Van Gogh and the Seasons one of the fastest-selling shows in National Gallery of Victoria's history
Winter masterpieces exhibition draws more than 150,000 visitors to the National Gallery of Victoria in five weeks.
Winter masterpieces exhibition draws more than 150,000 visitors to the National Gallery of Victoria in five weeks.
A new body of work by photographer Jaqui Dean explores the fascinating people and stories of Hornsby.
A new exhibition in Sydney explores the way replicas are used to create and share knowledge.
Julie Bartholomew joins art and science to comment on the environment.
Harbour lights aglow to greet The Avalanches and special guests at Vivid Sydney.
Kirstie Rea's interest in the land is expressed in four sections of A 20 year survey.
Julian Laffan has taken the humble woodblock and captured quiet moments
While The Avalanches haven't messed with their set much, they still have a few surprises up their sleeve.
There's a curious thing about the renowned Japanese woodblock print known as The Great Wave.
Sydney-based artist Sarah Contos has won Australia's richest prize for young contemporary artists.
The artist who helped get Barack Obama elected takes on the new political reality.
The eclectic interests and sweeping talents of ​a modern master are on display in a must-see survey show.
What's on in the Canberra arts scene this week
Many of the 30 Indigenous artists in this NGA exhibition address difficult issues.
Open House Melbourne 2017 celebrates New York's urban activist, Jane Jacobs.
When the indigenous actress and director, Leah Purcell, took out her mother's tattered copy of Henry Lawson's short stories, she had no idea that the script she would bang out in seven days would be named Book of the Year in the NSW Premier's Literary Awards Monday night.
Japanese photographer Q. Sakamaki shares images of private everyday moments, some of them tragic.
Angela Tiatia and Debbie Ding are an interesting choice of artists to explore wartime experiences
The work is strongly informed by the artist having grown up in the Torres Strait.
This is a beautiful and joyous exhibition that pulsates with life and urgency, writes Sasha Grishin
An artwork by Jean-Michel Basquiat has sold for a record $US110.5 million at auction in New York.
Among the endless queues and the superficial whimsy, the majority of the works at the 57th Venice Biennale explored some age-old themes.
A new play space at the National Gallery of Australia is a hand's on experience for children
What's on in the Canberra arts scene
Visitors to this year's Botanica exhibition at the Royal Botanic Garden are drawn almost irresistibly to Angela Lober's remarkable depiction of a Gymea lily that faces them as they walk in the door.
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