- published: 28 Dec 2010
- views: 18734272
Damian (Latin: Damianus) may refer to:
Universal Music Group, Inc. (legally known as UMG Recordings, Inc., abbreviated as UMG) is an American-French worldwide music corporation that operates as a subsidiary of Paris-based French media conglomerate Vivendi. It claims to be the largest music corporation in the world. UMG also owns Universal Music Publishing Group, which is cited as the second largest music publishing company in the world. Universal Music Group's global corporate headquarters are in Santa Monica, California, United States.
Universal Music was once the music company attached to film studio Universal Pictures. Its origins go back to the formation of the American branch of Decca Records in 1934. The Decca Record Co. Ltd. of England spun American Decca off in 1939.MCA Inc. merged with American Decca in 1962. The present organization was formed when its parent company Seagram purchased PolyGram in May 1998 and merged it with Universal Music Group in early 1999. However, the name had first appeared in 1996 when MCA Music Entertainment Group was renamed Universal Music Group. The PolyGram acquisition included Deutsche Grammophon which traces its ancestry to Berliner Gramophone making Deutsche Grammophon UMG's oldest unit. UMG's Canadian unit traces its ancestry to a Berliner Gramophone breakaway firm the Compo Company.
MediaPro Music is a Romanian record label, part of the Media PRO Group. Launched in 1997, it became integrated business of the Radio Company PRO in 2006. Between the main label and its sub-labels (Acasa Music, Special Projects, MPM Artists and Folklore), most music genres are covered, ranging from rock and pop, to dance, Latin, traditional folk, and children music. Moreover, the company is also involved in event planning (concerts, promotion tours, autograph sessions, press conferences) and publishing activities.
MediaPro Music artists and projects:
HIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "Parents" is not recognizedHIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "Children" is not recognized
Damian Robert Nesta "Jr. Gong" Marley (born 21 July 1978), is a Jamaican reggae artist. Damian is the youngest son of reggae legend Bob Marley. Damian was only 2 years old when his father died; he is the only child born to Marley and Cindy Breakspeare, Miss World 1976. Damian's nickname Junior Gong is derived from his father's nickname of Tuff Gong. Damian has been performing since the age of 13.
At age 13, he formed a musical group by the name of the Shephards, which included the daughter of Freddie McGregor and son of Third World's Cat Core. The group opened the 1992 Reggae Sunsplash festival. The band fell apart in the early 1990s and Damian started his solo career.
With the backing of his father’s label, Tuff Gong, he released his 1996 debut album Mr. Marley which surprised many who were unaccustomed to hearing a Marley deejaying rather than singing. Marley released his second studio album Halfway Tree. The name "Halfway Tree" comes from his mother, Cindy Breakspeare, being from the rich part of town, and his father, Bob Marley, coming from the poor part of town, thus him being "a tree halfway in between the 'rich' world and 'poor' world." Additionally, Halfway Tree is a well-known landmark that marks the cultural center of Half-Way-Tree, the clock tower that stands where the historical eponymous cotton tree once stood is featured prominently behind Marley on the cover of the album. The album was released on 11 September 2001 and received the 2002 Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album. It was co-produced by Damian Marley and his brother Stephen Marley.
Damian Drăghici (born March 31, 1970 in Bucharest, Romania) is a Romanian politician of Romani origin. Drăghici is a Senator in the Romanian Parliament and also an advisor on Roma issues to the Prime Minister. He is a former musician, best known as a nai player and is a noted exponent of this instrument in the world of jazz.
Drăghici was born in Bucharest to a family of lăutari whose distinguished musical heritage dates back at least seven generations. He started to play lăutărească music in the family and tried an array of instruments before settling on the nai at the age of ten.
In 1996 Drăghici auditioned for faculty members visiting Athens from the Berklee College of Music in Boston It offered him a full scholarship and he began to study with George Garzone,Jerry Bergonzi and Hal Crook.
