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  • Comment Featured Corbyn the underdog can win – just like his beloved Arsenal did on Saturday

    Corbyn the underdog can win – just like his beloved Arsenal did on Saturday

    On Saturday, Jeremy Corbyn was at Wembley stadium watching the FA Cup final as his beloved Arsenal took on Chelsea, who had just won the Premier League title with 18 points more than the Gunners. Despite Arsenal’s status as the underdog, they were victorious on the day and carved out a convincing win. Probably referring to his own status as the “underdog”, Corbyn bantered with fellow Arsenal fan Robert Peston on Sunday remarking that “underdogs win!”. Corbyn went into this […]

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  • Featured News Public are warming to Corbyn, says pollster, as Tory lead is slashed

    Public are warming to Corbyn, says pollster, as Tory lead is slashed

    Labour has slashed the Tories’ poll lead by two thirds as more voters come round to the view that Jeremy Corbyn could be the best prime minister. Corbyn’s party has cut the government’s lead to six points, down from 18 just a fortnight ago, according to a survey published today. The Survation research showed the Tories on 43 per cent and Labour on 37 as the opposition continued to make gains at the expense of smaller parties. The collapse in […]

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  • Comment Europe Featured Scotland Ian Murray: May’s pitch to Scotland is mean, pessimistic and parochial

    Ian Murray: May’s pitch to Scotland is mean, pessimistic and parochial

    With just ten days to go before the country goes to the polls on June 8, the choice confronting voters across the country couldn’t be starker. In my own seat of Edinburgh South it has only ever been a straight fight between Labour and the SNP, regardless of how other parties spin their spurious figures in the polls. As the 2015 result showed and as the bookmaker’s know, the Tories are just too far behind in Edinburgh South. However, the […]

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  • Comment Featured The Maybot malfunctions as calm Corbyn sends out “Monsieur Zen” to tackle serious terrorism questions

    The Maybot malfunctions as calm Corbyn sends out “Monsieur Zen” to tackle serious terrorism questions

    Jeremy Corbyn breezed through his biggest test of the election campaign so far with a calm performance that reflected his new friend “Monsieur Zen”. This French chap was on show for much of the evening as the veteran socialist fended off questions on everything from Labour’s business policy to those contact with the IRA. Corbyn came through the double whammy of an audience Q&A and then a face-off with Jeremy Paxman with, on balance, reputation enhanced. For some on the centre-left in […]

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  • Featured News Gwynne demands answers before May and Corbyn take part in TV showdown

    Gwynne demands answers before May and Corbyn take part in TV showdown

    Labour has marked the return to political campaigning by demanding Theresa May answer six key questions over her manifesto u-turn and the “betrayal” of Britain’s pensioners. Andrew Gwynne, Labour’s election co-ordinator, said May’s pitch to voters had “plunged into insecurity” both retirees and working people. Campaigning was suspended for several days last week, following the Manchester atrocity, but has resumed over the weekend, albeit in subdued form. Now, with both May and Jeremy Corby set to face an in-depth interview […]

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