Brand Licensing

From The Independent to the London Evening Standard we represent a range of incredible brands whose stance on quality, impartiality and independence are recognised the world over. Those brands can be licensed, in suitable context, by contacting us using the form to the right.


Brand licensing includes:


Logos and Endorsements

A positive film review, a catchy quote from our technology gurus or a placing in our IndyBest lists can be a wonderful endorsement of your products.  Please contact us for permission to feature our logo, IndyBest stamp or quote on your packaging or elsewhere in your promotional material.




Quotes, Scans and Reprints

Coverage in The Independent or Evening Standard can form an important part of your campaign.  An in-depth analysis of your business or a feature in our Fashion pages can add gravitas to a business or to a set of financial results.  Our articles, or individual quotes from our journalists, can be reprinted in a number or ways to make the most of your coverage.




Mock-ups or Props for Film and Television

Production companies wanting to add a sense of realism to their TV or film recordings can have a mocked-up version of The Independent or Evening Standard created by our in-house designers to include headlines relevant to the storyline or photos of cast members. Real copies of the paper can also be made available for use as props.

Contact Us
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