

Reclaim your time with these tips from other mums.


Timesaving tips for running your household

Essential Kids members and full-time working mothers share their tips on how they juggle work, children, and getting everyone up and out the door every morning. On time!

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Fun for all ... Do parents really get free time?

The dream of parental free time

A mum considers the amount of free time we are "supposed" to have in a day, comparing the "ideal" schedule to one more of us live by.

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Natasha Stott Despoja with her husband, Ian Smith, and two kids, eight-year-old Conrad and five-year-old Cordelia, in Borneo.

Despoja on motherhood, politics and progress

In an interview with Essential Kids about her involvement in the conservation movement, Natasha Stott Despoja also spoke about life after politics and why she would never enter into the toxic environment that is parliament today.

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Parents suffering from back to school stress

Working parents endure high levels of stress when it comes to getting ready for their child's return to school, according to a recent study, but there is help available.

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Working single parents to suffer under new parenting payment

Petra Hilton is doing what the government would like thousands of other single parents to do. She balances raising her son, Tobias, with working 20 hours a week in administration for a food manufacturing company, while studying logistics to carve out a career path for herself within the firm.

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Justine Davies

Another dose of (undeserved) guilt

Justine Davies challenges the media reports today that are labelling working parents as guilty of not spending enough time with their children.

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Making time ... how to juggle work and a family.

Justine Davies

The relaxed mummy files: The work juggle

For those parents who have to deal with all of the other daily stresses, and work outside the home as well, there’s the extra work stress that gets added into the mix - and the fear that they aren't getting any dowtime just to play with their kids.

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