- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 522022
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Although most often used to set the visual style of web pages and user interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL, and is applicable to rendering in speech, or on other media. Along with HTML and JavaScript, CSS is a cornerstone technology used by most websites to create visually engaging webpages, user interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many mobile applications.
CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of document content from document presentation, including aspects such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple HTML pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content, such as semantically insignificant tables that were widely used to format pages before consistent CSS rendering was available in all major browsers. CSS makes it possible to separate presentation instructions from the HTML content in a separate file or style section of the HTML file. For each matching HTML element, it provides a list of formatting instructions. For example, a CSS rule might specify that "all heading 1 elements should be bold", leaving pure semantic HTML markup that asserts "this text is a level 1 heading" without formatting code such as a <bold>
tag indicating how such text should be displayed.
Learn CSS in 12 Minutes
CSS - Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Paid In Full, Povlo - CSS
Учим CSS за 1 час! #От Профессионала
CSS Exams Preparation | Qasim Ali Shah | Urdu/Hindi | WaqasNasir
Curso Basico de CSS desde 0 - Introduccion
CSS 2016 Topper Maleeha Lesar Motivational Speech.
CSS Tricks : CSS Problems Solved
Kurs CSS odc.1: Kaskadowe arkusze stylów - pierwszy projekt, wiedza podstawowa
Qualified CSS student sharing his experience of exams & interview
I introduce CSS, explain how to link a CSS file with an HTML document and teach the syntax of the language along with the most common properties. ----------- More tutorials ----------- Learn HTML in 12 Minutes: http://youtu.be/bWPMSSsVdPk Learn More HTML in 12 Minutes: http://youtu.be/KJ13lX20FqU Learn JavaScript in 12 Minutes: http://youtu.be/Ukg_U3CnJWI Learn PHP in 15 Minutes: http://youtu.be/ZdP0KM49IVk ----------- Text editors ----------- For Windows users, I recommend using Notepad++ to edit HTML files: http://notepad-plus-plus.org For Mac users, I recommend Sublime Text: http://www.sublimetext.com SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE TUTORIALS http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=jaketvee http://jakewright.net Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaketvee Like me on Facebook...
Subscribe to Sub Pop's YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/subpoprecords CSS YouTube Playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFDA318ED9A05BF88&feature;=view_all CSS / Sub Pop http://www.subpop.com/artists/css "Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above" from CSS' 07/11/06 release, Cansei de Ser Sexy http://www.subpop.com/releases/css/full_lengths/cansei_de_ser_sexy Order the Album iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cansei-de-ser-sexy/id162252578 Amazon http://amzn.com/B000FOPROA Sub Pop http://www.subpop.com/releases/css/full_lengths/cansei_de_ser_sexy Sub Pop Records http://www.subpop.com Follow Sub Pop on Twitter https://twitter.com/subpop Like Sub Pop on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/subpoprecords Follow Sub Pop on SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/subp...
Хотите выучить CSS всего за 1 Час и при этом сделать это качественно? - Тогда смотрите от профессионала как! Подпишись и поделись видео с друзьями! Хочешь зарабатывать на своих видео в YouTube? Подключайся! - https://youpartnerwsp.com/join?23195 #Ссылки из видео: 1) https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS#CSS_Framework 2) https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS#CSS_Framework 3) http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/ 4) http://ruseller.com/shporacss.php?id=9 5) Скачать Notepad++ можно тут https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.8.8.html Жми красную кнопку "Подписаться" под видео :) Есть вопрос? - Задай его лично мне в наших группах! === Наша группа ВКОНТАКТЕ - www.vk.com/howdyho_net Наш Twitter - www.twitter.com/howdyho_net Почти бесплатные игры из Стима тут - http://bit.ly/SteamAlmostFreeGames Музык...
