The Sydney Morning Herald

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Column 8

Published: May 25 2017 - 9:00PM

"George M's comment regarding stray leaves (C8) reminds me of a cheerful observation made by a Greenethorpe farmer during a severe dust storm that we were witnessing a large transfer of prime real estate without any commission payable to estate agents." 'Roger'.

"I have four Chinese Tallow trees outside my house," reports Ian Stevenson of Gladesville. "Their roots damage the footpath and their leaves block street and house gutters. I have asked our council without success to replace them with natives, such as bottlebrush, which attract lorikeets."

There's more. "I wonder if George's neighbours are getting ready for a concerted bout of leaf-blowing this Sunday morning?" John Christie, Oatley.

"Hasn't anyone told George that liquidambars are noxious weeds?" asks Peter Miniutti, Ashbury.

Moving on. "My pet hate when travelling is the amount of baggage that people are allowed to stow after boarding a plane. Why isn't it limited to one small pack? Instead one sees small bags with wheels and front and back packs shoved into overhead lockers .Last on board – and if you are carrying something small yourself – bad luck. Bah! Humbug!" Stewart Copper, Maroubra.

"Rosemary O'Brien is a little premature (C8 train sick). The ill are shuttled to the Mortuary Station at Central from which ghostly trains leave for Rookwood Necropolis. The long-removed Necropolis Station is now, appropriately, in Canberra." Alex Byrne, Glebe.

Tea time. "Stopping in a small town recently I went to the local cafe. On the menu was Cup of Chino and Late. Being unpretentious I ordered a black tea." Bill Selden, Sunshine Beach.

But. "Yesterday I bought a bottle of flavoured iced tea. On the label it says 'Zesty Lemon Black Tea'. On checking the ingredients, including many 'numbers', the only one relating to tea is 'Black Tea Extract Powder 0.078%'. Surely there is (or needs to be) a consumer law that prevents a product being labelled as a thing when it contains less than one thousandth of that thing  and even then as 'extract powder', whatever that is. More fool me." Mark Morgan, of Narrabeen.

Talking of Cleese. "Watching TV footage of the military parade in North Korea with the military goose-stepping in front of the Supreme Leader made me wonder if the goose step is the protocol for all aggressive dictatorships past and present. What is the history of the goose step?" Vince Lagana, Penshurst.

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