Following graduation from college with a Magna Cum Laude majoring in Jazz Performance, he relocated to Los Angeles where he started working with major Hollywood film composers, music producers and some of the best musicians in the world. He worked on his first major EMI release, Damian's Fire with the London Symphony Orchestra and highly acclaimed musicians such as Vinnie Colaiuta, Dave Weckl, Abraham Laboriel, Neil Stubenhaus, Jimmy Johnson (bassist), John Robinson (drummer), Mike Miller (guitarist), Ramon Stagnaro, Luis Conte and Oscar Castro Neves.
Nas & Damian Marley - Patience + lycris
Damian Marley - Welcome To Jamrock
Damian & Brothers feat. Smiley - In statie la Lizeanu (Domnisoara, domnisoara) / Official Video
Damian Marley ft Stephen Marley - Medication
Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley - Affairs Of The Heart
Ananasy u Sylwii - Damian Kordas Serwuje
Damian & Brothers feat. Feli - Hopai Diri Da (Graphic Video)
Damian & Brothers feat. Delia - Mona (Graphic Video)
Damian & Brothers - Șaraiman
Damian & Brothers feat. Smiley - In statie la Lizeanu (Graphic Video)
Damian Sendin / Reel
Damian "jerzyk" Onufrak Edit 2
Damian Onufrak - Welcome to Total Bmx
Damian Stricker Reel
Some of the smartest dummies Can't read the language of Egyptian Mummies An' a fly go a Moon And can't find food for the starving tummies Pay no mind to the Youths Cause it's not like the future depends on it But save the Animals in the Zoo Cause the Chimpanzee dem a make big money This is how the media pillages On the TV the picture is Savages in villages And the scientist still can't explain the pyramids (huh) Evangelists making a living on the videos of ribs of the little kids Stereotyping the image of the images And this is what the image is... You buy a khaki pants And all of a sudden you say a Indiana Jones An' a thief out gold and thief out the scrolls and even the buried bones Some of the worst paparazzis I've ever seen and I ever known Put the worst on display s...
Music video by Damian Marley performing Welcome To Jamrock. (C) 2005 Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Damian & Brothers feat. Smiley - In statie la Lizeanu (Official Video) Starring: Alice Peneaca Regie: Paul Spike Multumiri: Alice Peneaca, Alexandru Ion, copiii Ana Maria Tudor & Sebastian Tudor Producator: Alexandra Sararu O productie Universal Music Romania & Gypsy Productions Romania Albumul Damian Draghici & Brothers - Gypsy Rock (Change or Die) este disponibil pentru streaming și download pe: https://UMR.lnk.to/GypsyRockNe CD-ul poate fi comandat de pe: GetMusic.ro: http://umusic.ly/GypsyRockGetMusic Carturesti.ro: http://umusic.ly/GypsyRockCarturesti Emag.ro: http://umusic.ly/GypsyRockEmag Subscribe to MediaPro Music: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MediaProMusic Find us on the web: http://www.mediapromusic.ro http://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicRomania http:/...
Lyrics: (CC) icon or menu in the player Contribute lyrics: settings/subtitles/add subtitles/english (published)/edit... and submit! Republic Records, UMG Recordings From Damian Marley new album "Stony Hill", out 7.21.17! https://soundcloud.com/damianmarley/m... Download: http://smarturl.it/iMedication 🌱 Follow Damian Marley https://soundcloud.com/damianmarley https://twitter.com/damianmarley https://damianmarleymusic.com https://www.facebook.com/damianmarley 🌱 Follow Stephen Marley https://stephenmarleymusic.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/RealStep... https://www.facebook.com/stephenragga... https://twitter.com/stephenmarley https://soundcloud.com/stephen-marley 🌱 Stay tuned! http://www.youtube.com/KingstonPhenom... https://www.instagram.com/kingstonphenomenon/ https://twitter.com/...