Qasim Ali Shah | Professional Speaker, Trainer & Writer ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Qasim.Ali.Shah ► Twitter : https://twitter.com/QasimAliShah_ ►Dailymotion : http://www.dailymotion.com/Qasim-Ali-Shah ►Dailymotion : http://www.dailymotion.com/QasimAliShah- ►Tune.Pk : http://tune.pk/qasimalishah- ►Website : http://www.QasimAliShah.com
Capitulo #1 del curso básico de CSS, Introducción. En este capitulo te explico que es CSS, como funciona y como empezar a darle estilos a nuestros elementos HTML. ♦ Blog de diseño web: http://www.falconmasters.com ♦ Curso de PHP y MYSQL: Completo, Práctico y desde Cero http://www.tutorialdephp.com ♦ Necesitas ayuda con el tutorial? Únete a nuestra comunidad: http://www.heroesdelaweb.com --- ♦ Curso de diseño web! http://www.falconmasters.com/cursos/curso-de-diseno-web-desde-0-introduccion/ ♦ Como escribir código HTML y CSS mas rápido: http://www.falconmasters.com/recursos-herramientas/como-escribir-mas-rapido-codigo-html-y-css-emmet/ --- Redes Sociales: ♦ Twitter @falconmasters: http://www.twitter.com/falconmasters ♦ Pagina de Facebook: http://www.falconmasters...
Get the Code Here : http://goo.gl/qUnMTX Best CSS3 Book : http://goo.gl/8KjgNG Use em Document Wide : 00:31 Repeating Image Background : 01:43 Fixed Background : 02:11 Gradient Background : 03:30 Scalable Background : 04:14 Fix Layout Overlap : 05:19 Multiple Background Images : 06:00 Custom Fonts : 07:38 Link Tricks : 08:58 Text Shadow : 09:32 Indent Text : 10:25 Enlarge First Letter : 10:53 Drop Shadow : 11:56 Rounded Images : 12:20 Rotate Images : 12:32 Custom List Bullets : 12:47 Table Styling Tricks : 14:04 Form Styling : 17:35 Absolute Positioning Tricks : 20:16 Image Galleries : 22:40 2 Column Layouts : 26:34 3 Column Layouts : 34:38
Wesprzyj na Patronite ► https://patronite.pl/pasja-informatyki Zapraszam Państwa do obejrzenia pierwszego odcinka kursu CSS, czyli kursu tworzenia tzw. kaskadowych arkuszy stylów. Z przeglądu technologii webowych wiemy, iż CSS jest językiem opisującym wygląd strony internetowej. Zawartość witryny, czyli fakt istnienia tekstu, obrazków, przycisków czy innych elementów strony definiujemy w HTML, ale to właśnie w CSS określamy jak te elementy wyglądają, czyli np. jakie mają kolory, rozmiary, marginesy, a nawet jak są względem siebie rozmieszczone, czy np. obok siebie, czy też jeden pod drugim. W maksymalnym uproszczeniu powiemy tak: HTML mówi przeglądarce co zawiera strona, a CSS mówi przeglądarce jak ta strona powinna wyglądać. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PLIKI DO ODCINKA: http://mirosl...
Only the ilmkiduny.com website giving that student who want to do CSS exmas in future or ready for it, this is the very best way to how to prepare CSS exams and for this purpose we conducted interviews of on post css officers, on study students and qualified student who were on training they all share their experience of exams & interview along with they told some helpful study ticks, tips and suggestion to coming students.
Baby, you've got me thinking
'Bout the things I left behind
A suitcase in Helsinki
Full of things I wanna set on fire
For I realize that you?ve been lying
And no matter how hard I try
I won't be able to forget this
'Coz this is very deep inside
Meaning what I left behind
What I left behind
Left behind
What I left behind
So I'ma fly back to Helsinki
And even stay there for a while
Gonna get my things back
Gonna get some fun and drink till I pass out
I'm gonna get on to the table
And dance my ass off till I die
And then I?ll hopefully forget you
And quit those nightmares I've been having
Every night, every day
It's the same so hard to explain
A million pounds won't be enough
To make me stare back at your face
That's what I left behind
Left behind
What I left behind
Left behind, yeah, yeah
Left behind
What I left behind
Left behind
Every night, every day
It's the same, so hard to explain
A million pounds won't be enough
To make me stare back at your face
Baby, you've got me thinking
Baby, you've got me thinking
Baby, you've got me thinking
About the things I left behind
A suitcase in Helsinki
Full of things I wanna set on fire
I'm gonna jump onto the table
And dance my ass off till I die
And then I?ll hopefully forget you
And quit those nightmares I've been having
Every night, every day
It's the same, so hard to explain
A million pounds won't be enough
To make me stare back at your face
Every night, every day
It's the same, so hard to explain
A million pounds won't be enough
To make me stare back at your face