- published: 22 May 2017
- views: 5040
Liu Shishi (born March 10, 1987 in Beijing, China), also known by her English name Cecilia Liu, is a Chinese actress and ballerina. Liu Shishi is currently contracted with CES. In May 2012, she was nominated for, and won the "Magnolia Award" (白玉蘭獎) for the most popular actress for her role in Chinese time-travel drama Scarlet Heart. Liu Shishi acknowledged now-husband Nicky Wu on 13 November 2013 after the pair met on set in Scarlet Heart in 2011. Liu Shishi is now married to Taiwanese actor, Nicky Wu on 20 January 2015 when Nicky uploaded a picture of their two red marriage certificates and two wedding rings on Weibo.
Having been trained in ballet at the Beijing Dance Academy, Liu Shishi made her acting debut on the television drama series The Moon and the Wind (2005) in a leading role. She received acclaim for her performances in The Young Warriors (2006) and The Fairies of Liaozhai (2007). She rose to fame for her role as Mu Nianci in The Legend of the Condor Heroes (2008), and guest starred as her character's descendant in The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (2009). Her role as Long Kui in Chinese Paladin 3 broke her previous typecasting as a "gentle, kind, and understanding maiden" and in A Weaver on the Horizon as the Song dynasty's princess, Zhao Jiayi. The portrayal for her character's gradual development from unruliness to maturity, gave both fans and critics a taste of her versatility and growing competence in challenging roles.
黎明决战 01丨The Battle At Dawn 01(主演:王千源,刘诗诗,曹炳琨)【未删减版】
刘诗诗自曝爱买断货彩妆 我天跟我一样耶 2017/04/13
醉玲珑 曝“泪吻忘情”版片花 陈伟霆 刘诗诗双时空爱恋甜虐交融
深扒刘亦菲 刘诗诗13年的恩怨情仇 | 相似的脸、发型、走红套路 但为啥却是完全不相似的人生?【综艺风向标】
【娛樂007】(國語)被追問劉詩詩懷孕傳聞 吳奇隆大耍太極
【歡迎訂閱歡瑞世紀影視官方頻道YouTube頻道】 https://goo.gl/10r4eN 該劇講述了一個海島的村莊裏,美麗樂觀的單親媽媽李曉涵與富家子弟出身的醫生安傑羅之間完美動人的愛故事。 ★《龍珠傳奇》——秦俊傑多面康熙與楊紫狂秀恩愛 舒暢挑戰自我再飾兩角【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/QNydI6 ★《青雲志》第二季—— 李易峰黑化癡情守護趙麗穎 命運能否逆轉?【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/8etdtA ★2015網劇王《盜墓筆記》——唐嫣、李易峰地下探險 “老九門”秘密漸揭開【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/RKuJhj ★《畫皮之真愛無悔》——劉愷威、白冰再譜纏綿人妖戀 喬振宇癡戀穎兒【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/1jZSSO ★《微時代》——餘文樂癡情執著尋找初戀女友 楊冪首任製片人本色出演良心製作【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/43ggBY ★《活色生香》—— 唐嫣化身“花仙子” 攜手李易峰演繹“香的江湖”【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/D0kUOJ ★《少年四大名捕》——张翰为张钧甯爱欲癫狂 “ 鼻孔教主”何晟铭变“情癫大圣”【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/nbReMo ★《盛夏晚晴天》——威冪夫婦共譜愛的童話 劉愷威“秘密情人”惹楊冪吃醋【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/TS5pLX
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【娛樂007】(國語)被追問劉詩詩懷孕傳聞 吳奇隆大耍太極
❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ ❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿ ติดตามเพลงจีนเพราะๆได้ที่ช่อง Phu Sky of Blue channel™ ▶▶▷Visit my youtube channel : Phu Sky of Blue channel™ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3ArF5KA8i70PaMMg9qIXuw?sub_confirmation=1 ▶▶▷ Google+ : https://plus.google.com/117617245860684224144 ▶▶▷ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Chinesemusic01 Another playlist : ♬♬Best Chinese song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eHsi3LbbDo&list;=PLqEFWod6Oh7et6FBwcR9DcHecspb15gHG&index;=5 ♫♫Chinese music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKNxRpwWKD8&list;=PLqEFWod6Oh7cXGpXA415hEFj63NTs8OMP ♪♪Relaxing Chinese music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxzXK6UHtCM&list;=PLqEFWod6Oh7dZshbTK7mIlDCpR5ISZCas&index;=1 ...