Music video by Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley performing Affairs Of The Heart. (C) 2012 Universal Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc. Buy Now! iTunes - http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/affairs-of-the-heart-single/id500002248 Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/Affairs-Of-The-Heart/dp/B0075CR1TY/ref=sr_shvl_album_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1330627294&sr;=301-1
Damian & Brothers feat Feli - Hopai Diri Da (Graphic Video) Download / Stream Link: https://UMR.lnk.to/GypsyRockYT Carturesti: http://carturesti.ro/muzica/gypsy-rock-1040191 Emag: http://www.emag.ro/damian-and-brothers-gypsy-rock-cd-album-5729701/pd/DBLXM7BBM/ GetMusic: http://www.getmusic.ro/produse/CD/p20699-Damian-And-Brothers-Gypsy-Rock.html Subscribe to MediaPro Music: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MediaProMusic Find us on the web: http://www.mediapromusic.ro http://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicRomania http://www.youtube.com/MediaProMusic https://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicBooking Licensing: contact@mediapromusic.ro Producatori generali: Universal Music Romania & Gypsy Productions Romania Producatori executivi: Damian Draghici & HaHaHa Production Aranjamen...
Damian & Brothers feat. Delia - Mona (Graphic Video) Albumul Damian Draghici & Brothers - Gypsy Rock (Change or Die) este disponibil pentru streaming și download pe: https://UMR.lnk.to/GypsyRockNe CD-ul poate fi comandat de pe: GetMusic.ro: http://umusic.ly/GypsyRockGetMusic Carturesti.ro: http://umusic.ly/GypsyRockCarturesti Emag.ro: http://umusic.ly/GypsyRockEmag Subscribe to MediaPro Music: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MediaProMusic Find us on the web: http://www.mediapromusic.ro http://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicRomania http://www.youtube.com/MediaProMusic https://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicBooking Interpret: Damian & Brothers feat. Delia Producatori generali: Universal Music Romania & Gypsy Productions Romania Producatori executivi: Damian Drăghici & HaHa...
Damian Drăghici (n. 31 martie, 1970, București) este un muzician de etnie rromă din România. Născut într-o familie muzicală, a început să învețe să cânte la nai la vârsta de 10 ani, după ce cântase la diferite instrumente de la vârsta de 3 ani. La 15 ani cânta și înregistra deja cu Orchestra Radio din București. A fugit din România la vârsta de 18 în Iugoslavia, ajungând ulterior în Grecia. După ce a cântat o vreme pe străzi și cluburi, a fost descoperit de subsidiara olandeză a firmei Sony Music, care i-a oferit șansa să înregistreze. După o audiție ce a avut loc la Atena, i-a fost oferită o bursă integrală la colegiul de muzică Berklee din Boston. La Berklee nefiind însă niciun profesor de nai cu care să poată studia, a studiat cu profesorul de saxofon George Garzone. Locuiește la Los An...
Damian & Brothers feat. Smiley - In statie la Lizeanu (Graphic Video) Download / Stream Link: https://UMR.lnk.to/GypsyRockYT Carturesti: http://carturesti.ro/muzica/gypsy-rock-1040191 Emag: http://www.emag.ro/damian-and-brothers-gypsy-rock-cd-album-5729701/pd/DBLXM7BBM/ GetMusic: http://www.getmusic.ro/produse/CD/p20699-Damian-And-Brothers-Gypsy-Rock.html Subscribe to MediaPro Music: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MediaProMusic Find us on the web: http://www.mediapromusic.ro http://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicRomania http://www.youtube.com/MediaProMusic https://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicBooking Licensing: contact@mediapromusic.ro Producatori generali: Universal Music Romania & Gypsy Productions Romania Producatori executivi: Damian Draghici & HaHaHa Production ...
