- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 374022
Shop may refer to:
The common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), or hippo, is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae, the other being the pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis or Hexaprotodon liberiensis). The name comes from the ancient Greek for "river horse" (ἱπποπόταμος). After the elephant and rhinoceros, the common hippopotamus is the third-largest type of land mammal and the heaviest extant artiodactyl. Despite their physical resemblance to pigs and other terrestrial even-toed ungulates, the closest living relatives of the Hippopotamidae are cetaceans (whales, porpoises, etc.) from which they diverged about 55 million years ago. The common ancestor of whales and hippos split from other even-toed ungulates around 60 million years ago. The earliest known hippopotamus fossils, belonging to the genus Kenyapotamus in Africa, date to around 16 million years ago.
Common hippos are recognisable by their barrel-shaped torsos, wide-opening mouths revealing large canine tusks, nearly hairless bodies, columnar-like legs and large size; adults average 1,500 kg (3,300 lb) and 1,300 kg (2,900 lb) for males and females respectively, making them the largest species of land mammal after the three species of elephants and the white and Indian rhinoceros. Despite its stocky shape and short legs, it is capable of running 30 km/h (19 mph) over short distances. The hippopotamus is a highly aggressive and unpredictable animal and is ranked among the most dangerous animals in Africa. Nevertheless, they are still threatened by habitat loss and poaching for their meat and ivory canine teeth.
Country Boy may refer to:
Guy de Chauliac (French: [də ʃoljak]), also called Guido or Guigo de Cauliaco (c. 1300 – 25 July 1368), was a French physician and surgeon who wrote a lengthy and influential treatise on surgery in Latin, titled Chirurgia Magna. It was translated into many other languages (including Middle English) and widely read by physicians in late medieval Europe.
Guy de Chauliac was in born in Chaulhac, Lozère, France, into a family of modest means. He began his study of medicine in Toulouse before going to study in Montpellier, the center for medical knowledge in 14th century Europe. He was in Paris between 1315 and 1320, and around 1325, he became a Master of Medicine and Surgery. After receiving his degree, he went to Bologna to study anatomy under Nicola Bertuccio, from whom he may have learned surgical techniques. It is unknown whether de Chauliac applied his surgical studies and knowledge. Charles H. Talbot writes, "It was seemingly from books that [Chauliac] learned his surgery.... He may have used the knife when embalming the bodies of dead popes, but he was careful to avoid it on living patients". Others, including Thevenet, claim that Chauliac moved to Mende and then Lyons to practice medicine after learning the art of surgery from Bertuccio.
Limited edition or Limited editions may refer to:
RIP LootCrate
LootCrate - Marts 2015
Five Nights at Freddy's: Pizzeria Simulator ANIMATED
LootCrate | April 2015
Conjing With Hippocrate pt2
Armins Skillskole
Make a HALO Video Game Altered Wood Box with ICE Resin and Craft Attitude
Des barbiers aux chirurgiens au moyen-âge -- ArgosRaconte #1
Little Birdie Crafts - Trim and Flower Embellishments
Update on the Farty and a walk around the shop
Kinder Choco Bons Box
Local First Lexington Country Boy Brewing
The Hard Goods Show Eps.01 The Ebay Amazon Esty Reseller Show
Spørg Armin #5
#10 Nov 2014 Hippo at Oji zoo, Kobe, Japan
All About Wipouch + Giveaway - What's New + Pack Away Wednesday l xolivi
TOMY Toomies Mr ShopBot Commercial
Doggie Night Lights || Sturme Clip On Lights || Schnauzer Mom
