The Sydney Morning Herald

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Column 8

Published: May 19 2017 - 9:00PM

"Margaret Hamilton (C8) has a good idea about getting rid of unwanted food packaging. I apply the same principle in another way by taking a pocket knife with me for the purpose of reducing the length of the stalks on broccoli pieces." David Davies, Callala Beach.

"Margaret Hamilton would enjoy shopping in Berlin. No plastic bags at checkouts. Receptacles in store in which to leave all packaging, cans etc. If you forget your shopping basket you can buy one – €4 buys a smart hessian bag or a cheaper plastic number can be bought and reused." Patricia Slidziunas, Woonona.

"Regarding leaving packaging at the store – in Sweden you're encouraged to remove all unnecessary packaging at the checkout to encourage recycling." Mark Morris, Mudgee.

Shunmugam Govindasamy of Randwick writes: "The Vietnamese dish pho (C8) is not pronounced 'fore' or 'foe', but 'fur'. Legend has it that it derives from 'pot-a-feu', the dish the French introduced years ago to the then French Indochina."

"The Sydney Trains announcements about placing bags on seats is probably aimed at freeing up seats on crowded trains, but I've heard that announcement when the train is almost empty. It's not a fineable offence but I suspect it soon will be. For a country founded by convicts we sure do like our rules and regulations. Sit up straight and take that smirk off your face." Peter Riley, Penrith.

"Considering Donald Trump seems to exist in his own alternate universe, perhaps better to have Fox Mulder investigate him, rather than Robert Mueller." Pritam Ghosh, Beverley Park.

Now history corner. "Laurel Quinlivan, of Young, who passed away last week aged 91, was the granddaughter of a convict transported from England to Tasmania in 1851. They stopped sending convicts to New South Wales in about 1844, and to Tasmania in 1853.Are there any more grandchildren of such convicts, or was she perhaps the last one? Laurel Quinlivan was the cousin of my grandmother." Robert Heal, Gordon.

Also: "How time flys - only 12 sleeps (June 1st) and we can all sing 'It was fifty years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play ..." Dennis Neal, Beecroft.

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