- published: 07 Jul 2017
- views: 66698
Prague (/ˈprɑːɡ/; Czech: Praha, [ˈpraɦa], German: Prag) is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. It is the 14th largest city in the European Union. It is also the historical capital of Bohemia Situated in the north-west of the country on the Vltava River, the city is home to about 1.24 million people, while its larger urban zone is estimated to have a population of nearly 2 million. The city has a temperate climate, with warm summers and chilly winters. Prague has the lowest unemployment rate in the European Union.
Prague has been a political, cultural, and economic centre of central Europe with waxing and waning fortunes during its 1,100-year existence. Founded during the Romanesque and flourishing by the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque eras, Prague was not only the capital of the Czech state, but also the seat of two Holy Roman Emperors and thus also the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. It was an important city to the Habsburg Monarchy and its Austro-Hungarian Empire and after World War I became the capital of Czechoslovakia. The city played major roles in the Bohemian and Protestant Reformation, the Thirty Years' War, and in 20th-century history, during both World Wars and the post-war Communist era.
突然の発表で「ソンソンカップル」には驚かされましたが、今年は熱愛と結婚の話題が絶えませんね! そんな結婚ラッシュの2017年ですが、その中でもドラマの共演がきっかけで、 今年結婚したカップルを5組ご紹介します! ■俳優リュ・スヨン&女優パク・ハソン 2017年1月結婚(1月22日に結婚式) 二人が共演したドラマは「TWO WEEKS」(2013年放送) ドラマ「TWO WEEKS」をきっかけに2014年から交際を始めて、 今年の1月22日に挙式を挙げました。ちなみに新婚旅行は沖縄です! ■俳優イ・ドンゴン&女優チョ・ユニ 2017年5月結婚(5月2日に入籍) 二人が共演したドラマは「月桂樹洋服店の紳士たち」(2016年~2017年放送) ドラマで相手役だったのが、実際にも恋人に発展しました! 結婚式はイ・ドンゴンが出演するドラマが終了後に挙げる予定。 ■俳優チュ・サンウク&女優チャ・イェリョン 2017年5月に結婚(5月25日に結婚式) 二人が共演したドラマは華麗なる誘惑(2015年~2016年放送) ドラマ「華やかな誘惑」で出会って恋人関係に発展。 1年の交際の後に現実ではハッピーエンドになりました! ■俳優イ・サンウ×女優キム・ソヨン 2017年6月に結婚(6月9日に結婚) 二人が共演したドラマは「ハッピー・レストラン~家和萬事成~」(2016年放送) こちらはドラマでも恋人として呼吸を合わせた仲でしたが、 実際にも恋人関係に発展して、見事にゴールイン! ■俳優ソン・ジュンギ×女優ソン・へギョ 2017年10月に結婚(10月31日に結婚)予定 二人が共演したドラマは「太陽の末裔」(2016年放送) バリ島報道の熱愛否定からすぐだったので正直驚きました(汗) これからは”ソンソン夫婦”としてのご活躍を期待します!
