- published: 08 Oct 2010
- views: 2927
José Dumont (born 1 July 1950, Belém, Pará) is a Brazilian TV and movie actor, best known for his role as the family father in Behind the Sun (Abril Despedaçado), an award-winning film of director Walter Salles. More recently, he has been lionised for his role as the slick artist agent-entrepreneur in the movie 2 Filhos de Francisco.
Born in the state of Paraíba, in Brazilian Northeast, Dumont has the typical physique du rôle of its inhabitants, and because of this is often chosen for interpreting them. He began his award-studded acting career in the theater and cinema, in 1975. He became better known throughout the country by his noted participation in the films Lúcio Flávio - Passageiro da Agonia, directed by Hector Babenco in 1977, and Gaijin, directed by Tisuka Yamasaki, in 1980. His first awards came in 1979, as the best actor in the film festivals of Gramado and Brasília, in O Homem que Virou Suco, directed by João Batista de Andrade, and in the film festival of Cuba. In 2004 he was again awarded as best actor in Narradores de Javé.
Entrevista com o ator José Dumont. Matéria do repórter Fábio Monteiro, exibida em 04/11/08, no programa Viva Fortaleza, da TV O Povo -- emissora afiliada à TV Cultura em Fortaleza, Ceará.
Entrevista com o ator José Dumont, retirada dos extras do DVD de Abril Despedaçado (2001).
Music video for Listen Yo (Party) with José Dumont ft. Sergio Menezes performed by Siberia. Site: http://siberia-music.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/IamSiberia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/siberia Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/the-siberia Copyright (C) 2014 Sergei Ledovsky a.k.a.DJ Boston. -- Powered by http://www.vydia.com http://www.vevo.com/watch/BXSEK1400004
http://correctpronunciation.wiki In this video, you will learn, How to Pronounce José Dumont - Correct Pronunciation. Can you pronounce this word better? In your own accent? Then visit www.correctpronunciation.wiki Subscribe our channel to learn celebrity names pronunciation. Subscribe to Celebrity Pronuncopedia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNHVIL_4zon2l55jgjhW3Q?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Correct_Pronunc This Video is Created and Marketed by Correct Pronunciation. All Rights Reserved. Note: Correct Pronunciation does not guarantee the accuracy of any pronunciation on this channel.
O que seria uma foto acabou virando um vídeo Para alegria de todos! Luz, Câmera, Ação....Gravando!!!! Fabio Santos , Aldemir Santana , Suedson Charllys Ad , Suzy Santos e Jose Dumont !!!!! Rsrs
Ator Global José Dumont e sua sobrinha Cacau Dumont cantora da banda de forró "Desce a Lenha", visitaram o sindicato e ficaram surpresos com todas as mudanças que a nova gestão esta fazendo na casa do músico.
Entrevista com o ator José Dumont, retirada dos extras do DVD de Abril Despedaçado (2001).
Groucho's second appearance as host of Hollywood Palace, originally aired on Apr 17, 1965. In addition to hosting, Groucho reprises the introduction of Captain Spaulding from the play/movie "Animal Crackers" (@ 50:00), with a special appearance by the grand dame herself. . . the original Mrs. Rittenhouse. . . Margaret Dumont! This was Dumont's last public appearance; she passed away shortly after filming this show. Also appearing is Groucho's daughter, Melinda, who sings a number that's a clear rip off of Petula Clark's hit "Downtown", entitled "The East Side of Town" (!) The song couldn't possibly be more derivative without its writers getting sued for plagiarism. (@ 9:15) After her solo number, Melinda and Groucho perform a charming duet of Irving Berlin's "Play a Simple Melod...
Nice Time(s) est un documentaire sur l'insoupçonnable histoire du Ciné-club universitaire de Genève. Fondé en 1951 par Claude Goretta, Alain Tanner et Jean Mohr, il a survécu jusqu'ici contre vents et marées. Ce film raconte les différents combats menés par ses principaux acteurs avec le précieux soutien de Freddy Buache, fondateur de la cinémathèque suisse. Combats menés non seulement pour avoir accès au cinéma dans une Suisse qui à l'époque le considérait comme un divertissement pour les "bonnes d'enfants" et les "soldats en congé", mais aussi pour le faire entrer à l'université, comme matière à part entière digne d'être étudiée au même titre que la littérature ou la science. Les récits souvent touchants, drôles ou véhéments se croisent et se répondent pour donner vie à une histoire éton...
For the first time in its 120 year history, the BBC Proms welcomed Radio 1 to turn the hallowed Royal Albert Hall in to the euphoric madness of Ibiza. Pete Tong, Jules Buckley and the Heritage Orchestra transformed dance classics in to orchestral masterpieces with the help of John Newman and Ella Eyre.
Directed by Walter Salles with José Dumont, Rodrigo Santoro, Rita Assemany, Ravi Ramos Lacerda, Luis Carlos Vasconcelos... Genres : Fiction - Runtime : 1h 30mn French release : 30/04/2003 Production year : 2001 April 1910, Brazil. An ancestral struggle for the land divides rival families. A shirt stained with blood flaps in the breeze. Tonho, the youngest son of the Breves family, is obliged by his father to revenge the death of his older brother. If Tonho manages to fulfil his mission, he knows that his life will be split in two. Behind him will lie the twenty years he's lived until now. But ahead there'll be little time left, for the rival family will exact revenge, jut like customs require. Fearing this prospect, Tonho begins to doubt these traditions that constantly lead to a spiral ...
