Slate Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts

The Next Ginsburg and Scalia?

Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Samuel Alito look like they’re becoming the best of frenemies.

What We’ve Learned About Jared Kushner’s Russia Links in the Past Five Days

The White House Sounds Bananas in This Statement About Trump’s “Magnetic Personality”

Networks Are Programming the Opposite of What Viewers Want

You’re Probably Pronouncing Gal Gadot’s Name Wrong


The “Bullying” of Academics

Researchers whose work comes under fire can hardly be called victims.

The World

The Return of Gringophobia

There’s a long tradition of anti-Americanism in Mexican politics. It’s making a comeback in the era of Trump.

Are the Critics of Rebecca Tuvel’s Paper on Transracialism “Bullies”?

An Age-Old Tradition of Mexican Anti-Americanism Is Making a Comeback in the Trump Era

The DNC Wasn’t Hacked, the NYT Is Lying, and Other Mindboggling Claims From Putin’s American Defender

Canada’s Very Smart Anti-Drug Strategy: Help Addicts Shoot Up—Safely

Most Recent See All
In Case You Missed It
The Rise of the Liberal Conspiracy Theorist Louise Mensch’s loony Trump fantasies fill a craving the left didn’t know it had.
Fox News Is Losing The network is downplaying the biggest political drama of our time—and viewers are changing channels.
America Needs Anthony Kennedy to Stay Put
Read the First Excerpt From Philip Pullman’s The Book of Dust
The Big Shortcut
The New Diploma Mills Schools are hooked on online learning, but many of the courses are a sorry substitute for the traditional classroom.
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May 26 2017 2:01 PM Taking a Bold Stand Lifestyle gurus, Trump whisperers, left-wing conspiracymongers, and more, in the Slate Plus Digest.