DFCSS Sponsorship of Dundee Schools’ U15 Senior Sports Cup Final 2016/17

Result: Grove 1 – 2 Monifieth

In a hard fought match at Dens dominated mostly by Grove the ‘Man of the Match’ was Monifieth’s Ewan Stewart (pic.) who scored both of his team’s goals. Monifieth’s goalkeeper Jamie Lockhart ran him a very close second for the honour with a string ...

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Fantastic Trip To Motherwell!!!!

The Society Board wishes to sincerely thank all the supporters who filled the seats on the coach to Motherwell. The departing smiles seen in the photo were even bigger on the way back to Dundee and massive congratulations must also go to Neil McCann and the team for securing ...

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The DFCSS coach to Fir Park is now full.

The Society Board wishes to thank all those who've booked seats and apologise again to those we couldn't accommodate. Fingers now tightly crossed for a vital win!

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DFCSS Members Bus to Fir Park on Saturday 29th April - UPDATE

There's been a great response with the coach filling rapidly. Approximately 10 seats remain. Please check details below and email contact@dee4life.com if you'd like to reserve a place.

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DFCSS Members Bus to Fir Park on Saturday 29th April

The Society Board is keen to support Neil McCann and the team at this extremely critical stage of the season and in doing so give Society Members who would not otherwise be attending the game an opportunity to follow The Dees at Fir Park.
A 65 seat coach has been booked therefore ...

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On behalf of its Members’ the Society Board would like to thank Paul Hartley for his commitment and hard work as Manager and wish him all the very best for the future.
The Board would also like to welcome Neil McCann back to Dens and very much hope that his appointment will help ...

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The Society would like to thank everyone who attended the meeting at the Park House Hotel on Saturday morning. It proved to be a very constructive event with a wide range of positive suggestions made by those in attendance. Importantly all agreed that the Society needs to have a ...

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The Directors of the Society are delighted to announce that Fergus Storrier has been co-opted to serve as a Board member. Fergus is a lifelong supporter of the Club and rarely misses games, home or away. His appointment will add a considerable amount of additional skills and ...

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AGM Reminder

The Society AGM takes place this Saturday as detailed below and if you’re planning to attend please try to arrive between 10.00am and 10.20am for registration and a refreshment before the start.
If you're unsure whether or not you renewed your membership before memberships were ...

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2017 AGM Downloads

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the above named Society will be held at 10.30am on Saturday 15th April 2017. Please refer to '2017 AGM Notice letter and Agenda' in the downloads section for for full details.

All appropriate documents are also available ...

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Upcoming 2017 AGM

The DFCSS 2017 AGM details will be announced tomorrow 18/03/2017.


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DFCSS Board Number Shortages

Hi all

Over the past few years it has become very apparent that the society board does not have enough members in order to function as effectively as it might. This was borne in January when a meeting was called that I could not make and I couldn't get in touch with my fellow ...

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Nil By Mouth survey

Please see below email received from the charity Nil By Mouth and a link to a survey that they are undertaking.

This is something I'm sure we all feel strongly about so if you are so inclined please take the survey - takes about five minutes.


Good evening,

I am contacting ...

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James Fraser Dundee FC 1949 - 51

I was made aware of Jimmy Fraser whilst talking to a girl at work who turned out to be his Granddaughter. During the conversation she mentioned that the family had a few mementos of Jimmy's time as a professional player at Dundee and afterwards at Yeovil Town.

Included was the ...

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2016 Minutes

Minutes of some meetings held during 2016 have been uploaded to the downloads and minutes section of this website.

The most recent set of society accounts have now been submitted clearing the way for the organisation of an AGM. Please bear with us on this as it is not a quick ...

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Sportsman's Dinner 27th November 2016

Please see the below from Dave Forbes. Dave organised a very successful sportsman's / legend's dinner on Sunday 27th November which was extremely well attended by fans and former players alike.

'I'd like to place on record my thanks to all who attended the Sportsman's Dinner in ...

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Back up and running

At last we are back up and running with the website and will be posting news articles and information on an ongoing basis.

Watch this space for updates.

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