2016 was my first year working like a freelance and I had the chance to work with very talented people. Those who nurtured my journey and let me learn a lot from them. So, for all those people who trust in me, and my work, Thank You Very Much !!! Here is a collect of my work through the last year and some personal projects too. Enjoy! :) My work / https://www.behance.net/damiansendin Music from Jackson and his Computer Band / Sea
www.DamianOnufrak.com Edit: Jerzyk Filmed by: Jelonka, Jerzyk songs: Bloc Party - Helicopter, The Rosebuds - Bow to the Middle
www.DamianOnufrak.com www.totalbmx.com www.manyfestbmx.pl www.mantrabmx.com www.novikgloves.eu Music: ScHoolboy Q - Hands On The Wheel (Feat. A$AP Rocky) Filmed by: Ilona Poszwa Edit: Damian Onufrak
Thanks for watching my new reel! You can see more at my website: www.damianstricker.com facebook.com/damianstrickercom behance.net/posticks High Quality stills frames, here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/132286925@N08/ And also for more information on each project visit: www.superestudio.tv www.lumbre.tv www.campmeiastudio.com
Nas & Damian Marley featuring Amadou & Mariam - Patience. Directed By Nabil
And now I ask you: Do you really think Man is the only one capable of dreaming? I know it isn´t so... A visual poem film made photo by photo using timelapse and HDR techniques to reinforce the character of the script. Presented for the candidature of the city "Las Palmas de Gran Canaria" for the European Capital of Culture 2016. Instructions for use: See it in wide screen and good sound.Press play and pause and wait for a while to charge the video and now you can see it without interruption. Enjoy www.damianperea.com Spanish version: http://www.vimeo.com/25773293 Credits: Original idea, production and Direction: Damián Perea Lezcano www.damianperea.com Script writer: Damián Perea Lezcano Nazareth Lezcano Cabrera Director of photography: Patryk Kizny www.kizny.com Editor and vfx: ...
The son of Bob Marley talks to #5 Magazine's Dan Edwards on life, touring and why he feels anxious without music....
Damian Lewis and Stephen try to answer the age-old question, "Can you be a billionaire and not be evil?" Subscribe To "The Late Show" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube For more content from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", click HERE: http://bit.ly/1AKISnR Watch full episodes of "The Late Show" HERE: http://bit.ly/1Puei40 Download the Colbert App HERE: http://apple.co/1Qqgwk4 Like "The Late Show" on Facebook HERE: http://on.fb.me/1df139Y Follow "The Late Show" on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/1dMzZzG Follow "The Late Show" on Google+ HERE: http://bit.ly/1JlGgzw Watch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT. Only on CBS. Get the CBS app for iPhone & iPad! Click HERE: http://bit.ly/12rLxge Get new episodes of shows you love across devices the ...
Damian's had too many encounters with people sticking fingers in their ears, saying "La la la! I'm not caught up!!" More CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video Team Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D For Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video Get Social With Team Coco: On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco On Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/ On Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco On Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com On YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco Follow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien
Documentary clips from the Life & Times of the great Jamaican Reggae Foundation Artists and their contributions to making reggae what it is today. Presented by Makeda Dread and WorldBeat Productions "Making of the Reggae Legends" - Interview with Damian Marley in 2002
Mass Appeal caught up with Damian Marley to talk his latest weed business venture, religion and more. In this new video interview, Bob Marley’s youngest son shares his thoughts on a variety of topics from finding the common ground amongst world religions to the power of speaking words as a way of manifesting visions into reality. Subscribe to Mass Appeal here: http://goo.gl/LqG3wZ --------------Mass Appeal-------------- Website: http://massappeal.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/massappeal Instagram: http://instagram.com/massappeal Facebook: http://facebook.com/massappeal What started as a humble graffiti ‘zine in 1996 would soon grow to be one of the most trusted outlets for youth-spawned urban culture. Today, Mass Appeal is a media collective led by authentic voices and inspired minds...
Abonnez-vous à la chaine du festival : http://bit.ly/RSS_Youtube Vivez le Reggae Sun Ska 2016 en Live : http://www.reggaesunska.com/fr/sunskatv/ Plus d'info sur : http://www.reggaesunska.com/ Ne manquez rien de cette 19ème édition ! Retrouvez en DIRECT LIVE les concerts des artistes programmés sur les grandes scènes, les interviews et les reportages réalisés sur place et plein d'autres surprises ! Rendez-vous Sun Ska TV : http://www.reggaesunska.com/fr/sunskatv/ Suivez-nous sur : www.twitter.com/reggaesunska www.instagram.com/reggaesunska www.facebook.com/reggaesunskafestivalofficial crédits vidéo : Reggae Sun Ska 2016 Multicam Systems Zoe TV
Artist Damien Hirst has turned gallery owner. His new London gallery will open in October with a show of paintings by John Hoyland, the British abstract artist who objected to the Royal Academy’s 1997 Sensation exhibition of works by Young British Artists. Damien Hirst,has described the artist as “by far the greatest British abstract painter". He added: "John Hoyland was never afraid to push the boundaries. His paintings always feel like a massive celebration of life to me.” Ahead of the opening of a major retrospective of his career at Tate Modern in 2012 the artist Damien Hirst talked to Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman. WARNING: The video contains some strong language and images of graphic artwork. Follow @BBCNewsnight on Twitter https://twitter.com/BBCNewsnight Like BBC Newsnight on ...