One of the highlights of Art Basel in Basel 2015 was German artist Julius von Bismarck's artwork ‘Egocentric System’ in the Unlimited sector of the fair. ‘Egocentric System’ is a live performance by Julius von Bismarck on a rotating paraboloid, spanning the entirety of the show. In this interview with the artist, Julius von Bismarck talks about how he got the idea for the work, how it feels “living” on such a rotating bowl for an extended period of time, the technical aspect of the piece, and his future plans with the work. Julius von Bismarck is known for a work that spans the fields of art, science, and technology. Von Bismarck was born in 1983 in Breisach am Rhein, Germany. He has studied with Olafur Eliasson at the Institut für Raumexperimente. In 2008 he won the Golden Nica of the Pr...
Federer BBC radio interview after Indian Wells semi final win.
2006 interview with guitarist Tom Dumont of No Doubt
Interview Emmanuelle Dumont. Dakar 2006.
Entrevista com o ator José Dumont. Matéria do repórter Fábio Monteiro, exibida em 04/11/08, no programa Viva Fortaleza, da TV O Povo -- emissora afiliada à TV Cultura em Fortaleza, Ceará.
Entrevista com o ator José Dumont, retirada dos extras do DVD de Abril Despedaçado (2001).
Music video for Listen Yo (Party) with José Dumont ft. Sergio Menezes performed by Siberia. Site: http://siberia-music.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/IamSiberia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/siberia Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/the-siberia Copyright (C) 2014 Sergei Ledovsky a.k.a.DJ Boston. -- Powered by http://www.vydia.com http://www.vevo.com/watch/BXSEK1400004
http://correctpronunciation.wiki In this video, you will learn, How to Pronounce José Dumont - Correct Pronunciation. Can you pronounce this word better? In your own accent? Then visit www.correctpronunciation.wiki Subscribe our channel to learn celebrity names pronunciation. Subscribe to Celebrity Pronuncopedia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNHVIL_4zon2l55jgjhW3Q?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Correct_Pronunc This Video is Created and Marketed by Correct Pronunciation. All Rights Reserved. Note: Correct Pronunciation does not guarantee the accuracy of any pronunciation on this channel.
O que seria uma foto acabou virando um vídeo Para alegria de todos! Luz, Câmera, Ação....Gravando!!!! Fabio Santos , Aldemir Santana , Suedson Charllys Ad , Suzy Santos e Jose Dumont !!!!! Rsrs
Ator Global José Dumont e sua sobrinha Cacau Dumont cantora da banda de forró "Desce a Lenha", visitaram o sindicato e ficaram surpresos com todas as mudanças que a nova gestão esta fazendo na casa do músico.
Landings and Takeoffs at Santos Dumont Airport Brazil. Pousos e decolagens no Aeroporto SDU, Rio de Janeiro.
Prefixo: PP-PTQ AZU2409 Assento: 14D Data: 06/09/2014
#Aeroporto Santos Dumont, SDU. Pista 02 Direita. #Santos Dumont Airport Landings and Takeoffs GOL AZUL AVIANCA LATAM TAM RW02 R.
Grande Sertão Veredas (1985) Cap. 01 - Minissérie Completa Tv Futura Direção de Walter Avancini, com Tony Ramos, Bruna Lombardi, Tarcísio Meira, Rubens De Falco, Sebastião Vasconcelos, José Dumont, e grande elenco Grande Sertão: Veredas gira em torno do jagunço Riobaldo, também conhecido como Tatarana ou Urutu-Branco, narrador-protagonista do livro. Há na obra dois pontos aos quais o narrador se apega: Diadorim: um também jagunço, ser misógino com quem Riobaldo estabelece uma relação diferenciada, que se coloca nos limites entre a amizade e o relacionamento afetivo de um casal. O pacto com o demônio: estabelecendo uma relação de intertexto com a história do Doutor Fausto. A dúvida se o pacto teria se concretizado ou não (afinal , Lúcifer não se faz presente) incomoda o narrador e o leva ...
Arremetidas da Avianca e GOL no Aeroporto Santos Dumont, Rio de Janeiro. Easyjet e Palmair Arremetidas/Abortagens no Aeroporto da Madeira, Portugal. Aborted Landings Brazil and Portugal.
O Aeroporto Santos Dumont situado no Centro do Rio de Janeiro é um dos mais perigosos do Mundo, mas também um dos mais belos por nos oferecer belas paisagens e emoções à flor da pele!!! Adoro! Santos Dumont Airport in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Aterragens/Pousos e Descolagens/Decolagens mesmo junto à pista. Criei este vídeo com o Editor de vídeo do YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
Dos mais perigosos do mundo! Aeroporto Santos Dumont, 28 aviões descolagens e aterragens, AVIANCA, GOL, AZUL, TAM, TRIP, Jatos Privados, helicóptero, Cristo Redentor. See some planes landing and take-off at Santos Dumont Airport. Rio de Janeiro.Cristo Redentor,Rio de Janeiro,San Francisco. Azul e Avianca candidatas à compra da TAP Portugal.
Palestra realizada no Bezerra de Menezes Kardecian Spiritist Association, Miami. Conferencia celebrada en el Bezerra de Menezes Kardecian Spiritist Association, Miami. Lecture held at the Bezerra de Menezes Kardecian Spiritist Association, Miami.
A Hora da Estrela(1985). Direção: Suzana Amaral Macabéa, uma nordestina de dezenove anos, orfã de pai, mãe e da tia que a criou, vai para o Rio de Janeiro ser datilógrafa. Ela vai morar numa pensão e tem uma vida sem muitas emoções, pois é indiferente a elas. Elenco: Marcélia Cartaxo .... Macabéa José Dumont .... Olímpico de Jesus Fernanda Montenegro .... madame Carlota, a cartomante Tamara Taxman .... Glória Umberto Magnani .... seu Raimundo Denoy de Oliveira .... Pereira english subtitles