キリアン・マーフィ、ジェイミー・ドーナンら出演。第二次世界大戦のさなか、ヨーロッパ全土を恐怖に陥れたナチス高官ラインハルト・ハイドリヒの暗殺事件を描いた映画『ハイドリヒを撃て!「ナチの野獣」暗殺作戦』予告編配信。 <ストーリー> 第二次世界大戦直下、ナチスはヨーロッパのほぼ全土に占拠地域を広げていた。ヒトラーの後継者と呼ばれ、ナチス第三の実力者であるラインハルト・ハイドリヒは、ユダヤ人大量虐殺の実権を握っていた。イギリス政府とチェコスロバキア亡命政府はハイドリヒ暗殺計画を企て、ヨゼフ(キリアン・マーフィ)、ヤン(ジェイミー・ドーナン)ら七人の兵士の暗殺部隊を、パラシュートによってチェコ領内に送り込む。ヨゼフとヤンはプラハの反ナチス組織や家族と接触し、暗殺計画を進めていく。ついに無謀なミッションは実行されるが、ハイドリヒ襲撃に憤慨したナチスは常軌を逸する残虐な報復を始める―。 監督・脚本:ショーン・エリス 出演:キリアン・マーフィ、ジェイミー・ドーナン、ハリー・ロイド、シャルロット・ルボン、アンナ・ガイスレロヴァー 配給:アンプラグド 宣伝:アンプラグド・サルーテ・シャントラパ 2016年/チェコ=イギリス=フランス/120分/5.1ch/シネスコ/カラー 原題:Anthropoid (c) 2016 Project Anth LLC All Rights Reserved 公式サイト:shoot-heydrich.com 8月12日新宿武蔵野館ほか全国順次公開 ☆最新 洋画予告編をCHECK! https://goo.gl/xdNN9S ☆最新 邦画予告編をCHECK! https://goo.gl/YXnjbu ☆最新 アジア映画予告編をCHECK! https://goo.gl/C80MdV ☆最新 アニメ・CGアニメ映画予告編をCHECK! https://g...
FINALLY. TAIWAN VLOG IS HERE. (and with Chinese subtitles too!) For Part I, (that's right, there are parts) join me as I travel to Taiwan to get married. After touching down, I begin some final wedding preparations. On top of that, I get a full body checkup, raid a Chinese Costco, eat some hot spring eggs, and witness the most epic fireworks of my entire life. WEEK 1 00:30 DAY 1- Intro to Taoyuan/Wedding Dress 02:22 DAY 2- Full Body Checkup/Herbal Medicine Kid's Class 04:32 DAY 3- Chinese Costco/Wedding Venue 1st Look 06:37 DAY 4- Taipei Fish Market/Ximending 11:47 DAY 5- Beitou Hot Springs/Taipei 101 New Years Fireworks Follow Me Insta @vlln MUSIC "コンシャスTHOUGHTS" by Summer of 86 "Underwater" by LKA Don't forget... Punch that thumbs up and comment! Let's get this to 50 likes. C...
Susumu UEDA : REQUIEM - Never forget the day and you - ( digest ) 来年2014年10月11日(土)、聖シュテファン大聖堂の公式グランドコンサートとして行われる「レクイエム・プロジェクト」で、約800年の大聖堂史上初めて、邦人作曲家のレクイエムが演奏されます。この歴史的なコンサートにツアーで参加する合唱団員を募集中です。 http://homepage3.nifty.com/s_ueda/requiem_stephen.html このレクイエムは作曲家・上田益が主宰し、2008年に神戸から始まったレクイエム・プロジェクトの中核となる楽曲で、プロジェクトは現在、自然災害や戦災で傷ついた地域を中心に神戸、東京、兵庫県佐用町、沖縄、長崎、広島、そして東日本大震災の被災地・仙台(陸前高田、大船渡からも参加)、南相馬などで活動が行われています。 全10曲は、押さえきれない、ほとばしる悲しみから始まり、怒り、亡くなった大切な人への愛、涙、追悼などを経て、曲調は次第に柔らかく明るくなり、最後は希望へ向かう人間讃歌を高らかに歌い上げます。 演奏は、指揮:上田益、ソプラノ:本宮廉子、北爪かおり、アルト:横町あゆみ、テノール:坂口寿一、バス:熊谷隆彦、オーケストラ:プラハフィルハーモニー管弦楽団、合唱:キューン合唱団によるもので、2012年3月にプラハでレコーディングしたものです。 コーラス譜とオーケストラのレンタル譜は全音楽譜出版社。CDはAmazon、パナムジカで入手可能です。 Photo by Susumu UEDA & Kaori NISHIMURA
説明2015年10月18日(日)横須賀三笠公園で行われた、第30回横須賀ピースフェスティバルの特設ステージで制服向上委員会(リーダー清水 花梨さん、西野 莉奈さん、斎藤 乃愛さん、金子 結稀さん メンバー4名 )が、毎年ピースフェスティバル出演している「そよかぜバンド」の皆さんとコラボして「明日があるさ」を歌いました。 ◎制服向上委員会を応援しているYouTubeのチャンネルでは、 チャンネルコチラ⇒ https://www.youtube.com/c/yoshys 制服向上委員会他 橋本美香さん、PANTAさん、中川五郎さん、ゼロノミクマの脱原発、憲法を守ろう(九条の会)等集会ライブ動画を公開しています。 制服向上委員会のライブ、活動予定他は下記オフィシャルホームページ http://www.idol-japan-records.net/ski/ 撮影FZ200