Køb din ArminCrate her: http://www.arminmerusic.dk/armincrate Kan du også lide gaming? Følg min gaming kanal! https://www.youtube.com/user/Armin2nd Vil du se mere, som fx vlogs og behind the scenes? https://www.youtube.com/ArminEkstra Website: http://www.arminmerusic.dk/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/armin98 Instagram: http://instagram.com/mriskold Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArminMerusic Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/arminmerusic Shop: http://iskoldarmy.spreadshirt.dk/ Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/arminproductions Leder du efter PR eller andre former for business? Business mail: armin@hippo.one
Det var det sidste vi så til Looti.... Rip Kan du også lide gaming? Følg min gaming kanal! https://www.youtube.com/user/Armin2nd Website: hhttp://www.arminmerusic.dk/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/armin98 Instagram: http://instagram.com/mriskold Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/arminproductions Shop: http://iskoldarmy.dk/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArminMerusic Leder du efter PR eller andre former for aftaler? Business mail: armin@hippo.one
Vi flækker noget mere LootCrate! Køb LootCrate her: http://mbsy.co/lootcrate/14701155 Website - Aaaaalt http://www.arminmerusic.dk/ 2nd kanal - flere videoer! https://www.youtube.com/user/Armin2nd Facebook - bliv opdateret! http://www.facebook.com/armin98 Insta - se lækre billeder! http://instagram.com/mriskold Shop - den iskoldeste butik! http://iskoldarmy.dk/ Twitch - stream! http://www.twitch.tv/arminproductions Twitter - ekstra updates! https://twitter.com/ArminMerusic Kontakt http://www.arminmerusic.dk/om-armin Leder du efter PR eller andre former for aftaler? Business mail: armin@hippo.one
Lixian has assembled a HILARIOUS FNAF Animation about the amazing and terrifying Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator! ▼▼▼ ALL TOUR DATES --- CLICK HERE ▼▼▼ 03-Jan-18 St. Louis, MO ► https://ev3.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=FOX03JAN18&linkID;=metro-foxsl 04-Jan-18 Kansas City, MO ► https://ticketing.axs.com/Quantity.aspx?t=E8D768CD8D5359C75862BFA&og;=-1 05-Jan-18 Denver, CO ► https://www.altitudetickets.com/events/detail/markiplier 06-Jan-18 Salt Lake City, UT ► https://arttix.artsaltlake.org/single/SYOS.aspx?p=19654&tnewq;=e2547dcb-48cb-4c31-8c87-151c51e10f59&tnewp;=0a19f189-9e9f-49e6-893e-af9b11945692&tnewts;=1511812157&tnewc;=arttix&tnewe;=q12017&tnewrt;=Safetynet&tnewh;=2c43ea762a666d891ed5428afe3a926a 07-Jan-18 Las Vegas, NV ► https://tickets.axs.com/shop/#/17b62f17-e...
Så kom månedens LootCrate, ret tidligt endda! Vi får flækket den op, og ser hvad der er i den! Hvis du vil købe din egen LootCrate, kan det gøres her: http://mbsy.co/lootcrate/14701155 Website - Aaaaalt http://www.arminmerusic.dk/ 2nd kanal - flere videoer! https://www.youtube.com/user/Armin2nd Facebook - bliv opdateret! http://www.facebook.com/armin98 Insta - se lækre billeder! http://instagram.com/mriskold Shop - den iskoldeste butik! http://iskoldarmy.dk/ Twitch - stream! http://www.twitch.tv/arminproductions Twitter - ekstra updates! https://twitter.com/ArminMerusic Kontakt http://www.arminmerusic.dk/om-armin Leder du efter PR eller andre former for aftaler? Business mail: armin@hippo.one
Vlog Ep. 31 - SUBSCRIBE http://tinyurl.com/ninjapamilia Pickup some merch :) https://shop.spreadshirt.com/J-Kraken RAIN & RAMEN (AND ALL THE ANIME TOYS) - Vlog Ep. 31 - J-Kraken Thumbs up for DABBING COLOSSAL TITAN. 15 Mournings for November - Day 10 - Rain & Ramen Check out ToTheNines: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_KMcJGUlM9-0voA0gpeJyg https://twitter.com/NinesToThe Check out Rubzy: https://www.youtube.com/user/Suqp https://twitter.com/NickDoesMagic https://www.instagram.com/NickDoesMagic/ DONATE! All donations help to support my stream so any amount is appreciated! https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/jkrakengaming Music Used: J-Kraken - "Rain & Ramen" PC Specs: CPU: Intel i7-3770 http://amzn.to/29brn7O GPU: ASUS Turbo GTX970 http://amzn.to/29flENT Ram: G.Skill Ripjaws X Se...
