- published: 08 Mar 2016
- views: 2282
Roppongi (六本木, literally "six trees") is a district of Minato, Tokyo, Japan, famous as home to the rich Roppongi Hills area and an active night club scene. Many foreign embassies are located in Roppongi, and the night life is popular with locals and foreigners alike. It is in the central part of Tokyo, south of Akasaka and north of Azabu.
The name "Roppongi", which appears to have been coined around 1660, literally means "six trees". Six very old and large zelkova trees used to mark the area; the first three were cleared, and the last were destroyed during World War II. Another legend has it that the name comes from the fact that six daimyo lived nearby during the Edo period, each with the kanji character for "tree" or a kind of tree in their names. Roppongi was not extensively populated until after the Meiji Restoration, although the area was trafficked for centuries and served as the site of the cremation of Shogun Tokugawa Hidetada's wife in 1626.
In 1890, the Third Imperial Guard of the Imperial Japanese Army was moved to a site near Roppongi (now home to the Pacific bureau of Stars and Stripes). The influx of soldiers led to the area's rise as a nightlife district, briefly interrupted by the Great Kanto earthquake which flattened the area in 1923. Roppongi was administratively part of Azabu Ward from 1878 to 1947.
東京可以睇夜景嘅展望台有好多,其中一個好值得推介嘅係「六本木森大樓展望台」,望向東京鐵塔嘅景觀真係一絕,當中最推介嘅係需加多500YEN入場費先可以上嘅Sky deck,係無遮蔽嘅空間睇夜景真係非常震憾! 文章:http://www.likejapan.com/japannight1
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2016 HALLOWEEN party EVENT レポート! 【2016 仮装コンテスト商品一覧】 【10月28日】 1位:現金10万円 2位:ヘッドマウントディスプレイ 3位:コシヒカリ 【10月29日】 1位:50インチTV 2位:ルンバ 3位:美肌鍋セット 【10月30日】 1位:電動自転車 2位:アップルウォッチ 3位:秋田稲庭うどん 【10月31日】 1位:水素水サーバー 2位:ダイソンヘアドライヤー 3位:青森りんごジュースセット
《第二集 節目內容》 去東京遊六本木 除左睇美術館同埋買名牌衫 仲可以去食優質高享受的Pancake甜品店! 等我帶你去試食啦 之後再帶你去池袋一間田園風的家品店 搜挖我最鍾情既白色寫意風格家居擺設 價錢仲係非常便宜! 而且款式絕不老土! 時尚簡約又便宜的店你必定要知! 最後行到咁攰 帶你去一個天象館攤屍 一路睇星星一路訓低休息 絕對係購物精行完一日街必須既活動呀! ******************************************* Designer Fanspage : TIMBEE LO Group Facebook Fanspage : 窮遊達人 Instagram : mr.travelgenius 設計師的官方網站 http://www.timbeelo.com FACEBOOK 窮遊達人 粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/mr.travelgenius/?ref=ts&fref;=ts YOUTUBE 窮遊達人 影視版節目連載 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ3yqgcHpucwUhSfDdjNpEg FACEBOOK TIMBEE LO 設計師粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/TIMBEELOshop?fref=ts PINKOI 商店 http://www.pinkoi.com/store/timbeelo
5月18日(木)深夜0時15分放送の『夜の巷を徘徊する』では、マツコ・デラックスが六本木ヒルズ内のお店を徘徊。 バスアイテム専門店では、やわらかタオルに驚いてまとめ買い。健康と美容をコンセプトにしたカフェでスイーツを爆食! 放送に先駆け、美男美女ファミリーに出会って衝撃を受けるマツコの未公開シーンを先行配信します。 ★夜の巷を徘徊する 番組ホームページはこちら★ http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/haikai/
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六本木 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hant/%E5%85%AD%E6%9C%AC%E6%9C%A8 六本木 Hills http://www.roppongihills.com/ 六本木Mid Town http://www.tokyo-midtown.com/jp/index.html 音樂及照片出處 Attribution Aliens by timberman featuring Kara Square, My Free Mickey ccmixter.org/files/Per/37476 CC Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Ave by Alex featuring Morusque ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/34409 CC Attribution (3.0)
A guide to attractions in Roppongi Hills of Tokyo, Japan. Subscribe for more food-filled, fun travel goodness: https://goo.gl/74dDXq Be sure to click the bell next to the “Subscribe" button to be notified when new videos are published! Help caption & translate this video! http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c;=UCrRusOoeeCCIVd6k8HJZYtg My Travel Bags: Arden Cove Bags & Backpacks: https://goo.gl/f41Bgy Let’s Connect! WEBSITE: https://goo.gl/f41Bgy YOUTUBE: https://goo.gl/74dDXq INSTAGRAM: https://goo.gl/mh12cV TWITTER: https://goo.gl/MZ59mt Thank you so much for watching :) ❤ If you liked this video, please share it with your friends. FAQ's Q: What camera equipment do you use? A: Camera http://amzn.to/2ih4HXR Lights http://amzn.to/2ikUrJW Microphone http://amzn.to...