0:00〜1:01 夜想曲第2番 1:02〜2:09 チャルダッシュ 2:10〜2:28 ピアノ•ソナタ第8番「悲愴」第2楽章 2:29〜4:37 交響詩「我が祖国」モルダウ 4:38〜5:50 ユモレスク第7番 5:51〜6:56 モーツァルト : ピアノ・ソナタ 第11番 イ長調 K.331の第3楽章 HIKAblef 1st mini album「Classual Party」 2014年9月6日リリース! ¥1,500(税込) cocoron 01:夜想曲第2番 Nocturne Op.9-No.2 (F. Chopin) 02:チャルダッシュ Czardas (V. Monti) 補編曲:内田聡子、金野俊秀、常松将行 03:ピアノ•ソナタ第8番「悲愴」第2楽章 Pathetique Op.13-No.8 Adagio cantabile (L. V. Beethoven) 04:交響詩「我が祖国」モルダウ Moldau from 「My Country」 (B. Smetana) 05:ユモレスク第7番 Humoresque Op.101-No.7 (A. Dvorak) 06:モーツァルト : ピアノ・ソナタ 第11番 イ長調 K.331の第3楽章 Turkish March (W. A. Mozart) 編曲:内田聡子(on track1, 3, 4 & 6) 金野俊秀(on track5) ミュージシャン> 「HIKAblef」 林ひかる:ヴァイオリン 内田聡子:ピアノ 金野俊秀:ベース 常松将行:パーカッション エンジニア:古舘賢治 デザイン:jobin. プロデュース:HIKAblef ご購入&お問い合わせ> 心音cocoron ウェブサイト http://cocoron2011.com/?page_id=32
Another practical episode today - getting around Prague by trams, metro and buses. What is the best option and how it works? What ticket should you get? Please SHARE the video with your friends and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this.We really appreciate your support. Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/HonestPragueGuide/ Previous episode: 50 Things to do in Prague https://youtu.be/OO96JVSM5Y0 Weird people in public transport: Divnolidi v MHD https://www.facebook.com/DivnolidiMHD/ (make sure to have your camera ready when you're here) Feel free to follow us at instagram or twitter: Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/ and twitter.com/janekrubes Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/ and https://twitter.com/honzamikulka Thank you for your support! Honza ...
https://www.expedia.com/Prague.d180014.Destination-Travel-Guides Step into a child’s storybook when you first arrive in Prague, a city in the Czech Republic where sleek, modern buildings share space with ancient gothic architecture. Wander down the twisting cobblestone streets – you’re sure to find something new and exciting. After all, even locals get lost here. Prague tourism usually involves the Royal Route, a historic coronation path that will take you through Old Town. Walk a few blocks to Old Town Square and sample local street fare in the shadow of old castles and palaces. Old Town itself is full of cafes, restaurants, and galleries, and will provide days of exploration for intrepid visitors. Cross over the Charles Bridge and climb up to Prague Castle, a network of palaces, churc...
What to avoid when in Prague - tourist traps and scams. Please SHARE the video with your friends and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this.We really appreciate your support. Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/HonestPragueGuide/ Previous episode: Travelling around Prague https://youtu.be/zW0GpJ9-RTo Where to exchange money in Prague? https://youtu.be/BHNzBvFXmf4 Enjoy the Kafe Damu place and their 70 cent beer here: https://goo.gl/maps/Cfd9RvcV3Hk Watch Prague vs Crooks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcJ8mqRKBn8&list;=PLM9_KZNJw8qFzeqikoHIjfWolmg5q7vbA Feel free to follow us at instagram or twitter: Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/ and twitter.com/janekrubes Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/ and https://twitter.com/honzamikulka Thank you for you...