Denne video er sponsoreret og betalt af Puma Deltag i konkurrencen her, hvor du kan vinde en straffesparkskonkurrence mod Balotelli, Fabregas, Reus og Griezmann: https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/trackclk/N49701.2236113VLOGGER_DK/B9496597.129127065;dc_trk_aid=302042821;dc_trk_cid=69193868;dc_lat=; Følg min second channel for en masse gaming! https://www.youtube.com/user/Armin2nd Følg min ekstra kanal for exXxtra shiiit! https://www.youtube.com/ArminEkstra Website: http://www.arminmerusic.dk/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/armin98 Instagram: http://instagram.com/mriskold Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArminMerusic Shop: http://iskoldarmy.spreadshirt.dk/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/arminmerusic Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/arminproductions Vine: @mriskold Leder du eft...
Check out my blog for all the deets on the supply list for this box: http://hydrangeahippo.com/a-handmade-gift-for-a-teenage-boy *********************************************************************************** Supplies: Walnut Hollow Card Box -http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0018N6G1U/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=B0018N6G1U&linkCode;=as2&tag;=hydrahippo-20 ICE Resin® 8 oz. Doming Kit http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007JYLKPO/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=B007JYLKPO&linkCode;=as2&tag;=hydrahippo-20 ICED Enamels http://www.iceresin.com/category/products-page/iced-enamels/ ICED Enamels Medium http://www.iceresin.com/category/products-page/iced-enamels/ Craft Attitude Adhesive Sheets, 8-Sheet, 8.5 by 11-I...
Guy de Chauliac, père de la chirurgie, a œuvré pour le progrès de la médecine dans l'unique but de faire progresser le savoir et la santé de l'humanité. Un médecin qu'on oublie trop souvent dans l'histoire de la médecine que l’on juge comme un peu arriérée au moyen-âge. Mais grâce à Guy de Chauliac tout a changé ! Vous jugerez par vous-même qu'il n'a pas volé son titre ! Avant lui, les chirurgiens étaient des barbiers souvent plus compétents que les médecins qui étaient trop conservateurs pour remettre en question le savoir ancestral légué par Hippocrate et Galien. J'espère que vous aurez une pensée amicale et reconnaissante envers lui la prochaine fois que vous mettrez les pieds dans une salle d'opération. Ce n’est pas pour rien si le CHU de Montpellier porte encore son nom ! Soutenez-m...
Shop for Little Birdie Trim here... http://www.scrapbook.com/store/cat-brand/ribbon+and+fibers-little+birdie+crafts.html Looking for the matching flowers? You can find them here... http://www.scrapbook.com/store/collection-brand/wearables-little+birdie+crafts.html Little Birdie offers a wide assortment of flowers and matching trim to add to your layouts, home decor, cards, projects and more! Scrapbook.com: Life Handmade. For papercrafters, scrapbookers, stampers, cardmakers and all those who love handmade projects. ----- SCRAPBOOK.COM ------- • Store: http://www.scrapbook.com/store • Coupons & Deals: http://www.scrapbook.com/coupons/ • Free Classes: http://www.scrapbook.com/classes • Gallery: http://www.scrapbook.com/gallery • Forums: http://www.scrapbook.com/forums ----- CONNECT WIT...
