The Sydney Morning Herald

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Column 8

Published: May 22 2017 - 9:00PM

"Empire Day, May 24, is still celebrated, in Canada, as Queen Victoria's birthday. My father remembers Empire Day being celebrated in Australia but I don't. When did it stop, and why?" asks David Skillicorn, Fairlight.

"I'm proud and pleased to advise that there is at least one surviving grandchild of a convict as referred to (C8). Joan Causer (my mother's aunt) is 95 and living in a nursing home in Brisbane. Joan's grandfather (my mother's great-grandfather) was John Woolbank. John was one of 270 convicts transported from to NSW on the Bengal Merchant – departure date 1836/arrival date 1837. John died in 1910 after living to the ripe old age of 88." Simon Grover, Lilyfield.

"Aah, the much loved Goons. My Korean wife still insists on listening to a Goon Show CD while in the car and especially those versions with 'he's fallen in the water'. Long may it remain so for all Goon fans." Michael Fletcher, Ulsan, Korea.

"Oh joyous memories of The Goon Show, and beloved Spike, whose epitaph surpasseth all others – 'I told you I was ill'." Coral Button, North Epping.

Martin Bibby, Beecroft, writes: "Telling sick people to leave the train and seek help from staff at stations is downright dangerous. The last time I heard this, a month or so ago, my train had just left Epping, at night. The next five stations were unmanned."

​"All this debate on 'pho', 'fur' and 'foe' (C8) is at best a faux par. At worst, a furphy." Joy Cooksey, Harrington.

The list of extinctions rolls on and the next casualty on that list is the word specific, says Don Hartley, Leichhardt. "Wouldn't it be great if we could vaccinate against the use of certain words, in particular the word 'kinda'. This particularly nasty strain of word use is becoming a threat to anything specific and has turned into an epidemic. Will C8 support a campaign to stamp out use of this lazy kinda word?" 

"Just checking on the whereabouts of Allan Gibson of Cherrybrook? I am puzzled as to why he has been absent from Column 8 for some time now." Maureen McCallum, Castle Hill. 

"But who exactly was Billy Shears (C8, Sgt Pepper) and is it possible Paul McCartney joined a band on the run and is just waiting in the wings?" Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook.

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