Japan video (vlog) travel guide for Roppongi Hills, Tokyo (日本東京 Video). Roppongi Hills is a beautiful and amazing entertainment complex in Roppongi, Tokyo (日本東京 Video). This Tokyo (日本東京 Video) travel guide will show you why Japan is so amazing by focusing on Roppongi hills. Roppongi Hills contains a highly modern movie theatre (complete with waterfall), a ton of shopping, but most importantly many amazing Japanese restaurants and bars. I absolutely love living in Japan, especially Tokyo, and Roppongi Hills is just another reason why. If you enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up and a like and if you want to see more on Japan you can subscribe to my channel if you'd like. Thanks for watching and please have a very nice day. Thank you so much for watching Roppongi Hills, Tokyo | Japan ...
For more information, access, and reviews about Roppongi Hills: http://planetyze.com/en/japan/tokyo/roppongi-hills Roppongi Hills is now the face of Roppongi. It is a place connected directly to subway stations where you can enjoy an entire day with family and children. ------------------------------ What is Planetyze? ------------------------------ We are a free online guidebook that features high quality content, great videos featuring sights from all over Japan, and new information updated daily. Join today and ask questions about your trip on our free message board, or write your own reviews to help other travellers to plan their perfect trip to Japan. All the information you need and more is available at http://planetyze.com Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plan...
Roppongi (六本木?, literally "six trees") is a district of Minato, Tokyo, Japan, famous as home to the rich Roppongi Hills area and an active night club scene. Many foreign embassies are located in Roppongi, and the night life is popular with locals and foreigners alike. It is in the central part of Tokyo, south of Akasaka and north of Azabu. TOKYO GUIDE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zVxIJcWOjs 1. Sensōji (浅草寺) http://goo.gl/7VyMcv : Largest ancient Buddhist temple and a major Tokyo attractions for Japanese and foreigners located in Asakusa. 2. Nakamise (仲見世) http://goo.gl/MgU6Cl: One of the oldest shopping centers in Japan. 3. Meiji Jingū (明治神宮) http://goo.gl/dNGeY1 : is the Shinto shrine that is dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his wife, Empress Shōken. 4. Imper...
A popular complex for dining, shopping, nightlife, and entertainment in Tokyo. Roppongi Hills, opened in 2003, it is a complex of offices, foreign banks, luxury shops and entertainment venues. It is also home to many famous Japanese celebrities who live in these very expensive high-rise buildings. There are lots of open spaces including an open air arena, with free performances. But for tourists and ex-pats living here, its attractions and activities will keep you amused around the clock. During the day you can visit the Mori Towers Complex. The first six floors have numerous shops and restaurants. Why are you wearing the kimono? She is celebrating Seijin Shiki, it is for girls turning 20 years old. She has come here for shopping. Known as the international gourmet center of Tokyo, it...
