- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 37095
The Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, abbreviated H–R diagram or HRD, is a scatter graph of stars showing the relationship between the stars' absolute magnitudes or luminosities versus their spectral classifications or effective temperatures. More simply, it plots each star on a graph measuring the star's brightness against its temperature (color). It does not map any locations of stars.
The diagram was created circa 1910 by Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell and represents a major step towards an understanding of stellar evolution or "the way in which stars undergo sequences of dynamic and radical changes over time".
In the late 19th century large-scale photographic spectroscopic surveys of stars were performed at Harvard College Observatory, producing spectral classifications for tens of thousands of stars, culminating ultimately in the Henry Draper Catalogue. In one segment of this work Antonia Maury included divisions of the stars by the width of their spectral lines. Hertzsprung noted that stars described with narrow lines tended to have smaller proper motions than the others of the same spectral classification. He took this as an indication of greater luminosity for the narrow-line stars, and computed secular parallaxes for several groups of these, allowing him to estimate their absolute magnitude.
Today Phil’s explaining the stars and how they can be categorized using their spectra. Together with their distance, this provides a wealth of information about them including their luminosity, size, and temperature. The HR diagram plots stars’ luminosity versus temperature, and most stars fall along the main sequence, where they live most of their lives. -- Table of Contents Stars Can Be Categorized Using Their Spectra 1:32 Spectra With Distance Can Identify Luminosity, Size, and Temperature 5:20 The HR Diagram Plots Luminosity vs Temperature 6:33 Most Stars Fall Along the Main Sequence 7:16 -- PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Facebook - http://www....
This lesson explores the relationship between a star's luminosity its surface temperature, which, when correlated together, can be used to deduce the size of the star. Duration: 9:53.
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram animation of Omega Centauri
Jenny brightens up the office with a new song about the H-R Diagram, the most useful tool in all of astronomy!
A description of how the HR diagram describes the properties of stars
In this video I review the HR (or Hertzsprung Russell) Diagram. Quickly reviewing the concepts of brightness and colour of a star, I show you how we can classify stars and how that leads to better understanding of the nature of stars. Please share if you think it useful Please subscribe to get more explanations. Please like if it helps you understand better. For students in NSW doing in the preliminary course of 8.5 Cosmic Engine, this covers the dot point • describe a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram as the graph of a star’s luminosity against its colour or surface temperature. For HSC students, this is also a primer for those doing the Astrophysics elective with reference to section 6 of the Astrophysics outcomes.
Today Phil’s explaining the stars and how they can be categorized using their spectra. Together with their distance, this provides a wealth of information about them including their luminosity, size, and temperature. The HR diagram plots stars’ luminosity versus temperature, and most stars fall along the main sequence, where they live most of their lives. -- Table of Contents Stars Can Be Categorized Using Their Spectra 1:32 Spectra With Distance Can Identify Luminosity, Size, and Temperature 5:20 The HR Diagram Plots Luminosity vs Temperature 6:33 Most Stars Fall Along the Main Sequence 7:16 -- PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet? Facebook - http://www....
This lesson explores the relationship between a star's luminosity its surface temperature, which, when correlated together, can be used to deduce the size of the star. Duration: 9:53.
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram animation of Omega Centauri
Jenny brightens up the office with a new song about the H-R Diagram, the most useful tool in all of astronomy!
A description of how the HR diagram describes the properties of stars
In this video I review the HR (or Hertzsprung Russell) Diagram. Quickly reviewing the concepts of brightness and colour of a star, I show you how we can classify stars and how that leads to better understanding of the nature of stars. Please share if you think it useful Please subscribe to get more explanations. Please like if it helps you understand better. For students in NSW doing in the preliminary course of 8.5 Cosmic Engine, this covers the dot point • describe a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram as the graph of a star’s luminosity against its colour or surface temperature. For HSC students, this is also a primer for those doing the Astrophysics elective with reference to section 6 of the Astrophysics outcomes.
EGS Astronomy 621 The Hertzsprung Russell Diagram
The color-luminosity chart known as the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
Star classification covering luminosity, intensity, apparent and absolute magnitude, standard candles, spectral classification, Wien's Law, Stefan's Law and the Hertzsprung Russell diagram
Welcome to this AQA A2 astrophysics video, in this video I go over apparent and absolute magnitude, what we mean by a parallax angle, with equations that relate apparent and absolute magnitude, Cepheid variable stars, then I go onto classifying a star by its temperature, and explaining what a black body is, which leads to wiens displacement law, then I highlight the differences between the emission spectrums, with an explanation of the hertzsprung Russell diagram, then the life cycles of stars, with finishing off of some supernova's.
Lecture #9 (Part 2) - Oct. 2, 2015: Classification and Measurement of Stars. By William Wilson The magnitude scale of Hipparchus; nomenclature of stars; spectral classification; distance determination; absolute magnitude and luminosity; size and density of stars; and the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
Lecture #9 (Part 21) - Oct. 2, 2015: Classification and Measurement of Stars. By William Wilson The magnitude scale of Hipparchus; nomenclature of stars; spectral classification; distance determination; absolute magnitude and luminosity; size and density of stars; and the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. NOTE: Due to Camera Operator Error, (duh!) the live version was not captured during the meeting. This is a "talk through" of the slides done on 01/19/2016 by Bill Wilson at his home. My apologies. Your humble web servant.... Ric Honey
http://www.raknamedmig.se Detta är fjärde videon av sex där jag pratar astrofysik som är ett delmoment i den gymnasiala kursen Fysik 2. I den videon pratar jag om hur en stjärna bildas samt planetsystemet kring den. Jag visar hur en stjärnas olika stadier i livet kan se ut och även hur man kan klassificera stjärnor i ett så kallat Hertzsprung-Russel diagram. Jag pratar om hur stjärnor kan avsluta sina liv med bland annat planetariska nebulosor, supernovor och hur neutronstjärnor och svarta hål kan bildas. Jag beskriver också lite mer i detalj svarta håls egenskaper. Jag visar hur vår egen uppkomst ej skulle vara möjlig utan stjärnor samt hur vi upptäcker andra planeter kring andra stjärnor.
---=== Our World on HD ===--- star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Other stars are visible from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. Historically, the most prominent stars were grouped into constellations and asterisms, and the brightest stars gained proper names. Extensive catalogues of stars have been assembled by astronomers, which provide standardized star designations. For at least a portion of its life, a star shines due to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in its core, releasing energy that traverses the star's interior and then radiates into outer space. Once the hydrogen in the core of a star is nearly exhaus...
A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Other stars are visible from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. Historically, the most prominent stars were grouped into constellations and asterisms, and the brightest stars gained proper names. Extensive catalogues of stars have been assembled by astronomers, which provide standardized star designations. For at least a portion of its life, a star shines due to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in its core, releasing energy that traverses the star's interior and then radiates into outer space. Once the hydrogen in the core of a star is nearly exhausted, almost all naturally occu...
What Is The Largest Star In The Universe? - Full Documentary HD A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Many other stars are visible to the naked eye from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. Historically, the most prominent stars were grouped into constellations and asterisms, the brightest of which gained proper names. Astronomers have assembled star catalogues that identify the known stars and provide standardized stellar designations. However, most of the stars in the Universe, including all stars outside our galaxy, the Milky Way, are invisible to the naked eye from Earth. Indeed, most are invisible from Earth even through the...