Breast cancer video finds a cheeky way around social media’s nipple ban


When you're trying to get the message out about breast cancer, showing breasts is not only important – it's the best way to illustrate your point.

So the sexist ban social media channels like Facebook and Instagram have placed on nipples – only women's nipples, of course – is not only annoying, it's downright dangerous.

But one clever public service announcement has found a clever and hilarious way around the nipple ban: replacing those nipples with lips.

The Argentinian breast cancer awareness charity released "Everybody loves boobs" to teach women about the realities of cancer and the importance of regularly checking your own breasts for lumps and irregularities.

And so we have a video of singing boobs in a range of shapes and sizes – and it's glorious. They sing, they dance, they poke their tongues out and play a tiny trumpet.

But more importantly, they lead us to talk about the importance of checking your boobs for lumps every month. The video shares the alarming stat that one in eight women will have to deal with breast cancer in their lives, and recommends if you're over 40 or at an increased risk, you should have annual breast screenings.

Mammograms are free every two years to Australian women aged 50-74.