With one week in Prague, we hit the ground running trying to see and experience as much as we could in the Golden City. We had high expectations and Prague's beauty and charm managed to exceed all of them. It's a city we thoroughly enjoyed and wanted to share with you. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpacker/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thatbackpacker twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatBackpacker SAMUEL: blog: http://nomadicsam...
This is our Prague travel vlog watch this before you travel to Prague. we got to visit awesome coffee shops in Prague and restaurants in prague. In this Prague travel guide we show you places you can visit for a perfect weekend in Prague. We didn't visit to many Prague attractions but I got to take a hyperlapse of the old town of Prague. Be sure to check out our top 10 things to do in Prague blog post going online soon! My name is Mike I make travel videos, travel vlogs and daily vlogs/lifestyle vlogs about our life as entrepreneurs travel hackers and digital nomads. Daily Vlogger, Travel Vlogger here is my Channel: http://www.youtube.com/makingithappenvlog Travel Vlogger Instagram Account: http://www.instagram.com/makingithappenvlog Nelly’s Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nellys...
Prague, Czech Republic Travel Guide 2016 - Prague, Czech Republic Tours & Vacations Sponsors (( http://www.gct.com & http://www.oattravel.com )) Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube prague travel guide, prague travel documentary, prague travel guide expedia, prague travel diary, prague travel blog, prague travel video guide, prague travel tips, prague travel guide rick steves, prague travel man, prague travel 2015, prague travel video, prague czech republic travel guide, prague czech republic travel, travel channel prague, prague vacation travel guide expedia, prague vacation travel video guide, prague travel, travel to prague, travel blog prague czech republic travel guide, prague czech republic travel guide, prague czech rep...
In the Czech Republic, we visit Prague to experience its massive castle, beloved statue-lined bridge, evocative Jewish Quarter, and thrilling 20th-century history while enjoying its infectious love of music and perhaps the best beer in Europe. With a beautifully preserved Old Town, Prague deserves its nickname: the Golden City of a Hundred Spires. © 2014 Rick Steves' Europe At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
Before traveling to Prague, you should definitely follow tips by Honest Guide. Have fun! Please SHARE the video with your friends and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this.We really appreciate your support. Watch more: What's the weather in Prague? https://youtu.be/BHAnaCerirs Feel free to follow us at instagram: Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/ Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/ Mapy.cz app: iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/cz/app/mapy.cz/id411411020?mt=8 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cz.seznam.mapy&hl;=cs Windows phone: https://www.microsoft.com/cs-cz/store/p/mapycz/9wzdncrfhzdc Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/HonestPragueGuide/ and let us know what would you like to see! Honest Prague Guide is your best guide for Pragu...
Prague, capital city of the Czech Republic, is bisected by the Vltava River. Nicknamed “the City of a Hundred Spires,” it's known for its Old Town Square, the heart of its historic core, with colorful baroque buildings, Gothic churches and the medieval Astronomical Clock, which gives an animated hourly show.
Here's a really cool thing you can do in Prague now, have fun! :) Please SHARE the video with your friends and SUBSCRIBE for more videos like this.We really appreciate your support. Watch more: HOW TO FIND FRIENDS IN PRAGUE? NOT LIKE THIS.. https://youtu.be/ILEnU6PoNrE Map: Výstaviště Holešovice, Matějská pouť: https://goo.gl/maps/BAUu4tduQPG2 Check out our episode about the National gallery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YktYrF1xMYk Feel free to follow us at instagram: Janek: https://instagram.com/janekrubes/ Honza: https://instagram.com/honzamikulka/ Check out our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/HonestPragueGuide/ and let us know what would you like to see! Honest Prague Guide is your best guide for Prague :) We only show you what we as locals like and what we thin...