Ziggy Marley - Short "War" Clip - A Young Damian Jr. Gongzilla Marley - Short Interview Clip Big Thanks to Dave Brown
What does it take to be an award-winning astrophotographer? We went on location with three of this year's winners to find out. This short film is an interview with Damian Peach, from West Sussex, UK. Damian was overall winner of the Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition 2011. nmm.ac.uk/astrophoto flickr.com/groups/astrophoto Credit as 'Royal Observatory Greenwich/ Lonelyleap'.
Exclusive interview with NaS and Damian Marley in Austin, TX during SxSW 2010.
We are glad to present the making of video for The Witcher 2 Intro animation produced by Platige Image and directed by Tomek Bagiński for CD Projekt. For those who want to know more, we recommend the interview with Maciej Jackiewicz (CG Supervisor) conducted by Paul Hellard for CG Society. cgsociety.org/index.php/CGSFeatures/CGSFeatureSpecial/the_witcher_2_cinematic We thank LUC for the music used in making of material. Script: Tomek Bagiński Director: Tomek Bagiński Producer: Marcin Kobylecki, Piotr Sikora Art and Animation Director: Maciej Jackiewicz CG Supervisor: Maciej Jackiewicz Production Manager: Marta Staniszewska Layout Supervisor: Damian Nenow Layout Artist: Bartłomiej Kik Film Editors: Damian Nenow, Tomek Bagiński Compositing: Szlum Pinkumbaum Senior Environment Artists: Ma...
Interview Produced by Tea Flukes & Hot Town Director - Garrett Roodbergen Writer - Jill Frank & Katie Stasiak Jan - Meg Grunewald Gary - Rich Williams Phil - Damian White Director of Photography - Doyle LaCrua 2nd Assistant Camera - Tim Marchewka Editor - Sam Ommen Sound Design - Sidney Jones Colorist - Sam Ommen Like us on Facebook! facebook.com/TeaFlukes
Up in the hills above Kingston, Jamaica Shiah Coore talks with us about his music, his influences, the mission of Rastafari, working on the new Damian Marley project, and the state of reggae music today. In addition to being a visionary young bassist who hails from reggae royalty, Shiah is also a talented, up-and-coming music producer. As a founding member of the independent production house Yardcoore, Shiah has worked with Damian Marley, Bounty Killa, Tami Chynn, Elephant man, Wayne Marshall, Vybz Kartel, Assassin, Voicemail and many more. The music you hear on this piece was done by Shiah. Keep up with Shiah at twitter.com/ShiahCoore Shouts to the homie James Porteous who made everything happen. Shiah, it was a dope conversation that I'm sure we'll continue down the road. Respe...
