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Archive for September, 2009

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Angola 3 News video interview with Dan Berger

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Angola 3 News, a project of The International Coalition to Free the Angola 3, has just made available a great video interview with AK author Dan Berger. Dan has been doing research on US prison movements for his dissertation, and is a wealth of information about (among other things) radical movements from the 1960s to [...]

Communiqué from an Absent Future: On the Terminus of Student Life

Monday, September 28th, 2009

While we try to steer clear of posting stuff on this blog that’s widely available elsewhere on the almighty Internet, I found this statement, written by a group called Research and Destroy and circulated during the recent University of California walkout, too interesting and compelling not to share (it’s also available here in a nifty, [...]

October 15th Solidarity: State Terror in New Zealand

Friday, September 25th, 2009

Last night’s talk at the Alexander Berkman Social Club was literally a global event. Valerie Morse skyped in from Wellington, New Zealand, to bring us Californians up to date on the ongoing struggle in response to the state’s 2007 terror raids on indigenous, anarchist, environmental, and antiwar activists across that country. On one level, it’s [...]

Recommended Reading: Twenty Poster Books of Note (by Josh MacPhee)

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Editor’s Note: We occasionally ask AK authors (and others) to provide a list of recommended readings on a particular topic. For today’s installment, we didn’t even have to ask. AK author Josh MacPhee, who edited Realizing the Impossible (with Erik Ruin) and the forthcoming Signs of Change (with Dara Greenwald) posted the following insanely expert [...]

Conservative “Movement” Officially Crazier than “Left” Movement

Monday, September 21st, 2009

For anyone who has spent some time in left circles you know how embarrassing it can get. If it’s not some obscure marxist-leninoid sect alienating everyone within spitting distance with their party lines, the guy who always shows up at the SF Anarchist Book Fair stark naked, the 9/11 conspiracy crowd, or the chap who [...]

Victoria Anarchist Bookfair Report Back

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

This past weekend marked the beginning of the 4th Annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair in British Columbia, Canada. For those of you who have never been, Victoria is a prime tourist location that can be described as nothing less than “quaint”—and I don’t mean that in a good way. Regardless, Victoria’s local radicals have managed to [...]

Taking Ourselves Seriously: Strategizing toward Social Transformation

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

This event is a little down the road, so we might post a reminder closer to the actual date, but everyone in the NYC area should clear their calendars on October 18th. Four board members of the Institute for Anarchist Studies will be holding a panel discussion at Bluestockings bookstore. Knowing the folks involved, I’d [...]

Cooking for a classless society

Monday, September 14th, 2009

We don’t know if you know this about AK Press, but we really like cookbooks. Okay, not all of us like cookbooks, and not all of us agree on what kinds of cookbooks we like. But on a day-to-day basis, there’s a pretty serious amount of cooking and cookbook geekery that goes on around the [...]

A Living Revolution: Anarchism in the Kibbutz Movement — Book Excerpt

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Today’s excerpt from a recent AK Press book, comes from James Horrox’s A Living Revolution: Anarchism in the Kibbutz Movement. We were very excited when we first received James’s book proposal way back when. We certainly knew that anarchism had a major influence on the early kibbutz movement, but in order to get a handle [...]

Getting to Know AK: Lorna

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

[Editor's Note: Lorna joined AK Press about five years ago. We somehow convinced her to leave her northern homeland for a warehouse in Oakland...and have been kicking ourselves ever since. No, seriously, AK wouldn't be what it is today without Lorna's contributions, on so many fronts. She's a great asset to our collective, and we're [...]

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