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Perth DJs' pointless prancing in the Premier's office

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There is human suffering and then there is the sense of sickened helplessness that was watching the breakfast crew from Hit92.9 prance around the Premier's office.

The live Facebook streamed DJ set was cringeworthy, excruciating and there is a lonely place in hell for the people who came up with the idea.

The video starts off with Wowdy, Howdy and Whack, or whatever they are called, standing outside Mark McGowan's Hale House office as if the trio were budding Woodward and Bernstein journalists ready to crack their own version of Watergate.

Instead, Hukie, Dukie and Pukie ended up leaping around in giddy abandon as if they just escaped from drama jail.

For the first five minutes of the video, the Premier sits dumbfounded in his chair and simply ignores Toppy, Tippy and Fippy, before he actually starts working.


We are assuming Mr McGowan was working on introducing a new bill into parliament banning douchebags from his office.

Or he was sending out a press alert claiming he was about to fire up a joint just so he could be mercilessly skewered by the press, rather than being stuck in a room with people brandishing egos the size of Mt Everest.

Mr McGowan then dons what must have been VR glasses to block out the horror that is unfolding in front of him.

It's not as though the Premier had utter disdain for the school yard pranks - it's just you get the sense he wouldn't have been too fazed if his security guards burst through the door randomly spraying bullets.

At one point the Premier reluctantly takes the microphone, but Bildo, Fildo and Wildo don't let him speak.

Instead some babbling, giggling buffoon dressed in a hoodie and sunglasses gyrates against his shoulder like a blind gorilla on heat.

His slew of nonsensical, unfunny one-liners would encourage Pauline Hanson to take up comedy.

And the banana on the table: Stop. Stop. Comedy gold.

There is one moment when the Premier truly cracks up in mirth: at the start of the footage when he asks "how did my security let you in?"

At the end of this priceless video, Mr McGowan can be seen fiddling with the decks, which we can assume was some futile attempt to contact the outside world for help.

One of the breakfast crew reads out a comment which says "Colin (Barnett) would have never been this cool".

The person is right, Mr Barnett would have jumped out of the window about 20 seconds into the video.

If the Premier's office is bugged, the unfortunate buggers listening in have now been institutionalised or are seeking compensation.

I'm sure there are some people on commercial radio who have garnished a reputation for trenchant, biting and hilarious commentary.

It's just that Wowdy, Howdy and Whack aren't them.