Interview with director and screenwriter Anca Damian about “Crulic – drumul spre dincolo“ 64° Festival internazionale del film Locarno 64th Locarno International Film Festival August 8, 2011 Rapporto Confidenziale. rivista digitale di cultura cinematografica ISSN 2235-1329 www.rapportoconfidenziale.org RC35 speciale Locarno 64 www.rapportoconfidenziale.org/?p=16069 Sette Secondi Circa www.settesecondicirca.com Sigla video: Digital Primitives (Brano: "Bones". Album: "Digital Primitives". CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Digital_Primitives/
**Official selection for the 2014 LA Film Festival 未来 / THE FUTURE In a bleak dystopia, a student clone fights back against an army of militant teachers with his bare hands and feet. BTS INTERVIEW: http://imvdb.com/blog/2013/12/video-chats-lance-drake-and-mindy-kelly-on-the-future-by-five-knives 監督 / DIRECTOR LANCE DRAKE エグゼクティブプロデューサー / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DANIELLE HINDE プロデューサー / PRODUCER SARAH PARK 助監督 / ASST. DIRECTOR CHAD NICHOLSON 制作管理 / PRODUCTION MANAGER PATRICK HORNE 撮影監督 / CINEMATOGRAPHER ANDREW J. WHITTAKER (http://www.andrewjwhittaker.com) ファーストアシスタントカメラ / FIRST ASST CAMERA JON DEC セカンドアシスタントカメラ / 2ND ASST CAMERA JORDAN GAYLOR ステディーカム / STEADY CAM OP ARI ROBBINS ライティングディレクター / GAFFER COBY POULTON 照明ベストボーイ / BB ELECTRIC TOM PENA キーグリップ / KEY GRIP JULIE...
Read the full post at http://www.fstoppers.com/fstoppers-original-behind-the-scenes-with-sports-illustrated Fstoppers travels to New Orleans to interview Sports Illustrated photographers Damian Strohmeyer, Al Tielemans, Simon Bruty, and John Biever as they shoot the 2012 BCS National Championship Game featuring LSU and Alabama.
An interview with Damian Rintelmann, Director of Digital Strategy, Hart Associates at FutureMidwest 2010 in Royal Oak Michigan.
Verse 1:
Welcome to Jamrock, camp where di thugs dem camp at
Two pound a weed inna van bag
It inna yuh hand bag, yuh knapsack it inna yuh back pack
Di smell a give yuh girlfriend contact
Some bwoy nah notice, dem only come around like tourist
On di beach wid a few club sodas
Bedtime stories, and pose like dem name Chuck Norris
And don?t know di real hardcore
Cause (?) a nuh back too, di thugs dem weh do weh dem got to
And won?t tink twice to shot yuh
Don?t mek dem spot yuh, unless yuh carry guns aloit
A bare tuff tings come at yuh
When Trenchtown man stop laugh and block off traffic
Then dem wheel and pop off and dem start clap it
Wid di pin file dung and it a beat drop it
Police come inna jeep and dem caan stop it
Some seh dem a playbwoy a playbwoy rabbit
Funnyman a get dropped like a bad habit
So nuh bodda pose tuff if yuh don?t have it
Rastafari stands alone
Chorus: (?Ini Kamoze sample?)
Welcome to Jamrock, Welcome to Jamrock
?Out in the streets, they call it murder!!!!?)
Verse 2:
Welcome to Jamdown, poor people a dead at random
Political violence caan dun
Pure ghost and phantom, di yute dem get blind by stardom
Now di Kings Of Kings a call
Old man to pickney, so wave oonu hand if yuh wid mi
To see di sufferation sick mi
Dem suit nuh fit mi, to win election dem trick we
They they don?t do nuttin at all
Come on let?s face it, a ghetto education?s basic
A most a di yutes dem waste it
And when dem waste it, dat?s when they tek di guns replace it
Then dem don?t stand a chance at all
And dat?s why a nuff likkle yute have up some fat matics
Wid di extra magazine inna dem back pocket
And have leisure night time inna some black jacket
All who nah lock glocks a dem a lock rocket
Then we full yuh up a current like a short circuit
Dem a run a roadblock which part di cops block it
And from now till a mornin nuh stop clock it
If dem run outta round I brought back ratchet
Chorus(*Ini Kamoze sample)
Welcome to Jamrock (Southside, Northside)
Welcome to Jamrock (East Coast, West Coast, huh, yo)
Welcome to Jamrock (Conwell, Middlesex ?) Hey!
Welcome to Jamrock
(?Out in the streets, they call it murder!!!)
Jamaica Jamaica!!!! Jamaica Jamaica! Now!
Jamaica Jamaica!!!! Yo! Jamaica Jamaica!!!!