Want to learn more about Local First Lexington? Join us at our May Member Social: May Local First Lex member social at Hippo Crate Mobile Self Storage with Country Boy Brewing! Mark the date: Tuesday, May 28th, Hippo Crate warehouse at 441 Chair Avenue (behind Country Boy Brewing) at 5:30 pm. We'll have Country Boy beers on tap and two food trucks! When it comes to supporting local business, many may think of buying local goods at retail shops and local food and drink options, but Lexington also has LOTS of independently-owned SERVICE businesses, like the mobile self-storage options from Hippo Crate Mobile Self Storage. So when it comes to the services you need, Think Local First! Produced by: Beard House Media
►19th Vintage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX0vphqgpb95g9WiMgUj2wQ ►My Links: https://linktr.ee/thriftshophustler ►About Me: I'm a 30 year veteran in reselling and have collected a great amount of knowledge on collectibles and video games. I've sold on Ebay since 1995 and yahoo auctions before that. I just got into selling on Amazon FBA and Merch by Amazon in 2015. I've learned a lot about marketing with Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and more. ►Weekly Videos: I create weekly videos on stuff I find at Garage Sales, Thrift Shop, Flea Markets and Second hand stores. Also weekly videos on specific niches in the subject of collectibles, the series is called "Know Your Stuff" where I dive super deep into collectibles like Hot Wheels, Star Wars, Vintage Nintendo Games ...
Så får vi flækket nogle spørgsmål. Herunder kan du finde links og blandt andet Facebook hvor du kan stille spørgsmål til den næste spørg Armin! Smid et like for mere. Ask.Fm http://ask.fm/arminmerusic Website - Aaaaalt http://www.arminmerusic.dk/ 2nd kanal - flere videoer! https://www.youtube.com/user/Armin2nd Facebook - bliv opdateret! http://www.facebook.com/armin98 Insta - se lækre billeder! http://instagram.com/mriskold Shop - den iskoldeste butik! http://iskoldarmy.dk/ Twitch - stream! http://www.twitch.tv/arminproductions Twitter - ekstra updates! https://twitter.com/ArminMerusic Kontakt http://www.arminmerusic.dk/om-armin Leder du efter PR eller andre former for aftaler? Business mail: armin@hippo.one
Pack Away Wednesday + What’s New At XoLivi + GIVEAWAY! - Today I’m sharing all about the NEW wipouch prints of monochrome and new colors. You will see size comparisons, my favorite prints next to jujube bags, and how it fits in the bags. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for (1)Mint Animals 30 OR (1)Monochrome Bears 30 by clicking here - http://www.xolivi.com/living-room/wipouch-new-prints-giveaway-rules C'est Petite Vienna: cestpetitevienna.com https://www.facebook.com/cestpetitevienna http://instagram/com/cestpetitevienna Products Mentioned: http://cestpetitevienna.com Preferred U.S Retailer, upcoming second ordering session TBA- http://bit.ly/tsmlivi Monochrome Bears Monochrome Stripes Monochrome Hearts Monochrome Arrows Donuts + Ice Cream Nauticals Mint Animals Blackout Super Be-...
Toomies love to have fun: It’s at the heart of everything we do. I'm Mr ShopBot and I love to shop! Feed me coins and press my mouth to hear me chomp and burp! Scan the food on my arm. Beep Beep! Giggles galore when I give you your change. Suitable from 18 months +. We’re full of little surprises that will delight you and your child because we know memories are formed when laughter is shared! TOMY Toomies. Hands on Fun! TOMY Toomies Mr ShopBot is available at all good toy shops. Requires 3xAAA batteries-Included. Suitable from 18 months +. Watch other fun videos of the best new toys: https://tinyurl.com/TOMY-Toomies https://tinyurl.com/TOMY-UK-Commercials Be the first to see our new toys! Subscribe at: https://www.youtube.com/c/TOMYToysUKChannel Visit the TOMY UK Website: ht...
Find the Sturme safety lights here in our Amazon Store........................... https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer20170928137 We Love Mail....... Schnauzer Mom PO Box 232 Swartz Creek Mi 48473 My email................................. farrellkim12@gmail.com Please join us on facebook........................ https://www.facebook.com/schnauzermom4ever/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel Join us on Instagram.................................................. https://www.instagram.com/schnauzermom.on.youtube/ Watch our Grooming Your Schnauzer Playlist here............ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1E6LrzPdrPhoIGjzMVoY341JMkJKNAfFi Affiliate links........ Grooming table I use.............. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IGNM0GU/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag;=schnamo...
