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Send a letter to your Senators: Block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch

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Donald Trump’s nominee to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, is moving along in confirmation hearings. Gorsuch is a right-wing ideologue, but even Senate ...

Tell Trump & GOP: My Web history and geo-location aren’t for sale

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The Republican Congress has passed legislation, that Trump has promised to sign, repealing Obama-era Internet privacy protections that prevent your Internet provider (Verizon, Xfinity/Comcast, ...
beauty and the beast gay randy rainbow

The terrifying, tolerance-promoting “Beauty and the Beast” (fun video)

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Randy has taken on the controversy over Disney’s new “Beauty and the Beast” having a kinda sorta gay character.

No Supreme Court nominations until the Russia investigation is complete

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Trump ally Devin Nunes says Donald Trump’s administration is now under a “big gray cloud” because of yesterday’s news that the FBI is investigating Trump for ...

“Nevertheless, she persisted.” The t-shirt.

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We are selling “nevertheless, she persisted” t-shirts to raise money for our work fighting the Trump agenda.

Trump suggests Jews committing own hate crimes, while adviser blames it on Dems

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In an anti-Semitic double-whammy, Donald Trump and a top adviser today both appeared to downplay the significance of anti-Semitic hate crimes by blaming the crimes on Jews and Democrats. ...

“Un-american,” the t-shirt to resist Trump in style

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I’ve created an anti-Trump t-shirt that I call “un-American.” 100% of the proceeds go to our “Fight Trump” work.

“Illegitimate,” the new t-shirt to fight Trump

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We all know Trump is illegitimate — now there’s a t-shirt! We’ve got “Trump-Putin” t-shirts and hats too!

Trump spares Obama LGBT exec. order, could undo it with “religious freedom” EO

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Trump won’t rescind Obama exec. order about federal contractors, but may sign “religious freedom” EO.
Elon Musk

Tesla’s Elon Musk defends Trump Muslim ban

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In a tweet today, Tesla’s Elon Musk defended Trump’s Muslim ban after joining his Manufacturing Council.
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