Showing posts with label Kings of Leon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kings of Leon. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2008

Kings of Leon sure are skinny.
Click here to grow a handlebar moustache...with streamers.

Do you remember when the Strokes embarked on the Room on fire tour and life was just awesome? They brought these guys along for the ride and aren't we all so glad they did? When we first heard the Youth and Young Manhood record, weren't we all a little bit like "what the hell is this southern guy saying?"

We didn't stop playing it did we? Of course not because they were damn great! I have mixed feelings about their latest album, but I'd still recommend it to anyone looking for a rockin' great time.

This offering is from a 2006 concert. The sound is awesome and so are the selection of tunes. Enjoy it and be sure to thank the original taper before you fall asleep tonight and dream of sharks with arms that do nothing but listen to NPR news. I don't actually know what I'm talking about, so I'm gonna go now.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Features have an exhibit today.
Click here for help with the skirts.

I can't tell you anything about this band except:
A. They are really good.
B. They are loud.
C. They are friends with the Kings of Leon.