [Greece] Zero tolerance for extreme violence practices. Eject the "axes" out of the movement By ANA (pt) [machine translation]
Sun Jun 11 10:47:24 GMT 2017

The following text belongs to the Rocinante Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative and was published on its website on the reason for an alleged aggression by a group on the day of the student elections at the University of Athens. ---- On Wednesday, May 24, 2017, from morning to the end of the afternoon, student elections were held in most of the country's universities. In the previous days, interventions and mobilizations were carried out, and material was distributed against the elections, as part of an anti-electoral campaign carried out by groups and libertarian collectives. ---- In sharp contrast to this political position, attacks on various universities took place on Wednesday , May 24 . It was particularly striking the brutality of a group of people who tried to approach the Faculty of Chemistry during the electoral process. With cans of smoke, sticks, and even an ...

(en) [Italy] Enough of religious obscurantism By ANA (pt) [machine translation]
Sun Jun 11 10:47:05 GMT 2017

As regards the allegations of the reactionary commission "Beata Giovanna Scopelliti", the Liberian Area (FAI Reggiana and USI of Reggio Emilia) strongly condemns this position taken in the name of religious obscurantism. The delusions of the Committee's statements confirm once again the true face of religion - in this case the Catholic - which never misses an opportunity to show its civil, political, social and human backwardness. ---- Defining homosexuality and transsexuality today as an "addiction" or worse a "disease" is ignorance, violence and still shameful. If something is possible to be repaired, it is certainly not the "public scandal" caused by pride, but rather the complicated and discriminatory mentality of people who vomit hatred and scorn against anyone who does not share their morality in an identical way. ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - 13 th Congress (Nantes, 3-5 June 2017) -- General Orientation Motion (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
Sun Jun 11 07:15:50 GMT 2017

Summary: ---- From social regression to the "conservative revolution" ? ---- Worsening of inequalities, rising capitalist profits and social breakdown ---- Semi-social, half-reactionary revolts ---- Liberals' leap forward, old recipes of neoreformism ---- Towards an authoritarian regime ? ---- Fighting the next government, anticipating its objectives and finding breaches ---- Hot spots ---- Political practices, practices in struggles ---- Alternative libertarian in action ---- Neither angelicism nor paranoia: to prepare materially and morally for the hardening of security ---- The intervention of AL: a voluntarism without blindness ---- 1. From social regression to the "conservative revolution" ? ---- Worsening of inequalities, rising capitalist profits and social breakdown ---- In France as in the rest of the world, inequalities continue to widen. ...

(en) black rose fed: WHO ARE THE ANARCHISTS AND WHAT IS ANARCHISM? By Thomas Giovanni
Sun Jun 11 07:15:18 GMT 2017

In the wake of the use of militant street tactics at the Trump inauguration protests, the controversial shut down of two prominent right-wing speakers the University in California, Berkeley, and a variety of high profile actions against the far right, anarchists have received increased media attention and sparked widespread debate, particularly around anti-fascist struggles. But many people are still confused about anarchism, associating it with indiscriminate violence, chaos, and disorder. This distorted image runs counter to more than a century of anarchist activity in and outside the United States. So if not chaos or disorder, what does anarchism stand for? What do anarchists believe in? ---- Core Anarchist Values ---- At the most basic level, anarchists believe in the equal value of all human beings. Anarchists also believe that hierarchical power relations are not only ...

(en) Poland, Workers' Initiative: Speech at the 2017 Equality Parade in Warsaw [machine translation]
Sat Jun 10 10:50:21 GMT 2017

June 3rd was held in Warsaw Equality Parade - demonstration for the rights of LGBTQ + (orientation other than heterosexual). Warsaw Commission and the Environmental Working Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations CMO IP took part in it due to manifest support for the idea of equality, opposition to homophobia and discrimination and commitment to fight for workers' rights outside the gates of factories. Below we publish the contents of the speech delivered by Martyne Lysakiewicz of the Working Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations. ---- On behalf of the Workers' Initiative I greet all the heat accumulated in the equality parade in 2017. ---- Today is the feast of equality. All of Poland listens and watches the fight for equal rights. For whom? ---- Not only for same-sex couples who can afford to go abroad, there to get married and start a family, but also for those who ...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - 13 th Congress (Nantes, 3-5 June 2017) -- Balance Sheet of Alternative Libertaire 2015-2017 (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
Sat Jun 10 09:57:30 GMT 2017

The past two years were mainly marked by the social movement against Labor law in the spring of 2016 and by the refusal of security hardening under cover of anti-terrorism. ---- The increasingly decentralized AL federation has made progress in its ability to assist AL (CAL) collectives in organizing action. In addition to an increased placement of the Alternative Libertarian monthly, she was able to be responsive enough to distribute intervention materials that CAL had immediate need (stickers, leaflets, posters), and run campaigns based on Social networks. ---- It is impossible to enumerate all the actions and manifestations to which AL participated, from Brussels to Toulouse, from Rennes to Marseille during these two years. The general trends which characterize this activity will be considered here. ...

(en) Ppland, rozbrat: Freedom Fighters #9 - report [machine translation]
Sat Jun 10 09:57:21 GMT 2017

On weekend, 27-28.05.2017 9th edition of Freedom Fighters. Another time summer edition took place on Rozbrat. We were supported with the ring by No Defeats crew from Wroclaw (by the way, we invite you for their tournament on 17.06!). Audience was numerous like always, noone left hungry or thirsty:). This year 7 fights took place, 1 grappling and 6 K-1 Rules. Fighters from abroad and from Poznan's clubs attended. We were happy to have 1 junior fight, just like a year ago. Grappling match ended up with effective choke, and 2 other fights during the event didn't need the judges. Luckily (not like last year) noone was hurt and our medical crew wasn't busy. No fighter suffered any major injury. Friendly atmosphere lasted till late night, first because KSW event watched on the screen, where freak fights and high-level fights were seen, and after because of the party (LOW ...

(en) Britain, freedom news: Brighton gearing up for the post-election fight
Sat Jun 10 07:27:25 GMT 2017

With the general election just days away, libertarian-leaning groups in Brighton are getting ready to resist what comes next - whoever's in charge. ---- Organisers with Solidarity Federation, Plan C and the IWGB have jointly organised a Critical Mass bike ride for Friday June 9th to kick off their own manifesto: "Whatever the result, the daily organising continues!" The ride, which is open to all, will start 8pm at The Level, Brighton and aims to unite "workers, renters and students together fighting for a future beyond the Tories." ---- Politically, the collaboration is an interesting one as it brings together anarcho-syndicalists, autonomist-inspired movement builders and a grassroots union originally linked to the IWW for an official joint project, something which until recent years would have been potentially difficult to organise. ...


Last updated: Sun Jun 11 15:05:11 2017

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