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    • Creeping censorship in a southern Israeli town

      Verbal attacks by right-wing groups and politicians in Be'er Sheva are threatening both NGOs and the local university. By Daniel Beller Over the past year various entities, including right-wing movements, have been trying to close down a joint Jewish-Arab cultural institution in the southern Israeli town of Be’er Sheva. The Multaqa-Mifgash Center, founded by the Negev Coexistence Forum (NCF), operates out of a municipal bomb shelter and stages activities and events focused on coexistence. It’s a unique institution in Be’er Sheva, and — aside from Ben-Gurion University — is the only place in the city that holds discussions on fundamental, sensitive…

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    • WATCH: African asylum seekers, Israelis stage play at detention center

      For the second time, a group of African asylum seekers and Israelis put on the 'Holot Theater' — a staged performance at the Holot detention center in southern Israel, where thousands of asylum seekers are being held without trial. Read more: PHOTOS: Asylum seeker theater troupe re-imagines life in Israel Photo diary: Inside 'Holot' detention center for asylum seekers

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    • New play brings tales from Palestine to the London stage

      A new one-man play, staged to mark the 69th anniversary of the Nakba and 50 years of occupation, brought Gaza, Ramallah and Yarmouk refugee camp to the heart of London.  By Christa Blackmon A 12-year old boy escaping from Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus is left alone to sort out the quirks of his biology in an overcrowded raft headed for Europe. A vain yet independent girl struggles with her father's rules and her first taste of sexual love. A shallow 20-year-old taxi driver is desperate to get laid despite the watchful eye of Hamas. And a vibrant actor living…

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    • PHOTOS: A week of joint struggle in Sumud Freedom Camp

      For over a week, Jewish activists from across the globe have joined Palestinians in an effort to rebuild a depopulated village in the West Bank.  By: Ahmad Al-Bazz / It has been over a week since 250 Palestinians, Israelis, and diaspora Jews came together to establish the "Sumud Freedom Camp" on the site of Sarura, a former Palestinian village in the West Bank, whose residents were expelled by Israeli forces between 1980 and 1998 ("sumud" is Arabic for steadfastness). Organizers announced that the “camp will stand until the families can return to the homes.” In the daytime, activists worked together to…

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    • U.S. Jewish activist to undergo surgery on arm broken by Israeli cops

      Sarah Brammer-Shlay, whose arm was broken by Israeli police as they forcibly removed her from a Jerusalem Day protest, will be undergoing a $25,000 operation on Thursday. An American-Jewish activist whose arm was broken by Israeli police as they forcefully dispersed a Jerusalem Day protest last week will need to undergo surgery. [tmwinpost] Sarah Brammer-Shlay, 25, was part of a group of American and Israeli Jews who staged a demonstration at Damascus Gate last Wednesday. The protesters, who sat in a row along the entrance to the Old City in order to try and have the annual March of the…

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    • Forget negotiations, Israelis and Palestinians need an intervention

      When both sides aren't ready to make concessions, when one side gets to decide who sits at the table and who sits in jail, negotiations are bound to fail. It is time for the international community to mediate. By Mossi Raz A man is standing in a dangerous place, beside him is a wall, and beyond that wall is a safe harbor. The man tries to cross over directly through the wall, time and time again, until he cracks his head. Nearby is a bus that brings its passengers to the other side, but our man won't board that bus.…

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    • The false story Israel tells itself about the Middle East

      According to Israel's leaders, the Middle East is made up of primitive tribespeople and Islamic radicals who cannot be negotiated with. They're wrong. By Idan Barir and Ori Goldberg Nearly a month ago, a hearing at the Knesset's State Control Committee that looked into the State Comptroller's report on Israel's handling of Operation Protective Edge, brought together Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Meretz chairwoman Zehava Galon. During the hearing, Galon asked the prime minister what kind of future he proposes for Israeli citizens. His response had quite an impact on his supporters, who shared the video on social media under the…

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Illustrations: Eran Mendel