The Sydney Morning Herald

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Column 8

Published: May 10 2017 - 12:15AM

Cold off the press. "Finally working its way free through our dense nandina hedge edging the driveway, a delivered copy of the Herald dated November 11, 2016, dropped on to the garden bed," writes Joan Brown, of Orange. 

"Ah, Column 8, so often ridicule raises questions (Owner-builder licence, Col8, May 9)," writes John Dawson, of Wattle Grove. "If a builder does not own his home, why can he register as though he does? And why is his house in his wife's name anyway? Apparently you can have your peppercorn and sprinkle it too." 

Repeating politicians names (Semantic satiation, Col8, May 9) can cause problems. "Repeatedly saying 'vote Gough', as some did in the 1970s, also leads to a frightening result," writes Brad Elliott, from North Rocks.

"Tried repetition for 20 seconds, plot completely lost. Tony ... a ... Tony rabbit ... Tony wabbit,"  writes Clare Lloyd.

"No way am I going to repeat the name Tony Abbott 20 times – I could barely bring myself to write it once," writes Angela Miller, from Bondi Junction.

Our item about retirement villages (Col 8, May 9) prompted this from Paul Hunt:  "I got my sister for her 60th birthday statuettes dancing together and described as 'American masculine cultural stereotypes' – a manual worker, sailor, cowboy, etc. The average age of these gnarled and wizened models was about 90. The inscription read 'The Retirement Village People'."

And our piscine musings  (Col8, May 9), triggered this gag from Cliff Wright, of Valley Heights fame. "What were Atlantic salmon doing off Tasmania anyway? Perhaps they were lost soles." The ultimate dad joke?

Into this competition, comes George Manojlovic. "Don Fischer, there is an upside to your friend leasing the family home from his wife. Should he regularly complain about having to make payments his wife will have a genuine Moaner Leaser."

 We clearly have a fan. "I think the Herald without Column 8 would result in the end of my subscription. It was bad enough when Heckler left the last page. What's next? No sudoku," writes Mary Watson, of Balgowlah Heights.

Twitter: @Column8SMH

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