The Central European city of Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic and is one of the world's great architectural jewels. Like a city from a children's story book the city conjures up images of romantic fairy stories and dark gothic folk tales. The city is a cobblestone labyrinth where even locals get happily lost. An easy way to discover Prague is to follow the Royal Route, which starts at the Powder Tower and ends at Prague Castle. Along the way, stop at Old Town Square, a plaza surrounded by former palaces. Highlights here include the Astronomical Clock and Tyn Church. Explore the Old Town to discover sidewalk cafes, galleries and the ancient Jewish Quarter. Pass beneath the Bridge Tower, cross the beautiful Charles Bridge, then climb the hill to Prague Castle. Rising above the...
FULL EPISODES from the 2007-2008 travel series on Travel Channel with host Shane O guides you through off beat travel adventures around the world.
DELETED SCENE from the 2007-2008 travel series "Not Your Average Travel Guide" on Travel Channel with host Shane O guides you through off beat travel adventures around the world.
Midsummer has always been a big affair in Sweden and this year was big. Having missed a flight and a train to Falun, I was tired and hungry. Yet the familiar smell and sight of my mom-in-law, her home, my favourite pie of Broccoli and potatoes warm on the table, rejuvenated me completely. I ate up three quarters while Lisbeth talked on. She said they predict rain and thunderstorm for the Midsummer. Between the big mouthfuls, I murmured, they can be wrong sometimes and Lisbeth concurred. And true, much to the delight of millions of Swedes, the sun shone strong on the Midsummer eve celebrations and also few days afterwards. As I gathered with many others to celebrate the biggest Swedish festival, it struck me that as we become more modern, people long for tradition. I have never seen so ...
This is a summary of 30 min travel show of E! Latin America hosted by Patricia Zavala. I directed the show with the idea in mind to do a fashion film, and Patricia and the Czech Republic were the perfect inspiration: both are stylish and beautiful to photograph. The frame and the light of every shoot were very important and we (10 people team) did it the entire job in three days. CREDITS Client | The Czech Republic and E! Entertainment Television Production | Boomdog Films Direction | Aleja CM Photography | Benjamín Ramaugé and Aleja CM Producer | Mónica Molina Zúñiga Content Director | Joserra Zúñiga Czech Republic’s Guide | Jitka Jirátová Image | Raquel Suárez Camera assistant | Jesús Velázquez Post Production | Aleja CM and Mauricio Serfaty Protools | José Badillo
Amy and Brian from katropolis.com send in a clip from Prague, Czech Republic. Eva Trklova from trkalova.guide-prague.cz provides commentary on the clock, how to read it and a little of the legend behind it.
Travel photography instructor, author and international photo tour guide Ralph Velasco shares a time-lapse video made with his GoPro Hero2 camera from the east tower of the Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic. For more information on Ralph's classes and photo tours, please visit http://www.RalphVelasco.com/blog
(above, clip) AUTHOR: LEIGH ANTHONY DEHANEY TITLE: FUTURE SHORTS - PRAGUE LAUNCH TRT: 00:02:54 ORIGINAL AIR DATE: 20080426 LOCATION: PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC FORMAT: 720pHD, NTSC, PAL (16:9) LANGUAGE: ENGLISH You can find out more about Lonely Planet's Prague world guide by checking out: www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/czech-republic/prague
"I love to watch TV -- who doesn't? But what I wanted to learn was how to make the programmes I loved so much. So I joined the TV Production Course at Stockport College, and it led me into a world in which I thrived - and was passionate about. My task was to create a short documentary style film for an internet travel site and it had to feature something about the chosen city that you wouldn't find in a tourist travel guide. The city I was visiting was Prague, and finding a suitable subject was the hardest part of the pre-production. However, what started out as five unfeasible ideas became one great idea; after hundreds of emails to different contacts I made contact with local presenter Alice Ticha (through Facebook!) who was kind enough to help me make this idea a reality. "Memoirs of...