My Tokyo travel guide includes 21 hidden secrets, things to do and best places to visit which I carefully selected for this ultimate Japan experience. You won't believe number #6 which is a must-see attraction. Can we make it to 5,000 LIKES? Complete list: http://www.reformatt.com/tokyo - Download my Tokyo maps - My high quality photos - Addresses - Extra tips & advice - Mobile friendly My YouTube Setup Sony Alpha a5000 http://amzn.to/2pbgtlt (my main camera) Sony DSCHX80 http://amzn.to/2peh5I1 (my secondary camera) GoPro Hero Session http://amzn.to/2p2pmmh (my underwater camera) Audio Technica AT2020 http://amzn.to/2pelCdq (my microphone) Neewer MicArm http://amzn.to/2pLhin4 (my microphone arm) LimoStudio Kit http://amzn.to/2pLdG4o (my lighting kit) AudioTechnica Label mic http://amzn.t...
Roppongi has a seedy reputation when it comes to nightlife. There are a lot of bars, clubs, people and practices going on in Roppongi. But if you are looking for a Japanese and Foreign Friendly party that is safe, fun and a great chance to meet locals and tourists then I highly recommend Tokyo Pub Crawl! Check out their Facebook Page if you are interested and will be in Tokyo: https://www.facebook.com/TokyoPub/ Japanese Girls Eat Australian Snacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZDscCrwq_U ===================================================== Visit this site to see the funniest, strangest and weirdest products Japan has to offer: http://www.japantrendshop.com/?a_aid=japansnacksandstuff If you want to help my channel grow by helping cover camera, lighting, equipment, travel costs, ...
Who thought Roppongi was just the best party place for foreigners in Tokyo was only half right. What to eat in Roppongi? Where to get the best view in Roppongi? Where to enjoy a great Japanese style show with Oiran? Now these questions and more will be answered in the newest collaboration video with TBS The link to the TBS Tokyo Extra video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ct_jnqywL8 Hey there I am Cathy Cat! I send you weekly videos about life in Japan, Japanese fashion, Lolita fashion, Hauls, Kawaii goods, Anime and Manga merchandise and more. Would be lovely if you could be my kitten and follow me on my road to Japan. ☆COME ON! SUBSCRIBE! I'd love to have you as my kitten! ☆チャネル登録してね☆ https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Canudoitcosplaygirl ☆☆☆FOLLOW, FRIE...
Beautiful Tokyo Trip Guide! Filming Locations : Shibuya, Harajuku, Omotesando, Shinjuku, Asakusa, Nihonbashi (Nihombashi), Marunouchi, Roppongi(Roppongi Hills, Tokyo Midtown, Ark Hills, Izumi Garden), Akasaka, Shiodome, Odaiba Camera : SONY DSC-RX100M3, PANASONIC HX-WA30 Music : https://www.jamendo.com/track/203500/popular-jazz-project Popular Jazz Project Stephen The Croat https://www.jamendo.com/track/161545/the-field The Field Reno Project https://www.jamendo.com/track/489246/back-2-ur Back 2 UR Keffy Kay Creative Commons License Instagram [This is Tokyo, Japan] https://www.instagram.com/starsophia339/ 今まで東京で撮影したビデオからハイライトシーンをピックアップし、渋谷、原宿、汐留、お台場などで追加撮影したビデオ・写真を加えて、東京観光ビデオを制作してみました。
Big thank you for watching this video! ☆Watch more video HERE!! Tokyo Roppongi Hills ⇒https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEnVJuJTbcc ☆Watch more video HERE!! TOKYU PLAZA GINZA ⇒https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szr2wViCR70 ____________________________________________________ ◆Location adress 〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂9−7−1 9-7-1 Akasaka Minato-ku Tokyo, 107-0052 Google Map https://goo.gl/maps/GJE57ahHq1n Toei subway O-edo line Roppongi Station ____________________________________________________ ☆Bits of knowledge〜Tokyo Mid Town〜 Tokyo Midtown is a city within the city in the center of Tokyo's Roppongi district. Opened in 2007, the complex includes apartments, offices, shops, restaurants, museums, park space and a luxury hotel. In its center stands one of Tokyo's tallest buildings, the 248 meter...