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!! Make no mistake... this is Five Nights at Freddy's 6 and it is AMAZING! Get ready for all of your favorite characters (Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Baby, Ballora) and EVEN MORE crazy animatronics to make an appearance at my very own pizzeria... MORE Five Nights at Freddy's ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3tRBEVW0hiDL09lO0xjKEix84OY27xet Play FNAF 6 ► http://store.steampowered.com/app/738060/Freddy_Fazbears_Pizzeria_Simulator/
Hatchimals Twins with 2 animals in 1 egg new hot toy for 2017. The Sandaroo Family opens the new 2017 Hatchimals for this holiday season. We got the Hatchimals for free from Spin Master. Alex and Ava play in the backyard and hatch our cute new baby twin Hatchimal toys. ❤ About Us ❤ Sandaroo is a family channel with more toy reviews, compilations, vlogs and more fun from DisneyCarToys. Come join our family of 5 with Sandra, Mike, Alex, Ava and Adam on our family adventure. ❤ Video Endcard Links ❤ CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS Family Movie Night & Superhero Cape Flying Pretend Play + Jumping Off The Couch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnCUd9ZyL5w KID CAR WASH Vlog Behind The Scenes Sandaroo + Little Tikes Cozy Coupes Ride On Cars & Backyard Play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7M_ipx1YFs KID I...
Learning English with Mr Duncan. Sunday 17th December 2017. Another Live English lesson. Just 8 days left before Christmas. What do you want from Santa? Give me your wish list and who knows, you might just get what you want. As long as you've been good...and not naughty! We have the mystery idioms, Mr Steve, and a game to play...which involves removing the first or last letter from a word to crate a new word. Talking of words...Oxford Dictionary has announced the word of the year. Do you know what it is? Also, what action has been banned on the live stream Chinese internet? Mr Steve will give you a demonstration...LIVE! You are welcome to join in as well on the live chat. Direct donation through PAYPAL - http://www.paypal.me/misterduncan Misterduncan's PLAYLISTS Ask Misterduncan - h...
Beast Battle Simulator gameplay! Beast Battle Simulator is a funny PC game, where you create hilarious simulated battles of animals and dinosaurs, and the best part is, you can give them weapons! Today, it’s the new snake vs the T-Rex! Here is a description of Beast Battle Simulator by its developers Dog Hoggler: Beast Battle Simulator is a physics based battle-simulation sandbox game featuring dinosaurs and animals. Kamikaze Zebras VS. T-Rex with laser guns, Lions with machine guns VS. a flock of 50 seagulls; anything is possible! Watch as the beasts dismember and rip each other apart in gory detail! BBS is fully physics simulated, so the beasts can smash and knock each other over in emergent ways. They can even lose limbs depending on where they're hit or bitten. Every beast in the gam...
JapanCrate Japanese Candy Tasting and Rating! Thanks So Much For Watching! Please follow us on *INSTAGRAM* - http://instagram.com/themalweb Check us out on *Facebook* - https://www.facebook.com/TheMalWeb Yay! We are on *Twitter* too! - https://twitter.com/therealmalweb Please follow us on *Google+* - https://plus.google.com/114063199666142784004/posts See you in the next video! Playlists: Toy Hunts: - http://goo.gl/SrFkOg Challenges: - http://goo.gl/cNnjFU Cooking/Baking Shows: - http://goo.gl/TF8kkd Want a T Shirt, Hoodie or Button?? http://themalweb.spreadshirt.com
Products used in this project Wood 3D Sleigh;http://www.sacrafters.com/product/wood-3d-sleigh/ Christmas sentiments:My shop in process building;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTKO5tVvmdg&list;=UUwLajO-Biqr5Ucs5Wv0Ss1Q Don't forget to join Sa Crafters October challenges:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6_jqpQiRiw&list;=UUkTtTnRocw54wvU-STVulxA Sa Crafters blog for more info challenges;http://sacrafters.blogspot.com/2014/10/october-sa-crafters-challenges.html Don't forget Sa Crafters having DT call:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1HHahkY_uU&list;=UUkTtTnRocw54wvU-STVulxA Please Subscribe! Like! and Share! ❤ Join SaCrafters FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1516516691909233/ All the giveaways links Youtube giveaway;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vpU0iu9DhI&list;=UUkTtTnRocw54wvU-STVul...
