The Unstoppable Spring: Seasonal Newsletter for Womxn, Queer, and Trans Prisoners

Read and Print Here The intention of this newsletter is to fracture the divide between prisoners, those who do prison solidarity work, and all of us...

Speakout Against Fascism in Washington DC June 25th – Call to...

We won’t let the right-wing steal our free speech. We won’t let the police steal our right to protest. We won’t let the state...

Developing Movement Media Strategies

Here at IGD we talk a lot about strategy, about building our capacity, and also about growing as a material force within our communities. One thing...

Ongoing Legal Battles in France of Several Comrades Accused of Burning...

This text is an introduction to the legal battles of several comrades in France who are being tried for burning a police car in...

Chicago, IL: GDC Report Back from Rally Against Alt-Right

When Gavin McInnes announced his speaking engagement with the Young Republicans at DePaul University, the community launched a pressure campaign against the founder of...

Racist Gangs will Return if nobody Resists Fascism in the Streets

Last week’s attack in Portland was horrifying, but unfortunately expected. As Anarchists and other leftists predicted, the rise of reactionary elements under the current...

Pittsburgh, PA: Defend Top Squat

This morning, Wednesday 31, 2017, an individual claiming to be a relative of the deceased owner of a house known lovingly for nearly ten...

New Orleans, LA: Nose Liberated from Confederate Statue

Editor's Note: The following anonymous communique was received and republished.  As we LARP our way lovingly into our great city's future all praises due to our...

Texas: ‘Based Stickmen’ and Militias Continue to Take Bait from Alt-Right...

As confrontations between the far-Right and anarchists and antifascists have heated up over the last several months, the Alt-Right has played a big role...

Orange County Republicans to Speak Alongside Alt-Right White Nationalists

Editor's Note: In the wake of this article being published, IGD was contacted by the Old House Restaurant in Huntington Beach, which told us that...

Austin, TX: Antifascist Call to Action, Converge on the Capitol!

Social Media Event Here Islamophobes plan to hold a rally at the state Capitol in Austin on June 10th against “Sharia law." We must first and...

San Luis Obispo, CA: Lauren Southern Protest Report Back

On May 25th 2017 students and community members mobilized in a black bloc against a lecture given by Lauren Southern and hosted by the...

June 11th: Interview with Eric King Support

In this interview for the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners, we talked to two individuals...

Bernie’s New Minimum Wage Bill Leaves Workers a Decade Behind

A new wage bill by Bernie Sanders, which proposes to raise minimum wage to $15 by 2024, raises important questions on movements and the...

Mexico: Call to Support Anarchist Prisoner Luis Fernando Sotelo

To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation To the National and International Sixth To the Network against Repression and for Solidarity To the compañeros in solidarity from...

It’s Time to Banish the Police and Burn the Prisons

I could write about the newest murder committed by the police, could write about the newest life lost behind bars, but what would be...

Mexico: Indigenous Community Rejects Imposition of Ballots and Police

On Tuesday, May 16, 2017, residents of Amilcingo, Morelos held a press conference to denounce interference in the elections for auxiliary municipal authorities by...

Hope Is in the Streets: Why Grassroots Resistance Is Our Only...

As Donald Trump’s administration digs itself deeper and deeper into trouble, many people are looking to the corporate media, the FBI, the judicial system,...

Atlanta, GA: Anti-Prison Demonstration Attacked by Police

Last Tuesday, on May 23rd, a few dozen protesters staged a noise demonstration, blocked streets, and clashed with police outside of the Atlanta City...

Latham, NY: Utica IWW to Rally to Prevent Deportation June 5th

There will be a rally held on Monday, June 5th at 9:30am in Latham, NY as activists accompany immigrant Ricky Morgan for his monthly...

No Platform for Fascism: June 10th Noise-Demo Against Hate in NYC!

Social Media Event Here Bigots, Racists, Fascists out of NYC! Join us to make noise and drown out hate at Foley Square! Bring noisemakers of all...