Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

21st Century Fascism

In this issue: Dan Glazebrook charts the global rise of the new right; Laura Carlsen explores how NAFTA should be renegotiated to insure living wages across borders; the FBI in Hollywood: David Price details the feds’ decades long pursuit of radical film-maker Haskell Wexler; Myths and Madness: Matthew Stevenson’s pursuit of the truth about the Kennedys; Fog Machines: David Swanson details how war propaganda works; Money Trails: David Macaray on the financial conflicts of interest inside the Trump Empire. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair on the death penalty in American politics; Yvette Carnell on race, crime and punishment; Mike Whitney on Trump voters; Lee Ballinger on the new poverty. And much more.

The Good Americans

The Pink Revolution of 2017, better known as Russiagate, is now more or less a fait accompli. Whether the corporatist ruling classes and their servants in Congress formally impeach him or force him to resign in disgrace, Donald J. Trump is being regime-changed, or at the very least effectively neutralized until he can be replaced with a grown-up, i.e., someone who will serve their interests without getting the masses all riled up about "taking the government back from the elites," putting "America first," and, well, just generally making an ass of himself. More

Whose Children?  A World that Cares Little for Civilian Victims of War

A little over a month ago a suicide car bomb blast hit a convoy of civilians outside of the towns of Fua and Kefraya west of Aleppo in Syria. It is unclear who is responsible for the deaths from the bombing of the buses carrying these refugees, among whom were 68 children. A total of 126 people were killed according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. More

Terror in Britain: What Did the Prime Minister Know?

The unsayable in Britain’s general election campaign is this. The causes of the Manchester atrocity, in which 22 mostly young people were murdered by a jihadist, are being suppressed to protect the secrets of British foreign policy.

Critical questions – such as why the security service MI5 maintained terrorist “assets” in Manchester and why the government did not warn the public of the threat in their midst – remain unanswered, deflected by the promise of an internal “review”. More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Ramzy Baroud
  • TOPICS: Palestinian prisoner hunger strike.

Why Trump Administration Criticizes Iranian Elections but Never Saudi Arabia?