Fun 1980's Candy Tasting! Have You Had Any Of These? Thanks So Much For Watching! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/wtts4G *NEW* Gaming Channel: https://goo.gl/B8QUjo Please follow us on *INSTAGRAM* - http://instagram.com/themalweb Check us out on *Facebook* - https://www.facebook.com/TheMalWeb Yay! We are on *Twitter* too! - https://twitter.com/therealmalweb Please follow us on *Google+* - https://plus.google.com/114063199666142784004/posts See you in the next video! Playlists: Toy Hunts: - http://goo.gl/SrFkOg Challenges: - http://goo.gl/cNnjFU Cooking/Baking Shows: - http://goo.gl/TF8kkd Want a T Shirt, Hoodie or Button?? http://themalweb.spreadshirt.com
►19th Vintage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX0vphqgpb95g9WiMgUj2wQ ►My Links: https://linktr.ee/thriftshophustler ►About Me: I'm a 30 year veteran in reselling and have collected a great amount of knowledge on collectibles and video games. I've sold on Ebay since 1995 and yahoo auctions before that. I just got into selling on Amazon FBA and Merch by Amazon in 2015. I've learned a lot about marketing with Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and more. ►Weekly Videos: I create weekly videos on stuff I find at Garage Sales, Thrift Shop, Flea Markets and Second hand stores. Also weekly videos on specific niches in the subject of collectibles, the series is called "Know Your Stuff" where I dive super deep into collectibles like Hot Wheels, Star Wars, Vintage Nintendo Games ...
**DISCLAIMER** my puppy was NOT purchased off the back of truck, if you read the description you will know he was purchased from a reputable breeder that I did PLENTY of research on. I would never purchase from the back of a truck or a puppy mill. So PLEASE keep your thoughts to yourself if you have nothing nice to say. I know I purchased a healthy puppy and although he was shipped by a puppy shipping company he came from a breeder in Oklahoma. He was very expensive, and it was winter time when we got him, so we chose to have him shipped this way because he was so tiny and they get more attention this way and he wouldn't be left outside in a crate being unloaded all alone at the airport, it was also substantially cheaper to ship him this way. So if you don't like it.. No offense but fuck o...
The December Freedom Japanese Market Surprise Box! Loaded with great treats and even a Kracie kit. Item provided by Japanese Freedom Market for review Visit Them ▶ http://bit.ly/FreedomJapaneseBox Lucky Penny Thoughts: I have to say this was a super tasty group of snacks. I thought the Jaga Shio Butter potato chips were one of the best tasting snacks I have ever had! I hope to do the Kracie kit soon in a video. Did you like this box of snacks? Later! LPS-Dave ▶▶ Product Info/Skip Times 1:05 Hello Kitty Chocolate 3:05 Ume Pachi, Pickled Plums - Meisan 4:47 Pure Gummy - Kanro 6:03 Tirol Chocolate 7:10 Christmas Umaka 8:20 Winter Poky - Glico 9:44 Jaga Shio Butter - Toho 10:57 Christmas Umaibo 12:07 Secret Neru Neru DIY 13:16 Lifegaurd 14:28 Styling Pop - Porcinini & Cream Cheese P...
https://www.5Starhookah.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fivestarhookah Also don't forget! To get an extra 15% off your order type in: JNUC at check out. Music: Janel Marisse - No Tomorrow. Purchase link here on Google Play! https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/Janel_Marisse?id=Aepvoqeopfcmezt4qjf33pnccaq or-------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.hookah-shisha.com/?idaffiliate=1094 Also don't forget! To get an extra 15% off your order over $25 type in: HOOKAHNUCKUH15 at check out. Not valid with items on sale. Music: Eli Mac - Dub Stop. Purchase link here on Google Play! https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/Eli_Mac?id=Amkmzylifsdyzzpbj3d4xxionye also--------------------------------------------------- REVIEWER SPOTLIGHT: To ...