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台灣授權播出平台為「愛奇藝台灣站」, 請台灣的粉絲們透過愛奇藝台灣站收看,謝謝! 電視劇《三生三世十里桃花》由華策克頓、劇酷傳播、嘉行傳媒、三味火文化聯合出品。 本劇由林玉芬執導,楊冪、趙又廷、張智堯、迪麗熱巴 領銜主演,連奕名 特別出演,高偉光、張彬彬、于朦朧、祝緒丹、黃夢瑩等實力演員加盟。本劇根據唐七公子同名小說改編,講述了青丘帝姬白淺和九重天太子夜華的三生愛恨,三世糾葛的故事。
Actors Nicky Wu and Cecilia Liu Shishi held their traditional wedding tea ceremony on Sunday (March 20) morning, dressed in a style fitting for the stars of the . Nicky Wu and Liu Shi Shi at the welcom party for their wedding 20/03/2016. They ara so so cute together. I hope you like it. Theo như lịch trình, nghi lễ chính . 最爱的隆诗,一定要狠狠地幸福!
電視劇《三生三世十里桃花》由華策克頓、劇酷傳播、嘉行傳媒、三味火文化聯合出品。 本劇由林玉芬執導,楊冪、趙又廷、張智堯、迪麗熱巴 領銜主演,連奕名 特別出演,高偉光、張彬彬、于朦朧、祝緒丹、黃夢瑩等實力演員加盟。本劇根據唐七公子同名小說改編,講述了青丘帝姬白淺和九重天太子夜華的三生愛恨,三世糾葛的故事。
台灣授權播出平台為「愛奇藝台灣站」, 請台灣的粉絲們透過愛奇藝台灣站收看,謝謝! 電視劇《三生三世十里桃花》由華策克頓、劇酷傳播、嘉行傳媒、三味火文化聯合出品。 本劇由林玉芬執導,楊冪、趙又廷、張智堯、迪麗熱巴 領銜主演,連奕名 特別出演,高偉光、張彬彬、于朦朧、祝緒丹、黃夢瑩等實力演員加盟。本劇根據唐七公子同名小說改編,講述了青丘帝姬白淺和九重天太子夜華的三生愛恨,三世糾葛的故事。
【歡迎訂閱大劇獨播—唐人影視官方頻道YouTube頻道】 https://goo.gl/oRcQdS 該劇主要講述了現代白領張曉因車禍穿越到清朝康熙年間,成為滿族少女馬爾泰·若曦,她看透所有人的命運,卻無法掌握自己的結局,身不由己 地捲入“九子奪嫡”的紛爭的故事 。 ★《步步驚心》——年代清宮穿越大戲 劉詩詩、吳奇隆上演穿越之戀【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/zzlVTs ★《秦時明月》——陸毅搭檔陳妍希演繹“禁欲系全能帥大叔”【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/27vHG2 ★《他來了,請閉眼》——霍建華變身“中國版福爾摩斯” 【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/SJ9JFd ★《青島往事》——“笨小孩”黃渤搭檔黃小蕾打造“中國版阿甘” 王凱演繹青澀儒雅先生【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/bXGIIs ★《溫州兩家人》——郭濤袁詠儀書寫溫商奮鬥 陳麗娜對戲破產姐妹Han老闆【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/Mk7uyM ★《中國之星》 第2期 崔健質疑許志安 孫楠奪取頭名【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/baAzay ★《琅琊榜》——胡歌變臉復仇 演繹驚魂權謀【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/n6qaNm ★《克拉戀人》--演璀璨愛情神話 男神女神匯聚【歡迎訂閱】 https://goo.gl/Mvht8Q
This video does not belong to me, but its owner on Miaopai
Liu Shishi Cover "Harper's Bazaar China" Magazine January issue 2017
Check out the interwiew with Liu Shishi in Paris Learn more @ http://vogu.ee/qccg Subscribe to our channel to be updated on the latest trends @ http://vogu.ee/s9cj Follow us on: Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Vogue.Eyewear Instagram http://instagram.com/vogueeyewear Twitter http://twitter.com/VogueEyewear Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/vogueeyewear/