Sled Dogs
An idyllic portrait has been promoted by both the tourism industry and the dog sledding world for decades in an attempt to maximize profits while concealing a sometimes gruesome reality.
Sunday, May 28 at 9 PM
Clean Eating: The Dirty Truth
Delve into the latest diet trends that cut out meat, sugar, grains and gluten. This new thinking can be enticing, but the scientific proof can be suspect or even absent altogether.
Sunday, May 28 at 10 PM
Canada: The Story of Us
An epic adventure history series that tells the story of our country. Meet the change makers and rule breakers, dreamers and visionaries, scientists and entrepreneurs who forged a nation in a vast and harsh land. Full series now online.
Watch Algonquin Park Come Alive At Night
As the sun sets and the stars shine amongst the glow of northern lights, a cast of delightful creatures emerge.

When to Watch

The Nature of Things

Watch on CBC Television

Thursdays 8 p.m.

Sundays 2 p.m.


Watch on CBC Television

Thursdays 9 p.m.

The Passionate Eye

Watch on CBC News Network

Saturdays 10 p.m. ET/PT

Sundays 8 p.m. ET

Sundays 10 p.m. ET/PT


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JJ Neepin recreates her great-grandfather’s portrait and explores the responsibility of wearing a headdress. Watch Now

Peace River Rising

Peace River Rising

Helen Knott, a Dane-Zaa/Nehiyaw social worker, poet and activist, explores the connection between violence against Indigenous women and violence against the land. Watch Now

Deeply Rooted

Deeply Rooted

Filmmaker Cazhhmere is a 7th-generation black Canadian. Despite this deep history, she’s constantly asked to explain where she’s from — even though the answer is always “Canada.” Watch Now

Web Exclusives

Is Clean Eating the Best Approach to Better Health?

Gluten-free, plant-based, alkaline — does science support these trendy diets?

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Meet the Neighbours: Tracking Wildlife in Our Backyards

Contrary to popular perception, urban spaces are teeming with critters - from raccoons to coyotes.

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10 Strange Facts About Canada’s Climate

Canada is a tall as it is wide. So lucky us — we get to experience all the weather.

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Real Talk About Mental Illness: 4 Firsthand Docs to Watch

One in five Canadians will be diagnosed with mental illness during their lifetimes.

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Spring Sexytime in the Canadian Wilderness

As the weather becomes more hospitable, members of the animal kingdom return from their winter hideouts, and they’re on the hunt for appealing hook-ups.

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6 Totally Adorable Baby Animals from The Nature of Things

Need a little pick me up? Let these cute baby puffins, foxes and beluga whales put a smile on your face.

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