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Local Blue Pages fined $40,000 for fake debt collection agency

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Murky practices in small business debt collection have been uncovered following a case in the Heidelberg Magistrates Court involving a phone book publisher. 

Local Blue Pages copped a $40,000 court imposed fine for coercive debt collection including aggressively pursuing a plumber despite failing to publish his ad and sending debt collection notices and calls to a massage therapist who had made repeated attempts to cancel his contract.

But owner Les Papaioannou says the court imposed fine is unfair and he is being used as a scapegoat. 

Scare tactics from Local Blue Pages

Papaioannou's business, Local Blue Pages, also known as Bluey's Pages, publishes a phone book that is delivered to homes in the Melbourne metropolitan area and contains advertisements from small businesses.

An investigation by Consumer Affairs Victoria established that Local Blue Pages harassed four advertisers between  2014 and 2016 using a range of illegal and coercive debt collection tactics.


These included creating a fictitious debt collection agency called SPT Collections to make phone calls and send correspondence, leading victims to believe they were dealing with an independent debt collector, misrepresenting and overstating the consequences of failing to pay debts claimed, serving victims with completed VCAT applications that had not been lodged with the tribunal, creating an impression Local Blue Pages had commenced formal legal action and demanding payment of debts for which the victims were not liable.

Correspondence sent to victims, whose contracts were worth between $1500 and $3500, employed a range of scare tactics, including claiming legal action could affect their credit rating and lead to enforcement action by the Sherriff's office.

Papaioannou and Local Blue Pages each pled guilty to four charges of undue coercion under section 168 of the Australian Consumer Law in the Heidelberg Magistrates Court. 

In addition to the company's $40,000 fine, the court imposed a $5000 fine on Papaioannou.

Consumer Affairs Victoria director Simon Cohen says Local Blue Pages repeatedly and aggressively pursued small business owners using tactics intended to intimidate them into paying debts they did not necessarily owe.

"The threats made by Local Blue Pages undoubtedly caused a great deal of stress to victims," he says. 

Some [advertisers] were threatening to break our debt collectors legs if they didn't stop calling.

Les Papaioannou

Scapegoat claims

But Papaioannou says he is just a small business owner with six staff trying to recover unpaid debts.

"They have made me a scapegoat," he says. "All I was doing was chasing the debts that people owed me. In my opinion we made some mistakes, but I wasn't trying to rip anyone off I was just trying to chase my accounts. I put on a debt collector that went a bit hard, I admit that. I'll cop it."

Papaioannou claims some of the businesses that owed debts to Local Blue Pages have been more aggressive in their tactics.  

"If they look at how debtors treat us they would be horrified," he says. "Some [advertisers] were threatening to break our debt collector's legs if they didn't stop calling."

Papaioannou says Local Blue Pages has changed its debt recovery proceedings as a result of the court case.

"There are a few technicalities there that we have changed already," he says. "The amount of calls that we make were a bit over the top apparently so we have stopped calling and just send invoices. We sent a VCAT application that we were saying we were going to go ahead with but apparently they have to be lodged first so that was incorrect. It didn't even cross my mind that I was doing anything wrong, I was just collecting money that was owed to me."

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