"George and the Rhino" is the charming real-life story of George Phiri, a game scout and tracker who has dedicated his life to protecting the endangered black rhinoceros in Africa. From early childhood, George witnessed the effects of poaching on the rhino population in his home country of Malawi but could do nothing to stop it. Some twenty years ago, George left his birthplace and took a job in the South African Parks as monitor of its Pilanesberg rhino project. Now, some twenty years later, George is helping to realize his lifelong dream of seeing black rhinoceros reintroduced to Malawi in the hope of starting a new population. This film chronicles the story of George from his early childhood days through the successful relocation of his favorite rhino "Chimpanye" in Malawi. A compelling...
Art Attack is a British children's television series revolving around art. In this video Gaurav Juyal your "Dost" and host of the show will show you unique ideas of making some good and colourful things. To Check out the latest on Art Attack and more on Disney in Hindi, go to the provided links below. In this episode of Art Attack:- 1. Gaurav creates a magical piece. 2. Alex creates a very funny BIG art design. 3. A technique to draw characters. 4. A magical design which will amke you feel like a star. 5. Meet with Naryal Anna (a tree) who will give you a lesson. Subscribe to the Disneyindia Channel here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=disneyindia Return back to the Disneyindia Channel here: www.youtube.com/disneyindia Check out and LIKE our Disney I...
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Ensaio cinematográfico de longa metragem Duração: 100 minutos - Produzido em HDV 1920 x 1080 SINOPSE: Um homem e uma mulher juram que seus respectivos companheiros são borderlines, mas doze horas passadas nas vidas de ambos mostra uma realidade bem diferente. DRAMA PSICOLÓGICO Classificação indicativa: 14 anos (complexidade temática). Longa metragem de Lauro Pinotti com Raul Rozados, Carla Sapuppo, Jorge Lode, Maria Trevisan, Barbosa Neto e as vozes de Sara Pinotti e Lia Desjardins. Argumento, Roteiro, Montagem e Direção de Lauro Pinotti. Fotografia: R.R. Ribeiro. Produção Executiva de Sara Pinotti. Trilha Musical e Edição Sonora de Jerônimo Annichino. SEGUNDO LONGA METRAGEM DE FICÇÃO DO PROJETO “MINHA HOLLYWOOD É AQUI”, produzido por LAURO PINOTTI - Produtor Independente...
Discussion entre les étudiants de la Filière intégrée France-Caraïbes (FIFCA) de Sciences Po Bordeaux, 2016. Voir site de l'Institut du Tout-Monde, à la page : http://www.tout-monde.com/cycleplc.fifca.html
travel and adventure presents: best way to travel !!! how to travel africa , travel guide frome cape town to viktoria falls. epick trip to africa , safari , desert and savannah , game drive , cape town travel http://traveladventure.gr8.com On our family trip to Africa, we arrived in the city of Kassana in Botswana. We rented a private motorboat and rode the chobe river for several hours. During the cruise we saw amazing, funny and even scary shows. We opened the cruise on a tour near a crocodile, so close we could barely touch it. Were amazed by the giant reptile that was considered one of the dangerous animals. Later we met in an amazing Buffalo band that came to the pasture land to eat its breakfast. The boat continued to travel and the children were simply in ecstasy from the stunning ...
On part à la découverte de toutes les maisons et propriétés de Tamriel afin de voir ce que nous propose le nouveau DLC Homestead de The Elder Scrolls Online. J'espère que vos bourses sont pleines ! Abonnez-vous pour rester informé sur la mise en ligne des nouveaux contenus. Vous pouvez également me suivre sur Twitter ! Likez et commentez la vidéo si vous avez aimé pour un soutien à la chaîne. Crédits: - Musique intro et fin: Vexento - Masked Raver [NCS Release] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvc0hgt9I1g